I'm not against tax cuts. I think more money left in people's pockets the better. My issue is the increase in deficits that this tax cut will cause. It's always the same problem year-after-year: too much spending. It seems neither party is interested in cutting spending, but only increasing or decreasing taxes.
If you really simplify it, most of the tax cuts go to the very wealthy, it's that simple. That is the #1 problem with this bill. The business rate is the primary concern for the orange-headed baboon, not the average middle-class voter and that tells a lot. Then you mentioned the deficit; think of who is gong to be stuck with a $4 trillion rise in the current deficit as a result of this bill? Our kids and grand-kids, that's who. Yes, it's going to be $4 trillion and not $1.3 trillion that they're trying to sell us. The great Leon Panetta (former Secretary of Defense, CIA director, White House Chief of Staff and director of Management and Budget so if anyone knows what they're talking about it's this guy,) he had a very detailed description of how it will get to that number and it made a ton of sense.
And probably the worst part is the blatant con from the baboon and his fearful pawns, that this will bring back jobs to the US! Does this goofball really think we are that stupid!? This is the genius that people were touting about?
You saw his cutting of all the federal regulations and who do these federal regulations control? All the banks and the crooks on wall street, that's who. And who would benefit from that? You and me? Or the other 93% of Americans out there? Look at the deregulation of banks that got us into the epic, economic collapse of 2008. All the people making millions and billions don't want regulations so they can weasel the system and take advantage of the smaller guys. This is textbook, crook Donald Trump in action. It's amazing how blatantly obvious this is. At the same time, we're being thrown crumbs to appease us ad make it sound like we're the ones that are being helped. Yeah, ok.
Then they asked the department of treasury to submit an outline that explains what the tax changes are and how this tax bill will pay for itself and how it will bring jobs back to the US and what are the conditions that need to change (AUTOMATICALLY) in the bill so that if they see the numbers not working n a few years, the new regs are changed automatically to make the proper adjustments, sort of a "fail safe" so that we can avert a fiscal abyss in time. So you figured a document by the secretary of treasury on how all of this would be solved, would be the size of an encyclopedia, right? It was 1 page!!! 1 PAGE! Look at the language on this thing they handed out to the media. Look at the first line for the the "Goals" of the plan loool.
Written by the biggest money hoarding mongrel clown and his twisted money grubbing trophy wife. These are the wonderful people who are in public service because they really care about you and me.
You know the story about these two idiots who took a government plane (and not just a small jet, but one of the big turquoise ones) and went to Fort Knox just to look at the money!? This was part of their lovely honeymoon. lobolobo.
Look at this!
This is the guy who wrote a 1 page paper memo on how this tax bill will not affect the country's eventual rise in deficit or $4 BILLION. People really don't realize how bad the situation is in that zoo that's called the White House. It looks like a bunch of children are running the biggest and most powerful government in the world.
If it truly was a good, sound tax bill that everyone benefited from and actually helped reduce spending and showed proper, fiscal judgment on the future of the deficit and the country, it wouldn't be voted on right down the middle of party lines, for a 3rd time. You would see at least a solid majority vote for it, not straight down party lines. Can you imagine what the other plans that were voted against looked like if this 1 con-job page passed?