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Scott Adams' Blog
Be Careful What You Wish For (especially if it is Hitler)
Posted January 29th, 2017 @ 11:50am in #Trump #immigration

As a trained persuader, I’m seeing a dangerous situation forming that I assume is invisible to most of you. The setup is that during the presidential campaign Trump’s critics accused him of being Hitler(ish) and they were sure other citizens would see it too, thus preventing this alleged monster from taking office.

They were wrong. The alleged monster took office.

Now you have literally millions of citizens in the United States who were either right about Trump being the next Hitler, and we will see that behavior emerge from him soon, or they are complete morons. That’s a trigger for cognitive dissonance. The science says these frightened folks will start interpreting all they see as Hitler behavior no matter how ridiculous it might seem to the objective observer. And sure enough, we are seeing that.

To be fair, Trump made it easy this week with his temporary immigration ban. If you assume Trump is Hitler, that fits with your hypothesis. But of course it also fits the hypothesis that he’s just doing his job. We’re all seeing what we expect to see.

But lately I get the feeling that Trump’s critics have evolved from expecting Trump to be Hitler to preferring it. Obviously they don’t prefer it in a conscious way. But the alternative to Trump becoming Hitler is that they have to live out the rest of their lives as confirmed morons. No one wants to be a confirmed moron. And certainly not after announcing their Trump opinions in public and demonstrating in the streets. It would be a total embarrassment for the anti-Trumpers to learn that Trump is just trying to do a good job for America. It’s a threat to their egos. A big one.

And this gets me to my point. When millions of Americans want the same thing, and they want it badly, the odds of it happening go way up. You can call it the power of positive thinking. It is also the principle behind affirmations. When humans focus on a desired future, events start to conspire to make it happen.

I’m not talking about any new-age magic. I’m talking about ordinary people doing ordinary things to turn Trump into an actual Hitler. For example, if protesters start getting violent, you could expect forceful reactions eventually. And that makes Trump look more like Hitler. I can think of dozens of ways the protesters could cause the thing they are trying to prevent. In other words, they can wish it into reality even though it is the very thing they are protesting.

In the 3rd dimension of persuasion, the protesters need to be proven right, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen. So you might see the protesters inadvertently create the police state they fear.

If you are looking for the tells that this dangerous situation is developing, notice how excited/happy the Trump critics seem to be – while angry at the same time – that Trump’s immigration ban fits their belief system. If you see people who are simply afraid of Trump, they are probably harmless. But the people who are excited about any Hitler-analogy-behavior by Trump might be leading the country to a police state without knowing it.

So watch for that.

Put very succinctly.

@Desert Fox
Democrat party put everything into Hillary (nefariously sidelining Bernie, hoping no one would find out and then blaming the Russians when that oops bottle was spilled)

Now they are in a desperate state of affairs, lieing directly to people's directly faces and thinking its business as usual:

The democrat party is not admitting the honest real mistake they made in choosing Hillary (much less taking corrective action to rectify...starting with an apology) and then cheating to get her past Bernie....so things are not going to look good for them and their staunch voter base if they do not seriously shape up, reform and bring their A game instead of crawling further into what defeated them badly on nov 8th.
It's hard to separate Donald Trump's businesses from his politics. As a result, some are calling for a boycott of any company that sell Trump products.

Shannon Coulter, a brand and digital strategist, started the #GrabYourWallet hashtag in October following the publication of a leaked tape that showed Trump making lewd comments about women. Coulter used the hashtag to encourage people who were offended by Trump's language and actions to boycott companies doing business with his family.

In the months since the election, she and other anti-Trump Twitter users have circulated a spreadsheet with retailers that do business with the Trump family.

The list includes Trump Hotels and other Trump Organization businesses on its "consider boycotting" list. Yuengling Beer, whose founder endorsed Trump, and The Honest Company, which has advertised on Celebrity Apprentice," are also included.

A few retailers have dropped Trump brands, including Shoes.com and Zulily since the movement started. Others have been added to the list as Coulter and others collect more info.

As of Monday, Grab Your Wallet's list of brands that carry Trump products included 33 retailers, including Amazon, Walmart, and Bloomingdales.

Good job democrats, well done

heh, Milo triggers a leftist riot, again.


snowflakes can't handle the truth.

Actually this has happened a few times already to Milo. He's triggered them all big league. I'm loving it, since true colours are being exposed left right and centre.
Actually this has happened a few times already to Milo. He's triggered them all big league. I'm loving it, since true colours are being exposed left right and centre.
yep, they're losing the battle of ideas and they're going to lose the cultural war. wtf kind of losers can't tolerate a differing opinion, fascist ones maybe ? which would make sense with all the hammer and sickle flags and their faces covered etc.

good job, Milo.. hope he keeps sticking it to them.
yep, they're losing the battle of ideas and they're going to lose the cultural war. wtf kind of losers can't tolerate a differing opinion, fascist ones maybe ? which would make sense with all the hammer and sickle flags and their faces covered etc.

good job, Milo.. hope he keeps sticking it to them.

Sorry, but the left is winning the cultural "war"---if you want to call it that. Gay rights, acceptance of other religions, acceptance of other ethic groups and immigrants, multiculturalism, strict separation of church and state, etc. are increasingly supported by the public these days.

In any case, young people as whole in this country support these and other things by a wide margin (polls and exit polls show that). Even many young Republicans do as well. Live and let live is the motto most of us have when it comes to social issues.
Sorry, but the left is winning the cultural "war"---if you want to call it that. Gay rights, acceptance of other religions, acceptance of other ethic groups and immigrants, multiculturalism, strict separation of church and state, etc. are increasingly supported by the public these days.

