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US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

There was no genocide... Its load of rubbish...

The Turkish government has even offered all the Ottoman records to be opened and analyzed to see if the honorable Sultan made any orders to kill the Armenians... yet the Armenians have refused this...

The Ottomans may Allah be pleased with our noble leaders... were meticulous record keepers... they have documented each and every farman of the Sultans...

Its pointless to argue this issue... The brothers from Turkey should refuse to entertain such accusations...
So if a nation is living under another nation's rule it DOES NOT have the right to rebel and seek independence ? wow !! talking about imperialism and delusions of grandeur .

Ok cool... but then we had every single right on earth to retaliate... Our army had every right to protect its citizens and they did so. I am sure your police and army would interfere if the Turks living in Greece would do the same. You guys are only talking about side of the story... Turks are this, Turks are that...
I think I can sort out this nonsense...

We give Turkey ten nuclear weapons and point them at Armenia...

Next time someone barks an accusation of a genocide... we show them what a genocide really is...

Shame on the Armenians who deny their history of prosperity under the just ruling of the Turks... Shame Shame Shame!!!
The only one doing the begging is your Turkish lobby who is petrified from seeing the AG recognize by few remaining countries which will tear the fabric of your society apart.

It wasn't Genocide.....there, you happy?
I am afraid the world has wussyfied you Turks and you aint got what it takes anymore, however your denialist camps has made us Armenians more extreme and resolved.

You wanna finish it......then come and get it toork. We are here standing. Dumass

Dude, if we wanted to, you wouldnt be in front of your computer talking to me right now. Your country is nothing without outside support. You are nothing.

You are the ones living in the past. You deluded everyone's minds with your BS stories and now asking for an apology. I am sure you don't learn anything in school other than different ways to hate the Turks. Get on with your lives... It's better for your health. ;)
Ok cool... but then we had every single right on earth to retaliate... Our army had every right to protect its citizens and they did so. I am sure your police and army would interfere if the Turks living in Greece would do the same. You guys are only talking about side of the story... Turks are this, Turks are that...

i wouldn't call it retaliation, more like trying to maintain the status quo, i.e. keep "whoever" under turkish rule. Your "army" has every right to protect its citizens, noone denies that. Where there any terrorist acts against your citizens ?

As far as to what our army and our police would do if "turks living in Greece" did the same.. suffice to say that there are STILL turks living in Greece , while there ARE NO greeks living in turkey anymore ... wonder where they have gone ? do you know ? I wonder ........... ???? !!!!
i wouldn't call it retaliation, more like trying to maintain the status quo, i.e. keep "whoever" under turkish rule. Your "army" has every right to protect its citizens, noone denies that. Where there any terrorist acts against your citizens ?

Status quo? that is only your opinion. The preferable thing, of course, would that, but this wouldn't work if they rebel against you, would, it? Thus, the RELOCATION OF ARMENIANS... Get it? :)

How do you think all of this started? If the Armenians were sitting on their and not being violent while we were at war with other countries, we wouldn't have had retaliated. It is common sense. Please go and rebel against Israel now and see what happens. It is easy to talk, but hard to accept the consequences.

As far as to what our army and our police would do if "turks living in Greece" did the same.. suffice to say that there are STILL turks living in Greece , while there ARE NO greeks living in turkey anymore ... wonder where they have gone ? do you know ? I wonder ........... ???? !!!!

yeah right... My ancestors migrated from Greece, specifically from Selanik. I wonder why??? :)

And yeah we have been killing the Greeks one bye one while keeping it in the down low. There are absolutely no Greeks left in the country man. That's a shame. :rolleyes:
I agree, the problem is I can't get them to stop talking about it, maybe you will have better luck. :)

Turn it around, spin it around, bounce it on the ground, take as many back flips as you can, but do not tell me we are the ones obsessed with this idiotic theory.
I think I can sort out this nonsense...

We give Turkey ten nuclear weapons and point them at Armenia...

Next time someone barks an accusation of a genocide... we show them what a genocide really is...

Shame on the Armenians who deny their history of prosperity under the just ruling of the Turks... Shame Shame Shame!!!

People like you give bad name to Pakistan and Pakistanis with your talking-up of Pakistani 'nukes'. For everything warmonger retard kids like you have an answer: Nuke!
I really don't know what happened between the Armenians and Turks around the First World War. If I don't know what happened then I am especially likely to be careful in saying much about that conflict. And you are one way too ignorant person to poke your nose into this! Stay out of this. At least stop your 'nuke' mantra. It is disgusting. I am so sick of Pakistanis like you!

Coming back to the topic, here is what my gut feeling about this: Turks were an empire much like the Russians or the British or others around the First World War. They ruled a large number of people of different religious and ethnic backgrounds. So it is entirely likely--just as Arabs revolted against them--so did the Armenians. So there probably were some very harsh response from a cornered Turkish government. However, I honestly think 1 MILLION is too large of a number. That does not take away from the tragedy even if 1 thousand were killed. Yet it would help the Armenian 'Cause' a lot to demand at least a token apology from Turkey which Turkey should grant. Perhaps Turkey already does.
It would help Armenia a lot to be on Turkey's side because Turkey is truly a rising giant due to its huge potential role in the world--most of which is dependent upon Turkey position in the Islamic world. Armenia should not make the mistake of relying on foreign powers. Learn from what happened to Georgia which too relied on NATO and pricked Moscow one time too much.
People like you give bad name to Pakistan and Pakistanis with your talking-up of Pakistani 'nukes'. For everything warmonger retard kids like you have an answer: Nuke!
I really don't know what happened between the Armenians and Turks around the First World War. If I don't know what happened then I am especially likely to be careful in saying much about that conflict. And you are one way too ignorant person to poke your nose into this! Stay out of this. At least stop your 'nuke' mantra. It is disgusting. I am so sick of Pakistanis like you!

