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US & Pakistan Dispute and Tensions over Haqqani group

Important question, what will our response if US will invoke second raids similarly to OBL raids (less than 40 minutes?)

During OBL raid in May, our response was to expel them, CIA stations and reduce drones strikes around the areas and China counterparts.

For possible air-strikes, Pakistan now realize IFF (Identification Friend or Foes) in its F-16s unable to shoot them down. Ground strikes, it is not easy as well.

Maybe second response would be differences.....I think if only this happen when another Raymond Davis caught.

Welcome to US's new Soviet War against Pakistan just like 30 years ago. Whatever happen, we must calm.
Sire. If a General speaks openly under a Civilian setup, then isn't it strengthen the conspiracy theorist beliefs that Generals of Army is going to act unilaterally by sidelining the civilian setup?

This is the Job of BLOODY CIVILIAN CHAPS to come in PARLIMENT and ISSUE a UNIFIED resoulution to SHOW they are STANDING besides the ARMY so that ARMY can SPEAK it's mind INDEPENDENTLY and WITHOUT creating CONTROVERSIES from WITHIN


Gen Mullen is speaking openly---and he is challenging Kiyani openly---by making that challenge---he is also calling Kiyani a liar as well----. HE HAS CALLED kIYANI A LIAR ON THE WORLD MEDIA in front of the u s congress and the senate----by saying that pak is helping th ehaqqani network----.

No other general has been so openly been disgraced by a so called ally in the recent history.

Bottomline is---Kiyani is a coward---he doesnot have the ballz and guts to stand up and defend his honor----.
It cannot get any more blunt than this.:disagree:

Tough choices ahead of Pakistan.

I am sure we all read quite a few times what Mullen and Panetta said. To check the heat, wait for the noon, the sun has just risen in Pakistan. Let the reaction to these allegations come out of the GHQ, and we will know what is going to happen.
I don't think there will be any military strikes on Pakistan, any more than the likes of the OBL raid, and such will be few.


Strikes like these is a death knell to an army-----it break the morale of the military---it makes it look impotent and there is nothing worse than an impotent army---. Once your enemy knows your vulnerability---they are not afraid of you any more----and when that happens---it is a the end of the army.
I don't think there will be any military strikes on Pakistan, any more than the likes of the OBL raid, and such will be few.


Strikes like these is a death knell to an army-----it break the morale of the military---it makes it look impotent and there is nothing worse than an impotent army---. Once your enemy knows your vulnerability---they are not afraid of you any more----and when that happens---it is a the end of the army.

Of course yes Mastan. Isn't that exactly what the US wants of the Pakistani Army?

Drone Strikes.

ISI at the ranks of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah at Gitmo.

Kerry Lugar Bill.

OBL raid.


The pressure to go after Haqqanis is in the same line as it would stretch the Army beyond capacity (keeping in view that the Army also has to stay alert and ready on its eastern border).

This is what I feel:

Those murmurs a couple of years ago about turning the Army into nothing more than a decorative force... That's what the US wants, because the Army, at the moment, is the biggest hurdle in complete control over Pakistan's regional affairs.
Foolish pakistanis need to understand that it is election year coming up----the current president is in a terrible position----american mindset is all ready for a millitary strike on pakistan----don't be surprised that if it happens any sooner than later.
Your analysis is flawed. The US of A does not, at the present juncture, have the capacity to open another front against Pakistan. 'The spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak', meaning that they don't have the stomach to fund another war.

Apart from limited spec ops across the border into Pakistan and the usual drone attacks, don't expect a full scale invasion! That's not going to happen any time soon. Perhaps it never will!

Don't sensationalize the issue. There's going to be no full scale 'military strike' against Pakistan. Period!
Pretty easy to work out where people are from when they carry mobile phones full of Pakistani numbers. If you want to keep where your from a secret dont have Pasha's office on speed dial.

6 Phones recovered, the only question is why? Some one wanted the blame to fall on Pakistan or some one in Pakistan is sending the message we dont care that you know.

You mean if someone wanted to pin this on the white house all they need is an AT&T sim card with Obama's number?

Have you caught a guy who says yeah ISI trained and sent me there, or caught a trainer, or a planner or lets say some video (they found a video of Osama nicely narrating 9/11 plans) where Pasha is ordering the hit?

It's stupid, why would we want to take such an offensive against the US - there is no bloody way you can militarily beat the US.
Your analysis is flawed. The US of A does not, at the present juncture, have the capacity to open another front against Pakistan. 'The spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak', meaning that they don't have the stomach to fund another war.

Apart from limited spec ops across the border into Pakistan and the usual drone attacks, don't expect a full scale invasion! That's not going to happen any time soon. Perhaps it never will!

