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US & Pakistan Dispute and Tensions over Haqqani group

Situation is simple

Pakistan wants US for


US keeping Pakistan

So, according to you all, Pakistan does not support the Haqqanis? There're no safe havens for militants in N. Waziristan? And we (Pakistanis) are all fighting ghosts in the name of WOT?

One funny thing i noticed is that many pakistani members who wanted pakistan to continue sheltering haqqanis are expressing their surprise and crying foul when u.s accuse pakistan of the same..For example this was posted by supermod taimikhan some months back-
While on the other hand Army if and when goes into NWA, will be targeting the TTP. Army is not going against those who are fighting the occupation in Afghanistan and even if they did went against them, it will be a topi drama.
And here in this thread he is rubbishing all the u.s allegations..
Ahmed Mukhtar rejects Mullen’s allegations

Ahmed Mukhtar said the US should have conducted even the Abbottabad operation in cooperation with Pakistan.

He also urged the US to share intelligence with Pakistan regarding Haqqani network and both the countries should together act against ant threat.

He also maintained that Pakistan and US are allies and any statement cannot damage the ties between the two countries.
Earlier, President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani have rejected Admiral Mike Mullen’s allegations.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani called on President Asif Ali Zardari at the Blawal house. Both the leaders dismissed US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen’s accusations that Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was behind attacks on US Embassy in Afghanistan.President and the Prime Minister said Pakistan wants to live with peace and dignity in the region.Both the leaders also discussed law and order and political situation in the country. The Prime Minister also briefed the President on his brief visit to Afghanistan on Thursday to condole the death of former Afghan President and Chairman of the High Peace Council Prof Burhanuddin Rabbani who was assassinated in Kabul in a suicide attack on Tuesday. The President also hosted dinner for the Prime Minister.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar dismissed the claims as mere allegations. She warned the U.S. that it risked losing Pakistan as an ally and could not afford to alienate the Pakistani government or its people."If they are choosing to do so, it will be at their own cost," Khar told on from New York City, where she is attending a U.N. General Assembly meeting. "Anything which is said about an ally, about a partner publicly to recriminate it, to humiliate it is not acceptable."Khar s comments were first aired in Pakistan on Friday.The foreign minister spoke following congressional testimony by the top U.S. military officer about Pakistan.Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accused Pakistan s Inter-Services Intelligence agency Thursday of supporting the Haqqani insurgent network in planning and executing the assault on the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan last week and a truck bomb that wounded 77 American soldiers days earlier.

He also said the U.S. had credible information that Haqqani extremists, with help from the ISI, were responsible for the June 28 attack on the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul and other small but effective assaults.

The Haqqani insurgent network is widely believed to be based in Pakistan s North Waziristan tribal area along the Afghan border. The group has historical ties to Pakistani intelligence, dating back to the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The U.S. military has said the Haqqani network, which has ties to both al-Qaida and the Taliban, poses the greatest threat to American troops in Afghanistan.

Mullen insisted that the Haqqani insurgent network "acts as a veritable arm" of the ISI, undermining the uneasy U.S.-Pakistan relationship forged in the terror fight and endangering American troops in the almost 10-year-old war in Afghanistan.

Pakistan is "exporting violence" and threatening any success in Afghanistan, Mullen told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"In choosing to use violent extremism as an instrument of policy, the government of Pakistan, and most especially the Pakistani army and ISI, jeopardizes not only the prospect of our strategic partnership but Pakistan s opportunity to be a respected nation with legitimate regional influence," Mullen said. "They may believe that by using these proxies, they are hedging their bets or redressing what they feel is an imbalance in regional power. But in reality, they have already lost that bet."

Mullen s harsh words marked the first time an American official had tied Pakistan s intelligence agency directly to the attacks and signaled a significant shift in the U.S. approach to Islamabad. In the past, U.S. criticism of Pakistan largely had been relayed in private conversations with the countries leaders while American officials publicly offered encouraging words for Islamabad s participation in the terror fight.

Mullen did not provide specific evidence backing up his accusations or indicate what the U.S. would do if Pakistan refuses to cut ties to the Haqqani network. The U.S. has repeatedly demanded that Pakistan attack the insurgents and prevent them from using the country s territory.

