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US Politics

I'm white. There are no masters in the US. Your government thinks of you as being inferior to where they have to control you from the cradle to the grave. They tell you how to speak, behave, listen to, and read, because of the low opinion they have yo...and we agree with the CCP in this regard. Even blacks in S Africa pre apartheid had more rights given to them from their government over what you have now. :wave:
Lol... The bitter admittance of being Indian must have felt inferior to u. Your past track posting already reveal your race.

But I can understand your rationale since being Indian has little to brag about or argue against others more superior nation. :enjoy:
Lol... The bitter admittance of being Indian must have felt inferior to u. Your past track posting already reveal your race.

But I can understand your rationale since being Indian has little to brag about or argue against others more superior nation. :enjoy:

You can call me Indian until the cows come home. AND if I were, I would still be an American with more rights than a Chinese. How sad it is to have your own Chinese government take one look at your kind and said, "yup- we need to make sure we tell them what to say, behave, read, and act". Can't get treated any more as an inferior... :yes4:

How many black people, Jews and Arabs did the Chinese shoot up in the past decade again?

Meanwhile you hypocritical white pigs have murdered 2 million in the Middle East and made 55 million homeless.

Idiot, you don't have to kill people to be an extreme racist.
David Duke was a leader of the KKK and he didn't kill anybody.
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I think you'd rather ask the US military to pull your butt off the edge of a cliff than Duke....because he would just laugh at you.
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The Pakistanis jumping for joy at this news seem to forget that Indians and Pakistanis get clubbed together in the eyes of an illiterate red-neck.
You can call me Indian until the cows come home. AND if I were, I would still be an American with more rights than a Chinese. How sad it is to have your own Chinese government take one look at your kind and said, "yup- we need to make sure we tell them what to say, behave, read, and act". Can't get treated any more as an inferior... :yes4:
Indeed , the right to rape, slave, violent ,cheat, steal and discriminate against others are also part of the package as American.

I will rather stay as Chinese citizen to enjoy more fairer and peaceful lives. I do not want to be killed by covid-19 as part of the package of freedom offer by USA. :enjoy:

Let me repeat again. White racist american will never accept Indian as their own.
Typical side track. Did Chinese place cardboard to discriminate other races or legal to do so? After American white proven to be racist, all u can do is to accuse others of sin to divert your criminal act. :enjoy:

You just prove my reply.

Hey remember the signs like this in China..you have a short memory :enjoy:
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The Pakistanis jumping for joy at this news seem to forget that Indians and Pakistanis get clubbed together in the eyes of an illiterate red-neck.

But you guys were the ones making temples for trump and kissing his behind.. we are jumping in joy from that perspective
Still even ignoring this, its hilarious that a group of people who constantly claim to be the successors of "ancient civilisations" dont even have ownership of their own name. I guess thats what happens though when you name your country after an already used geographical expression.
I can't count the number of times I have come across the "India" being used to appropropriate everything including our hertitage all because of the name "India". Nice to see now Indian's trying wiggle out of the "India" web they normally spin.

The placard was talking about American-Indians (also known as Native Americans) and not Asian Indians or Indian-Americans.
If only all of your 5ft 4inches could write a legible sentence ;) , nevertheless why would I enjoy the killing of our countrymen?

I'm no where near 5ft 4, which is quite exact by the way I feel for you. Oh and plenty of folks have met me off here to prove that. You make me laugh (not a compliment) and just like the many other voices on the net I've come across over the years, all hot air, that I couldn't give a toss about.
As for "legible" sentences, it's dumbed down for your level, please appreciate the things I do for you.

As for the killing of your 'countrymen', you were the one laughing at their cries for help. Folks like yourself often have a more gratuitous side to them.
Maybe a ban is suitable for you. @waz

Here is PDF and not Indian defence forum. If u are not happy, u can leave. :enjoy:

Nobody forced u to stay and whined.

No I’m enjoying watching him act up. It’s hilarious.
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Trump FIRES cybersecurity chief, after his agency calls election ‘most secure in history’

President Donald Trump has fired the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency head Chris Krebs over a "highly inaccurate" elections’ statement. The agency stated that the 2020 election was the most secure in US history.
“The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud – including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, ‘glitches’ in the voting machines which changed votes from Trump to Biden, late voting, and many more,” Trump tweeted on Tuesday evening, adding that Krebs has been terminated “effective immediately.”

Technically, it wasn’t Krebs who issued the statement, but advisory bodies to CISA, the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Elections Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committee. “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the two bodies said on Thursday, in a statement published by CISA.
Since then, however, thousands of votes have been found on memory sticks and the Trump campaign presented a list of people who allegedly voted while dead in several states. Mainstream media outlets have cited the CISA-publishes statement as proof there had been no “widespread” or “systemic” fraud in the November 3 election, while social media platforms have cracked down on any deviations from that line by labeling them as “disputed.”

And how ironic is it that the final count is exactly the same as in 2016? Except he's the one with the 232 and not Hilary or Biden and I doubt Biden will spend the next year flaunting what a "landslide" victory it was like he did for even more than a year. Karma is a bitch.
Even though, the 2020 electoral vote is exactly the same as the 2016 electoral vote. But the popular vote totals are substantially different from 2016, in 2016 Hillary defeated Trump in the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Biden so far has secured nearly 6 million more votes than Trump.

Now, that is a landslide. :D
Libya, Syria & made Iraq worse, "arab spring"... Iraq & Afghanistan... Kosovo, blue dress and cigar

and a muslim cheering these scoundrels, how pathetic


first president since Carter to not start a major war
Israeli Arab peace deal
Kosovo Serbia peace deal
Dialogue with DPRK
Wiped out ISIS
No regime change in Syria
Anyway, what the orangutan is doing now by not conceding and trying everything in his power to cast fraud on the electoral process is shameful. It's a culmination of what we, as Americans, have dealt with in the past 4 years with this clown in charge of the highest office seat. Every day it's a slap in the face with whatever new bombshell this completely inept clown is going to do now. Honestly I think the larger majority of this country can't wait until he disappears and there is some semblance of normalcy that returns to everyday political life. And especially to take control of this virus before it really destroys this country.

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