Don't sensationalize the issue. There's going to be no full scale 'military strike' against Pakistan. Period!


These strikes are worst than full scale attack----they are more damaging to the psyche of the milltary and its operations---.

The psyche of each millitary is surrounded by bravado---how strong---how brave---men of honor---fight to the last man---.

The selective strike power of the united states forces take this away from our millitary---.

The problem is not with a full scale invasion ( even though it is )-----in a full scale invasion, we can also chose targets of oppurtunity as well-----.

The problem with the limited strikes are---how the one on the recieving end is going to react---. Desperate people make desperate decisions----.

It is never a good idea to corner desperate people.
breaking news

US to lose Pakistan as ally if accusations continue, says Khar
Posted By Reuters On September 23, 2011 @ 9:34 am (21 minutes ago) In Home > Top Stories 1,Latest News,Pakistan > Top Stories | Comments Disabled

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar. — Photo by Reuters

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said on Thursday the United States risks losing an ally if it continues to publicly criticise Islamabad’s performance in the war against militancy.

“You will lose an ally,” Hina Rabbani Khar told a Pakistan-based television network in New York.

“You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States’) own cost.”

Khar was responding to a Senate testimony by the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who said Pakistan’s top spy agency was closely tied to the Haqqani network.


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URL to article: http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/23/us-t...lly-if-accusations-continue-says-fm-khar.html

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Pakistan warns U.S. "You will lose an ally" if accusations go on12:41am EDT

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's foreign minister said on Thursday the United States risks losing an ally if it continues to publicly criticize Islamabad's performance in the war against militancy.

"You will lose an ally," Hina Rabbani Khar told Geo TV in New York. "You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States') own cost."

Khar was responding to a Senate testimony by the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who said Pakistan's top spy agency was closely tied to the Haqqani Network, the most violent and effective faction in the Afghan Taliban insurgency.

(Writing by Chris Allbritton; Reporting by Augustine Anthony and Qasim Nauman; Editing by John Chalmers)

^^^ I hope she used same tone when being lectured by Hillary Clinton for more than 3 hours..
I think at this point Pakistan should be past the denial of accusation games. It's been going on long enough. You deny something once or twice to clear your name but when the accusations become a norm you have to stop and rethink your strategy. especially when those come from a long time ally.

You have to question yourself that are such accusations coming to keep you involved in a denial game to prevent you from doing something positive and constructive for your country and its economy. I.e. the gas pipeline with Iran.

Or these accusations have other ulterior motives also. Those might include launching a limited scale US opp. in NWA or forcing PA to do it itself. Its becoming clear as time for next year's election approaches, the Obama administration is getting desperate with Afghan war. His time line for troops withdraw began of July of this year and there's no victory in sight, in whichever sense.

In his desperation Obama is going to extremes and the next casualty of his war policy seems to be Pak-US relations. Which may be damaged to an extreme end by the time he leaves the office leaving his successor(s) with a mountaing task of relations building.
If you had read the original article carefully you would have noticed that Adm Mullen along with Sec Panetta were responding to questions posed by a US Senate panel. Its a regular thing on the Capitol where the executive is routinely questioned by the legislature about various topics. Media people report what transpires.

As for all those baying for "evidence", you ought to know that Mullen, Panetta etc dont speak out their 'arses'. They are privy to almost of intelligence files/data and know what they are talking about, especially when reporting to the law makers (US Congress/Senate). Even if they did provide you with evidence, all you can do (most of them atleast) is find "loopholes" or "alternatives" to come up with Grand Conspiracy Theories. Its not worth teasing feeble ignorant minds with 'evidence'.

"We have 'evidence' that Iraq has WMDs". Surely, you remember who said those words and the world is aware of the veracity of the same. These Americans absolutely speak from where you think they don't speak from... Stop being a nation of sycophants, it will do wonders for your moral ascendancy :P
"We have 'evidence' that Iraq has WMDs". Surely, you remember who said those words and the world is aware of the veracity of the same. These Americans absolutely speak from where you think they don't speak from... Stop being a nation of sycophants, it will do wonders for your moral ascendancy :P

And the Bush statement, Saddam/Iraq is supporting AQ, and then just like WMD statement, we saw the real thing.
So, according to you all, Pakistan does not support the Haqqanis? There're no safe havens for militants in N. Waziristan? And we (Pakistanis) are all fighting ghosts in the name of WOT?

Pakistanis never learn until the hammer actually falls on their head. We were not losing in E. Pakistan, until our forces surrendered en masse. Osama Bin Laden was not in Pakistan, until he got killed in Abbottabad. And of course, Pakistani deep-state does not support militants - well, we'll see the answer to that soon enough.

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