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Totally agree. Even here in the NorthEast where it is more of a melting pot I rarely ever saw an Indian before 1990. None even in a college with International students. First worked with a single one in 1994 in a big company. It was only after the dotcom bust that they started being noticeable. Now I see a lot of them.

Started noticing them in very large numbers just in the last 10-15 years. It hit me when I would go to camping sites and stop by the big visitor centers where tourists go and I would see huge Indian families with their extended relatives milling around taking photos, even though they never went hiking or camping. LMAO
Native Americans are 0.8% of their population. Indians are 5.9% of the population excluding American born.

Still even ignoring this, its hilarious that a group of people who constantly claim to be the successors of "ancient civilisations" dont even have ownership of their own name. I guess thats what happens though when you name your country after an already used geographical expression.
The placard was by some redneck from South Dakota where natives are 5% of population and Indians less than 0.1% (and lots of racial tensions between whites and natives in SD).

Anways the natives got the name Indians from us as Columbus thought he reached India and not vice versa
The placard was by some redneck from South Dakota where natives are 5% of population and Indians less than 0.1% (an dlots of racual tensions between whites and natives in SD).

Anways the natives got the name Indians from us as Columbus thought he reached India and not vice versa

Oh, if it was in SD, then it was definitely about the Native Americans then. A lot of tension between the Lakota and Whites there.
Started noticing them in very large numbers just in the last 10-15 years. It hit me when I would go to camping sites and stop by the big visitor centers where tourists go and I would see huge Indian families with their extended relatives milling around taking photos, even though they never went hiking or camping. LMAO

Dotcom bust (2000) made getting computer science degrees not appealing anymore. When tech got hot again H1B's started rolling in to fill in the manpower gaps.
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The placard was by some redneck from South Dakota where natives are 5% of population and Indians less than 0.1% (and lots of racial tensions between whites and natives in SD).

Anways the natives got the name Indians from us as Columbus thought he reached India and not vice versa

It is funny how you people are confused with natives and are basically invisible considering you literally claimed to be running NASA in the past. It seems despite all the Trump worshiping, his supporters still dont even attribute the term "Indian" to you people.

... and like I said despite all of you claiming to be the succesors of "ancient civilisations", all you actually did was name your country after an established geographical term so naturally there would be some confusion.

No way are they 5.9%. I think that's the number for Asians as a whole. I think Indians are only maybe 1% if even that.

Yeah my bad I mean, of the total non-american population Indians are 5.9%, off the entire population that same group is around 1%.
Nowhere near as racist as Chinese. You guys are maybe only outdone by the Koreans who don't like anybody (including white people).

Get a bunch of Chinese together in a conversation and they'll openly and happily sh*t on every people from Asia and Africa. It's so bad they even scold their kids for wasting time having them as friends. It's like being at a KKK meeting except everybody under the hoods is Chinese. Definitely not politically correct.


How many black people, Jews and Arabs did the Chinese shoot up in the past decade again?

Meanwhile you hypocritical white pigs have murdered 2 million in the Middle East and made 55 million homeless.
I guess it hurts u badly to be classify as inferior by your white master in US. :enjoy:
Nowhere near as racist as Chinese. You guys are maybe only outdone by the Koreans who don't like anybody (including white people).

Get a bunch of Chinese together in a conversation and they'll openly and happily sh*t on every people from Asia and Africa. It's so bad they even scold their kids for wasting time having them as friends. It's like being at a KKK meeting except everybody under the hoods is Chinese. Definitely not politically correct.
Typical side track. Did Chinese place cardboard to discriminate other races or legal to do so? After American white proven to be racist, all u can do is to accuse others of sin to divert your criminal act. :enjoy:

You just prove my reply.
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Looks like your flock started the party without you guys... @The Eagle @waz Do chime in.

Can’t be as bad yourself oh moral one one the high horse , enjoyed the killing of any Kashmiris lately? You were laughing in the face of the legitimate grievances.
Can’t be as bad yourself oh moral one one the high horse , enjoyed the killing of any Kashmiris lately? You were laughing in the face of the legitimate grievances.
If only all of your 5ft 4inches could write a legible sentence ;) , nevertheless why would I enjoy the killing of our countrymen?
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If indians don't like PDF then they are more than welcome to leave. NO-ONE is forcing them to be here. There are literally 1000s of indian forums for them to go to.
I guess it hurts u badly to be classify as inferior by your white master in US. :enjoy:

I'm white. There are no masters in the US. Your government thinks of you as being inferior to where they have to control you from the cradle to the grave. Even blacks in S Africa pre apartheid had more rights given to them from their government over what you have now. :wave:
IF whites start to beat indians, there is NOTHING the indians will be able to do about it......... :azn:

Unlike Muslims and blacks, indians cannot physically handle whites.......... 8-)

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