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US responsible for the Murder of Pakistani Troops - Pak Rejects NATO Probe

As they communicated with NATO allies called 'pak mil'

what is pak mil?

Forces on the ground asked NATO for a report on the area, the Journal reported, and were told in a radio transmission: "We are not tracking any pak mil (Pakistan military) in the area."

"our reliance on incorrect mapping information ... contributed to this tragic result."
Lol, hilarious incorrect mapping. There is no mistakes!
VCheng: pakistani army is not professional, i believe NATO is making thorough investigation not like these unprofessional army who just published report in 2 days, i dont believe it, there is something wrong which pakistanis dont wanna admit, i will wait for 23rd

abe jaa yaar VCheng, you drama queen, go hide in some gutter now
AFP: NATO, Pakistan both to blame for air strikes: probe

The only Mistake Pakistan made was not sending Airforce to shoot down their Helicopters..I hope Pakistan doesnt repeat this mistake.
If our Air Chief is loyal to our country and nation then obviously he will shoot down the intruding planes of US/NATO... If he a traitor for $$$ then he will repeat the same mistake and the same is true for Mr Kiyani as well. I hope our defence forces won't turn our nation down this time.I don't want the blood of our innocent soldiers go in vain..:smokin:
There is no explanation of why they kept on attacking... Moreover there was nothing left of the post to identify who fired first.
Yeah, after May 2 the yanks should have been careful, very, very , very careful as its sheer common sense that once an adventure like that of May 2 has taken place, the Pakistani forces would be on guard to thwart any repetition such an action, conversely the yankees instead of going a step further to indicate us of a joint operation, sneaked up behind our backs and when we responded in kind they 'called in the air support' (the best these yanks could do when caught in a fcuked up situation), and then they didnt stop on that, they went further and failed to make use of the 'coordinate sharing (of posts) between Pakistan and ISAF' and also when informed about the mistake from the Pakistani side through the hotline, didnt bother to stop.

It was a fringing preplanned op, they can say whatever and scapegoat whomever to cover up their behinds now!
:rofl::rofl::rofl:, its a curious case of amir liaquat hussain

from our unprofessional self proclaimed journalist/analyst :rofl::rofl:

The iceberg behind the tip(abe english tu thek kerle)

The recent unfortunate incident between NATO and PA has raised a firestorm within Pakistan, and grave concerns internationally.

ISPR has already put forth its official statement on the issue, but since the final NATO report is not yet out, it would not be productive to comment on the events of that night at this point in time. However, since chess is never won by emotions, this would be a good time to see in a coldly logical manner what iceberg lays behind the tip that surfaced only a few days ago.
From the moment an incident like this happens, there are mechanisms in place to capture a wealth of data, so comprehensively voluminous that it can take months to analyze fully. The data gathered start from the site of the event, and collection concentrates on the chain of propagation, i.e., how and where information is communicated, in addition to what is being communicated. After suitable analysis, what emerges is a flow of information, with the sentinel event in the center, and all the ripples radiating outwards, with all the nuances captured in detail.

This map displays critical nodes and junctions where certain ripples in the flow of information come together, and their timing. Specially important are holdups and delays, if any can be identified. All this information is combed over to identify suitable sites to inject carefully selected pieces of information that have the potential to utterly confuse and demoralize and indeed even cause totally opposite reactions from the opponent at a crucial chosen time.

What is then created is the “haze”, the mass of confusing and conflicting information that breaks down established procedures, causing the opponent irreparable harm. Is it any wonder that the response of both the PA and the PAF was less than robust in the recent event? After all, these are regarded as two of the most professional military entities anywhere on the entire planet, where the slogan “Second to None” once held real meaning and pride, and thus the other possibility, sheer and utter incomptence, cannot be a feasible or sufficient explanation.KHEKHEKHEKHEKHE :lol::sick::bad:

Pakistan would do well to attempt to analyze the full scale of its vulnerabilities exposed by the current event, for it is a sure thing that all the information collected as described above, will be available for use for any possible future events, not only in the arena that generated it, but by other parties in other theaters as well, if updated and shared.