In any case, young people as whole in this country support these and other things by a wide margin (polls and exit polls show that). Even many young Republicans do as well. Live and let live is the motto most of us have when it comes to social issues.
Milo is gay, and he loves black... men.

Here's your president:

nobody's calling for a Christian theocratic state as far as I'm aware.

why can't these Berkley rioters tolerate a differing opinion ?
why can't these Berkley rioters tolerate a differing opinion ?

Really sad to see that many college campuses have become completely susceptible to groupthink and extremely intolerant if one dares to express differing ideological opinions.

The answer to free speech is more free speech. not less..

What are these self-entitled brats going to do when they get out into the real world and work for various companies where there will be no "safe spaces"

Surrounding yourself in an insulated echo chamber will not help you in the real world.
Milo is gay, and he loves black... men.

Here's your president:

nobody's calling for a Christian theocratic state as far as I'm aware.

why can't these Berkley rioters tolerate a differing opinion ?

Well, I was talking about the "culture war" in general.

People have a right to protest though, so long as they do it peacefully. I really don't care one way or another about this "incident" at Berkeley.
Well, I was talking about the "culture war" in general.

People have a right to protest though, so long as they do it peacefully. I really don't care one way or another about this "incident" at Berkeley.
but it is a culture war when they violently suppress speakers like Milo who offer a different perspective on cultural issues, which is what the guy does. Milo is a cultural critic, and these lefty students are afraid that his ideas might resonate with people which is why they want to shut down his free speech. It's like they have nothing left to counter what the guy is saying but cry "racist/sexist" (but not homophobe, can't do that here lol) and riot.
but it is a culture war when they violently suppress speakers like Milo who offer a different perspective on cultural issues, which is what the guy does.

That's not what most people refer to as the "culture war".

Milo is a cultural critic, and these lefty students are afraid that his ideas might resonate with people which is why they want to shut down his free speech.

Um no, they simply hate the derogatory things he has to say. I can assure you that there are few colleges of repute where his "ideas" would resonate.

It's like they have nothing left to counter what the guy is saying but cry "racist/sexist"

He has said quite a few terrible things over the years. He's not someone who just simply holds a "conservative" viewpoint. Personally, I really don't care about him one way or another. He's a nobody.

(but not homophobe, can't do that here lol)

Actually, he is in fact a homophobe, even though he is gay. He fights against gay rights and says they're bad for the human race, and writes articles titled this:

"Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber, It’s Time to Get Back in the Closet"

Not every college or liberal student in it riots when he shows up. The vast majority of students go about their day without any issue.


Please keep the title of this thread in mind. This "incident" at Berkeley has little to do with US politics itself. Start a new thread, if you want.

I'll just leave it there. I have no interest in discussing this further. I can't believe I've spent this much time talking about this Milo loser.
I'll just leave it there. I have no interest in discussing this further. I can't believe I've spent this much time talking about this Milo loser.
students protesting Milo and shutting down his events isn't a new thing, it's happened quite a few times over the past year and I wouldn't have cared too much about it either but this one made global news... and will only help get his name, and word, out, more people are going to look him up and buy his book now, another self goal by violent American leftists.


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A speech by conservative firebrand and British writer Milo Yiannopoulos was canceled at UC Berkeley on Wednesday amid violent protests that sparked a fire in a campus plaza.

University officials called off the event about two hours before Yiannopoulos was to speak at the student union, where more than 1,500 people had gathered outside. Some hurled metal barricades and others smashed windows at the student union.

“This is not a proud night for this campus, the home of the free speech movement,” said Dan Mogulof, a Berkeley spokesman. He noted that the vandalism interfered with the ability of the Berkeley College Republicans — who hosted Yiannopoulos — to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.

Yiannopoulos, 32, writes for Breitbart News — a popular website among the far right — and he is an avowed supporter of President Trump. He’s also a flamboyant provocateur who has been denounced for propagating racism, misogyny and anti-Islam views, but he styles himself a champion of free speech.

This summer, he gained notoriety for encouraging a barrage of harassment against “Ghostbusters” actress Leslie Jones, which prompted Twitter to ban him from the social media platform.

Controversy, unrest and, occasionally, violence has followed his speaking tour at colleges across the U.S., for which Berkeley was to be the final event. Last month, a man was shot outside a University of Washington hall where Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak.

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Slide 1 of 11: A rioter smashes a window at a Mechanics Bank branch during a protest against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley, California, USA, 01 February 2017. Hundreds of protesters rallied against Yiannopoulos, forcing the cancellation of his speech at UC Berkeley, eventually vandalizing dozens of businesses and smashing dozens of storefront windows. University police locked down all buildings after the protests turned violent.
1/11 SLIDES© Noah Berger/EPA/Rex/Shutterstock
A rioter smashes a window at a Mechanics Bank branch during a protest against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley, California, Feb 1, 2017. Hundreds of protesters rallied against Yiannopoulos, forcing the cancellation of his speech at UC Berkeley, eventually vandalizing dozens of businesses and smashing dozens of storefront windows. University police locked down all buildings after the protests turned violent.

Wednesday’s decision by Berkeley officials is the second time in two weeks that rowdy protests have forced the cancellation of one of his lectures. UC Davis also canceled one of his speeches last month.

At Berkeley, police clashed with protesters, and much of the university was placed on lockdown. Campus police repeatedly ordered protesters to leave the area, threatening the crowd with arrest. Most refused to leave.

At one point, some toppled a generator that was powering a flood light, and the machinery caught fire in the plaza outside the student union. The flames made for dramatic images, and TV helicopters captured the on-campus blaze.

On his Facebook page, Yiannopoulos said that “violent left-wing protesters” had broken into a building’s ground floor, ripped down barricades and thrown rocks.

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