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US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system


Little boy killed by armenian sniper. Martın was 8 years old. Murderers are still working .............

Rest in Peace to the poor little boy and my condolences to the family……it wasn’t Armenians who shot this poor kid.

I must ask though, how low Aliyev can go. This is nothing but another dirty attempt by Azerbaijan to make Armenians look bad after they sniped an 18-year-old Armenian soldier in Karabakh less than 24 hrs before the scheduled peace talks. They never understand that they cannot get any concessions from Yerevan by picking Armenians on the line of contact just before peace talks.

Here is the official response by Ministry of Defence of Republic of Armenia in regards to the death of this boy.

NKR defense army has already officially denied the information. The released information by the Azerbaijani defence ministry is nothing but an attempt to save the image of the country which has obviously suffered after the murder of an Armenian soldier by an Azerbaijani sniper on the eve of Presidents’ meeting in Sochi on the 5th of March.
The scribblers of the Azerbaijani disinformation should realize that such cheap steps are not only unconvincing for the international community but are even ignominious, as in this case the life of an infant is being speculated or an unsuccessful image of a tragic victim is being formed.

It should be noted that Armenia and Karabakh have repeatedly expressed their positive attitude to the appeals of the international community to terminate the actions of the snipers on the Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line, while Azerbaijan continues to carry out its provocative actions by the means of its snipers.

Several tired old questions were raised and with my lack of patience and enthusiasm I will just quote Professor Papazian.

The Turks had to deport the Armenians from the eastern war front where they were helping the Russians who promised them a homeland.

Armenians all over Anatolia, not just on the eastern war front, were wiped out. The cities of Yozgad, Sivas, Caeserea, Hadjin, Marash, Adana, and Ankara -- just to name a few -- are hardly in the east. One needs but to look at a map of Turkey to see this. Turkish apologists depend on American ignorance of geography to make such foolish claims

Both the Turks and the Russians offered the Armenians autonomy. Neither promise could be trusted. Truth is the first victim of war. Neither the Turks nor the Russians had a history of granting their subjects freedom. The last tsar, Nicholas II, would not even share power with his own Russian people, which prompted the Russian revolution during World War I.

We have opened the Turkish archives. The Turkish archives do not prove there was an Armenian Genocide.

The Turkish archives covering the period of the Armenian Genocide are not opened to the public. They are only open to Turkish scholars and persons friendly to Turkey.

The Turkish archives have been closed so long that scholars have no idea of what is being, or has been, purged. Furthermore, the work of the Genocide was done under the aegis of the Committee of Union and Progress, a shadow government similar to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and in particular by its Special Organization (Teshkilat-i Mahsusa) under the notorious Dr. Behaettin Shakir who was sentenced to death in absentia by a Turkish court-martial following World War I. Will their records be opened? There is no talk of that.

We will open our archives if the Armenians open their archives.

What could possibly be of interest to the Turkish government, relevant to the Armenian Genocide, in the Armenian archives? Armenia was not even reestablished until 1918 after the Genocide has been effectively completed. Rather we already have the American archives, the American missionary archives, the British archives, the Russian archives, the Italian archives, and even the archives of the Germans and Austrians, the allies of the Turks.
This is nothing but another dirty attempt by Azerbaijan to make Armenians look bad after they sniped an 18-year-old Armenian soldier in Karabakh less than 24 hrs before the scheduled peace talks..

Karabakh is Azeris'(UN also confirmed it) land that you have invaded. If Azeris' killed 18 years old a SOLDIER, it proves your murderer gov. gets the kids to the army and this is another a humanity crime by Armanian. If Azeris' killed a SOLDIER its not wrong coz you are in war and he was a SOLDIER !!!

You have killed that little boy same as you have done before durring ww1 in Anatolia and in 92 Hocali Massacre.

Armenian massacre of Azerbaijanis

There are commemoration services to remember the 1992 Armenian massacre of Azerbaijanis in the city of Hocali.

A wreath-laying ceremony was hosted in Baku by President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, who made his way on Saturday to the Statue of Hocali Massacre in commemoration of the mass murder that happened 14 years ago when the Armenians invaded the Upper Karabagh. Azeri and Turkic societies in the United States and Germany also conducted memorial services outside the Armenian Embassy in Washington, turning into protests at times.

Armenians killed a total of 613 people, 63 children and 106 women, in the Hocali massacre. The massacre killed 70 families and captivated 1,275. Although 14 years have passed since the mass murder, there are no reports on the whereabouts of 150 people. The story of the Hocali mass murder is as follows: It happened when the Armenian troops invaded the Hocali town of the Upper Karabagh on 25 February 1992.

The Armenians began to attack the city of Hocali in an attempt to invade it with assistance from the Russian troops in the Hankenti city of the Upper Karabagh. It was very difficult for the Azerbaijanis in the city of Hocali to resist the Armenians as well as the Russians. The Azerbaijani civilians left the city early in the morning on February 26 in an effort to get to Agdam City. However, they were shot dead in the Armenian ambush. The Armenian troops killed the entire population of older people along with children, but they reserved the young boys and girls for captivation.

It was on February 28 when a group of journalists on board arrived at the scene only to be shocked by the real extent of the massacre. They had arrived there in order to collect the dead bodies, even though they ran the risk of being shot. Corpses were scattered all around the area. Gruesome scenes of people shot dead in the head, eyes pulled out, disassembled body parts, and those being beheaded and crush under heavy tanks were everywhere.

The Azerbaijanis were able to retrieve four dead bodies before Armenians opened fire. A day after another group of people were brought in by helicopters to collect the rest of the corpses. The Russian and Armenian soldiers responsible for all that had happened were identified in an investigation in the mass murder of Armenians. However, an internationally recognizable prosecution has not yet been conducted for those soldiers. The Armenians still keep one fifth of the Azerbaijani territories under occupation. Around one million Azerbaijanis live under hard conditions in other parts of the country as they were forced to leave the Armenian-occupied parts of the country.