International geopolitics has been likened to a chess game quite often with good reason, but in modern times, the level of complexity has gone up manifold, enabled by immense technological resources in such a manner that each square on the board has its own chess game while participating in the overall match as well. A novice in penury playing chess with a seasoned Grandmaster cannot count on a few pea shooters in the pocket to be protected from an utterly crushing defeat.

Therein lies an important realization if it were to be made.

who is unprofessional now vcheng????????????????????, you and your nato are only the most unprofessional guys here
It was a fringing preplanned op, they can say whatever and scapegoat whomever to cover up their behinds now!

Our govt PA & ISI must take this into account from now on, actually they know it and so far god bless pak army and isi for actions taken so far:pakistan:
This morning the Department of Defense spokesperson gave out the following statement regarding Investigation results into Pakistan cross-border incident: The investigation into the 25-26 November engagement between U.S. and Pakistani military forces across the border has been completed. The findings and conclusions were forwarded to the Department through the chain of command. The results have also been shared with the Pakistani and Afghan governments, as well as key NATO leadership.

The investigating officer found that U.S. forces, given what information they had available to them at the time, acted in self defense and with appropriate force after being fired upon. He also found that there was no intentional effort to target persons or places known to be part of the Pakistani military, or to deliberately provide inaccurate location information to Pakistani officials.

Nevertheless, inadequate coordination by U.S. and Pakistani military officers operating through the border coordination center -- including our reliance on incorrect mapping information shared with the Pakistani liaison officer -- resulted in a misunderstanding about the true location of Pakistani military units. This, coupled with other gaps in information about the activities and placement of units from both sides, contributed to the tragic result.

For the loss of life -- and for the lack of proper coordination between U.S. and Pakistani forces that contributed to those losses -- we express our deepest regret. We further express sincere condolences to the Pakistani people, to the Pakistani government, and most importantly to the families of the Pakistani soldiers who were killed or wounded.

Our focus now is to learn from these mistakes and take whatever corrective measures are required to ensure an incident like this is not repeated. The chain of command will consider any issues of accountability. More critically, we must work to improve the level of trust between our two countries. We cannot operate effectively on the border -- or in other parts of our relationship -- without addressing the fundamental trust still lacking between us. We earnestly hope the Pakistani military will join us in bridging that gap.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Thank you for that post here; says all it needs to say. Now let's see how Pakistan responds officially.
Thank you for that post here; says all it needs to say. Now let's see how Pakistan responds officially.
Pakistan will respond officially by shooting down their planes this time.....Insha-Allah!........:smokin:
Thank you for that post here; says all it needs to say. Now let's see how Pakistan responds officially.

Pakistan’s military spokesman said he was angry at Washington trying to spin the story with selective briefings to journalists

“But it’s neither surprising nor unusual,” added Major General Athar Abbas. “This is how their system works.”

US concedes responsiblity for Nato airstrike - Telegraph
Question is..why with illumination...with FLIR.. with NVG.. were US troops unable to identify regular troops from Militants.
However, blue on blue incidents have occurred before.. but are becoming more of a rarity in the days of modern technology.
If Pakistan makes those conditions crystal clear, then they would be taken on board I am sure.
Those conditions have already been made clear - the US has chosen to not abide by them, as has been made clear in this incident.

This is the 8th incident, not the first. The mechanism to share information before carrying out strikes was set up precisely to avoid such events.
Pakistan’s military spokesman said he was angry at Washington trying to spin the story with selective briefings to journalists

“But it’s neither surprising nor unusual,” added Major General Athar Abbas. “This is how their system works.”

US concedes responsiblity for Nato airstrike - Telegraph
Yes! their system works totally on lies and deceptions cuz they don't have any clean/true face to show the world.......:smokin:
Question is..why with illumination...with FLIR.. with NVG.. were US troops unable to identify regular troops from Militants.
However, blue on blue incidents have occurred before.. but are becoming more of a rarity in the days of modern technology.

Trigger happy, warmongering red-necks .....
Question is..why with illumination...with FLIR.. with NVG.. were US troops unable to identify regular troops from Militants.
However, blue on blue incidents have occurred before.. but are becoming more of a rarity in the days of modern technology.

Tab's do not have permanent military posts - with boundary walls etc, it would be suicide for them, it is inconceivable that the Yanks thought this was the taliban.
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