Coming back to the topic, here is what my gut feeling about this: Turks were an empire much like the Russians or the British or others around the First World War. They ruled a large number of people of different religious and ethnic backgrounds. So it is entirely likely--just as Arabs revolted against them--so did the Armenians. So there probably were some very harsh response from a cornered Turkish government. However, I honestly think 1 MILLION is too large of a number. That does not take away from the tragedy even if 1 thousand were killed. Yet it would help the Armenian 'Cause' a lot to demand at least a token apology from Turkey which Turkey should grant. Perhaps Turkey already does.
It would help Armenia a lot to be on Turkey's side because Turkey is truly a rising giant due to its huge potential role in the world--most of which is dependent upon Turkey position in the Islamic world. Armenia should not make the mistake of relying on foreign powers. Learn from what happened to Georgia which too relied on NATO and pricked Moscow one time too much.

That is a good response based on some rational thoughts.
only think i need to point out though. Turkey is not quite as islamic as you think , or at least not in the way you think it is.

yeah right... My ancestors migrated from Greece, specifically from Selanik. I wonder why???

And yeah we have been killing the Greeks one bye one while keeping it in the down low. There are absolutely no Greeks left in the country man. That's a shame.

As far as your grandfathers migrating from "Salonik" Turkaholic .. the proper name is Thessaloniki and it was founded 2340 years ago respect its name.. and at least your grandparents were alive to migrate from Thessaloniki in a formal agreed exchange of populations .. mine were killed in Constantinople aka "Istanbul" in the street and their shop burned down .. so don't you dare give me that attitude ..
That is a good response based on some rational thoughts.
only think i need to point out though. Turkey is not quite as islamic as you think , or at least not in the way you think it is.

As far as your grandfathers migrating from "Salonik" Turkaholic .. the proper name is Thessaloniki and it was founded 2340 years ago respect its name.. and at least your grandparents were alive to migrate from Thessaloniki in a formal agreed exchange of populations .. ..

That is how we say it in Turkish. Kind of like Atina for Athens. I didn't mean to disrespect. If that is the case, please stop calling Istanbul Constantinople.

I am sure your Greek brothers sent our people with flowers. Dude, come on... dont try to act angelish.

mine were killed in Constantinople aka "Istanbul" in the street and their shop burned down .. so don't you dare give me that attitude

And they told you this after waking up from their graves??? I could have made up and told you somethign similar but I choose to stay honest. Dont try to act like the Armenians.
...Armenia should not make the mistake of relying on foreign powers. Learn from what happened to Georgia which too relied on NATO and pricked Moscow one time too much.

Armenians have never been backstabbers....ask our ancient brothers the Persian or our good friends the Russians.

We know our Georgian neighbors too well. They are no friends.
I don't get it .....did US not commit genocide in Hiroshima , Nagasaki and then VietNam etc
People like you give bad name to Pakistan and Pakistanis with your talking-up of Pakistani 'nukes'. For everything warmonger retard kids like you have an answer: Nuke!
I really don't know what happened between the Armenians and Turks around the First World War. If I don't know what happened then I am especially likely to be careful in saying much about that conflict. And you are one way too ignorant person to poke your nose into this! Stay out of this. At least stop your 'nuke' mantra. It is disgusting. I am so sick of Pakistanis like you!

Coming back to the topic, here is what my gut feeling about this: Turks were an empire much like the Russians or the British or others around the First World War. They ruled a large number of people of different religious and ethnic backgrounds. So it is entirely likely--just as Arabs revolted against them--so did the Armenians. So there probably were some very harsh response from a cornered Turkish government. However, I honestly think 1 MILLION is too large of a number. That does not take away from the tragedy even if 1 thousand were killed. Yet it would help the Armenian 'Cause' a lot to demand at least a token apology from Turkey which Turkey should grant. Perhaps Turkey already does.
It would help Armenia a lot to be on Turkey's side because Turkey is truly a rising giant due to its huge potential role in the world--most of which is dependent upon Turkey position in the Islamic world. Armenia should not make the mistake of relying on foreign powers. Learn from what happened to Georgia which too relied on NATO and pricked Moscow one time too much.

My my... talk about someone being full of themselves...

Meengla... whoever you are... since you dont know anything about the issue with your own admission... perhaps it would be best to take your own advice and not to poke your nose into the issue...

Big deal... You are ashamed of kids like us... as if you matter...

btw... the nuke thing was to depict frustration... Turks dont need a nuke to commit genocide in Armenia... they have enough strength as we speak...

Armenians were the worst backstabbers against the Turks in the first world war... to side with Russia after living a life of happiness under the Ottomans... Man I m surprised they even exist today...

Its like murderers of TTP complaining about the harshness of Pak Army after a hundred years... pathetic
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