Armenian massacre of Azerbaijanis - Kavkazcenter.com
What the hell you talking about Talat Pasha's documents being the main proof. Do you really want me to flood this thread with information from archives from New York Times to court martial of individuals by your own short lived government after the defeat in WWI? How about eye witness reports, president's personnel statements, book, embassador letters, government officials, etc? No I wont because for the hundred times I don't want to talk about especially with little rat like you who is opsessed with this. Believe whatever you want I don't care, I am not here to prove to anyone about the fact of AG that the world has recognized but if I see you Turks talking crap about my people or put them down then I am your mama bear.

You want a answer kid? There is a old Persian saying: "Javabeh Ablahan ghamoushiss"
Fools deserve no answer.

Pad yourself more on the back, you are doing great.......Grow up kid.

Your understanding of history is clearly flawed which can be easily extrapolated by your claim that the Turkish government after world war 1 was a short lived government. FYI the democratic system of governance that Ataturk set up after world war 1 continues to exist and be improved upon.

If your also denying that the so called Talat Pasha's documents are not a primary source of information for the Armenian genocide claims then you do realize that your denying all the Armenian genocide information that has been presented by Armenians for many years now.

People are not stupid all they have to do is look up a book and see how these so called documents have been a cornerstone of Armenian claims of genocide. What's wrong Azatavrear? Suddenly because I can explain how fake these documents are your so adamant in claiming that they are not a primary source of evidence.

Do you know the eye witness accounts that your rambling about would have taken time to be written down considering that Turkey at the time had been at constant warfare for 30 odd years and as a side effect with near collapse of scientific and cultural output. Tell me now how eye witness accounts can be easily over time change to support the story of one side or the other due to human fallacies. Do you also realize that these eye witness accounts are from people who would have been mostly at a age below that of 0 or really young (<10) these errors by the Armenian genocide supporters can be plainly seen by those who have access to or have a copy of the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia.

It is also interesting how you call me a kid because you do not agree with my information, interesting that for Armenians everybody who does not agree with them is either a genocide supporter or is misinformed, I guess Kobe Bryant who only made a mutually beneficial commercial agreement with Turkish airlines is guilty of genocide then? LMAO

I would say to you go and have a look at your so called Armenian genocide evidences through the eyes of a seasoned academic and you will see the errors and factually incorrect details come to life before your very own eyes.
I have only two questions.

The average human body consist of 208 bones.

The avarage human skull is 21-22 cm long and 17-18 cm wide.That means that the volume of a skull is 5,595 litres.

The claim is that 1,5 million Armenians are death.

Where are this 312.000.000 piece of bones ?

Where is the hill of skulls that is 8.392 cubic meters ? ( 8392 cubic meters means a volume of total 560 cars)

I need answers not empty&#65279; arguments.

Brother the picture of the mountain of skulls that you are referring to and that the Armenians were for a time claiming that they were a mountain of Armenian genocide victim bones is actually a painting LMAO!!
Several tired old questions were raised and with my lack of patience and enthusiasm I will just quote Professor Papazian.

You do realize that archives do no necessarily have to contain official government documents & that your claim that Armenia has no archives to present to the international community is total bogus, as written text has been around for thousands of years and all manner of daily activity is recorded by all groups of people on Earth as a measuring and analysis tool of the past in context to predictions of future trends and possible occurring situations not just for historical purposes!

Open your archives, Turkey has and historians who file for permission are granted access or are you afraid of the technology called carbon dating that can spell the end of your claims of genocide? Oh how fortuitous for Armenians that the so called Blue Book (which was apparently discovered under the chair of an Armenian historian when he was visiting an Opera show LOL) mysteriously disappeared right about the time when accurate carbon dating of parchment technology became a reality.

Arkadaslar su ermenilere prim vermekten, diyalog amacli cevap yazmaktan VAZGECIN! YAHU!!
Bunlar bir numarali Turk dusmanlari halen ogrenemedinizmi? hepside cocukluk yaslarindan itibaren Turke dusman olarak yetisiyorlar artik bunlarin kimligi haline gelmis hatta kanlarina islemis, bunlarin pacavra ermeni kimligi denen seyleri Turk dusmanligindan ibaret olan birsey bunlari bir millet olarak bir arada tutan en onemli nokta. Bunlari bilin ona gore hareket edin.
Ve soykirim olmadi, sizde bizi oldurdunuz yok olmadi yalan demektende artik vazgecin, Onemli olan sizin diyecegizin sey sudur: Biz Ecdadimizla gurur duyuyoruz ve buda herzaman boyle kalacaktir. Bitti. Bukadar burada filozofluk yapmanin alemi yok Tavrimiz budur ve boyle olmalidir TEK vucut TEK YUREK. Yoksa yok arastirmalar boyle demiyor yok sizde bizi oldurdunuz diyerekten bu serefsizlere cesaret veriyorsunuz birakin bu isleri! Ey TURK TITRE VE KENDINE DON, Dostunu dusmanini bil! Bize vatanimiza milletimize devletimize namusumuza onurumuza hakaret ediyorlar ve buna karsilik sizin yazdiginiz tek sey ''lutfen efendim iyice arastirin bunlar yalan'' gibi laflar edip neyazikki halen bunlari muhattab aliyorsunuz.. Bugun sehit veriyorsak PKK eliyle bu ermenilerin yuzundendir biz bunlarla savastayiz millet aklinizi basiniza alin kimseye en ufak taviz vermeyin, gerekirse tekrar yapariz bile diyin. Soyleyeceklerim bukadar VATAN SAGOLSUN Vesselam
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