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US responsible for the Murder of Pakistani Troops - Pak Rejects NATO Probe

I think all border posts also have flares.....so you don't need fireworks...but just colored flares that can signal that Americans are in the wrong territory.

Warning shots and flares are all standard rules of engagement. But then VCheng........

On the off chance that these were Taliban..
Warning flares would mean inviting an RPG.
Scapegoating through punishing the local commander is the least these yanks could do, but then that's not acceptable to us.

The easiest thing that can be done in a situation like this is to put the blame of the entire episode/confusion/mistake on the local commander;

Also to make the story flowery, say that he was acting at his own without the approval of the higher command

Then to nail the situation, also make the 'culprit' accept his 'mistake'

Or sari kahani ko Loha karnay kliye, tell the dude to come on CNN and 'apologize' to the Pakistani Nation and the families of the deceased, and shed a few tears, i mean to make it more real.

Aahh..the oldest tactics of govts to save their azzes after they have been caught with their hand inside the cookie jar.

the "report" conveniently omits the mention of the repeated distress calls from Pakistani side that they were being fired upon by the Yanks. the soldiers at the post and their commanders had no “confusion” who was attacking them.

I don’t know how many levels of communication and coordination would be sufficient for the Americans to avoid such attacks. just to ensure that their story hold truth, they knocked out the communications in the initial assault. One wonders the level of confusion of the Americans who though that militants would have been sitting on hilltops with several meter high antennas and aerials for communication.

It’s a high time that ISPR does a press conference and presents to the world , the maps it was sharing with the Yanks. so that we all know “how inaccurate” the mapping really was.
If PA has the recordings of the conversation with the NATO forces during the attack then that will be even better and will expose all lies.
Incorrect.. the F-15E was designed from the outset as a dedicated strike fighter based on the F-15C airframe.
Its primary mission in Afghanistan is close air support.. believe me. Its on the USAF site as well.
That does not mean that the F-15E cannot perform CAP's or fighter sweeps.

Here you go:

The F-15E's deep strike mission is a radical departure from the original intent of the F-15, since the F-15 was designed as an air superiority fighter under the mantra "not a pound for air-to-ground."[14] The basic airframe, however, proved versatile enough to produce a very capable strike fighter. The F-15E, while designed for ground attack, retains the air-to-air lethality of the F-15, and can defend itself against enemy aircraft.[15] McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i would put my neck out and say that this is the turning point for pakistan. Kayani will play his cards well its clear america can not chieve their geo political aims without pakistani help and they are not going to get that with raw running afghanistan. Its only stupid imbeciles like zardari and arrogant americans that think they can cut PA to size in pakistan without us getting our pound of flesh The only way americans get the silk road crax is to get india to agree on kashmir on pakistani terms, and firstly india wont play ball and its unlikely americans will ask them

---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------

That is so right. Memogate, Abbottabad, Mehran base, etc, etc are all connected. There is conspiracy going on against Pakistan. I hope it does not become like 1971 all over again with Balochistan and Tribal areas boiling already. We have to smarten up. I guess you have all seen and heard about the 2015 maps for Pakistan in which Pakistan is broken up. Well, 2015 is coming up and things are getting messier by the day. We have to be careful.

dont wory all in hand i am confident and for all their faults have complete faith in PA & ISI. Have you noticed how the virulent attacks on priopaganda on PA from west thats the best signal for me that PA is a thorn in their side
I think he means that we should send a SMS to NATO soldiers and ask them whats up dude :hitwall:

No actually there are military emergency frequencies which are used to give warning. For example I guess for air it is 121.5 Mhz. I do not know about the ground and navy. But the procedures are there and are proven and are used world wide. That is how they use. In air defense actually whenever they see a object flying near the border they automatically warn it to stay away on these frequencies.
These murdering mothers are incompetent to distinguish between a gun and a camera even in broad day light. Any wonder then the Aussies, Canadian and Brits have been at the receiving end in the so called friendly fire, however in Pakistan's case, there is no excuse since there were no unfriendly forces operating in the area.Simply no ifs and buts It was a deliberate cold blooded murder of our boys and some one must pay the price.

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Warning shot.. how else were they supposed to get the attention of the intruder..fireworks??

I understand warning shots have been fired lots of times in the past. The chance of a warning burst actually being perceived as an attack would be small, but non-zero. Compound that by a series of mistakes by the other side, and the result is the tragedy.
I think all border posts also have flares.....so you don't need fireworks...but just colored flares that can signal that Americans are in the wrong territory.

Warning shots and flares are all standard rules of engagement. But then VCheng........

thanks for reminding me that.

indeed the flares leave no doubt at all and might help in avoiding such incidents from happening.
but do you remember that in iraq the same flares didnt save the British Armor colum which "DID" deploy flares after beign attacked but the American A-10 pilots kept on straffing and were heard jocking and giggling on the injured British soldiers crawling out of their vehicles.

shared map info failed
distress calls failed
white flag failed

I dont have much hope from flares but I hope that is tried out too.
No actually there are military emergency frequencies which are used to give warning. For example I guess for air it is 121.5 Mhz. I do not know about the ground and navy. But the procedures are there and are proven and are used world wide. That is how they use. In air defense actually whenever they see a object flying near the border they automatically warn it to stay away on these frequencies.
i dont think so its applicable on ground forces too . may be someone can shed a light on this . warning shots are usually fired

It’s a high time that ISPR does a press conference and presents to the world , the maps it was sharing with the Yanks. so that we all know “how inaccurate” the mapping really was.
If PA has the recordings of the conversation with the NATO forces during the attack then that will be even better and will expose all lies.


NOW is the best time for responding with those details, not later. NOW.
I think the fault lies with us from day one. The minute that americans have allowed indians to have several consulates in afghanistan we should have told them no. we have been coy with them and then the likes of benazir and her corrupt XXXX husband aka president of pakistan types gave them the impression that they might be able to get away with their nefarious plot to upgrade india and down grade us for a few bill us dollars
I think the fault lies with us from day one. The minute that americans have allowed indians to have several consulates in afghanistan we should have told them no. we have been coy with them and then the likes of benazir and her corrupt XXXX husband aka president of pakistan types gave them the impression that they might be able to get away with their nefarious plot to upgrade india and down grade us for a few bill us dollars

when i said I meant pakistani i meant traitors like zardari and others who defend american actions lol didnt expect a thank you from cheng the bongiman lol
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