Pakistan has denied ties to the group in the past and has said it cannot attack them because its troops are stretched too thin fighting other militants in the country s semiautonomous tribal region. Many analysts believe, however, that Pakistan wants to remain on good terms with the militants because they could be useful allies in Afghanistan after foreign forces withdraw.

Mullen s comments carry particular weight since the Joint Chiefs chairman has nurtured ties with the Pakistanis during his tenure, meeting with officials more than two dozen times. His congressional testimony was his last before he retires next week.

Mullen reaffirmed his support for continued U.S. engagement with the nuclear-armed Pakistan and warned of the consequences if the relationship should break down. But his comments could make that engagement harder and continue a recent downward trend in ties between the two untries.

The relationship took one of its hardest hits when U.S. commandos sneaked into Pakistan on May 2 and killed al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden in a garrison town not far from Islamabad.

The covert raid outraged the Pakistani government because it was not told about it beforehand, while bin Laden s presence in Abbottabad raised further suspicions among U.S. officials about the country s duplicity in the anti-terror fight.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Ahmed Mukhtar rejects Mullen

Pakistan Defense Minister wake up at last
No, the US is in a very different, and positive situation.

You ain't seen nuthin' yet for Pakistan. If you are thinking "Oh how much worse can it get?" trust me, it is about to get a whole lot worse.

Smell the Coffee :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Taliban spies 'in British Army bases'


Taliban spies are operating in British Army bases in Afghanistan, a former commander in the region has warned.

Colonel Richard Kemp said the Islamist insurgents have a "very, very extensive network of intelligence" and suggested that they often have more knowledge of the movements of visiting foreign dignities than officials realise.

The former commander in Afghanistan was speaking after the Daily Telegraph reported that Downing Street had been urged to review its security protocols after theTaliban tried to bring down David Cameron’s helicopter during a visit to the region June.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the Taliban have "sources in many places", including within the Afghan security forces and "even in military bases".

But he criticised Mr Cameron for cancelling his visit to British troops following the security scare.
"It's important that he does get forward,” he said. “The cancellation of that visit was bad because it's so important that people like the Prime Minister and other big decision-makers actually feel and sense and see for themselves what's going on at the very front line."


Pakistan doesn't know what mess it will fall into if it continues to support Haqqani's.
No, the US is in a very different, and positive situation.

You ain't seen nuthin' yet for Pakistan. If you are thinking "Oh how much worse can it get?" trust me, it is about to get a whole lot worse.

Reading your posts i understand why Pakistan lose or will lose and which factors involved.
NYtimes, Washington post etc doing this job better.
“You will lose an ally,” Hina Rabbani Khar told a Pakistan-based television network in New York.

“You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States’) own cost.”- US to lose Pakistan as ally if accusations continue, says Khar

Strong stern message!

At least Mullun(whatishisname) need to shut his mouths and moaning! :angry:

"Earlier, President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani have rejected Admiral Mike Mullen’s allegations.. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani called on President Asif Ali Zardari at the Blawal house. Both the leaders dismissed US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen’s accusations that Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was behind attacks on US Embassy in Afghanistan."

It is good enough, Pakistan Army doesn't need to express anger on public against Mullun's accusations.
“You will lose an ally,” Hina Rabbani Khar told a Pakistan-based television network in New York.

“You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States’) own cost.”

Strong stern message!

At least Mullun(whatishisname) need to shut his mouths! :angry:

Brother, nothing to be excited about. These are just empty words from a corrupt politician, destroying Pakistan piece-by-piece
“You will lose an ally,” Hina Rabbani Khar told a Pakistan-based television network in New York.

“You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States’) own cost.”- US to lose Pakistan as ally if accusations continue, says Khar

Strong stern message!

At least Mullun(whatishisname) need to shut his mouths and moaning! :angry:

"Earlier, President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani have rejected Admiral Mike Mullen’s allegations.. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani called on President Asif Ali Zardari at the Blawal house. Both the leaders dismissed US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen’s accusations that Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was behind attacks on US Embassy in Afghanistan."

It is good enough, Pakistan Army doesn't need to express anger on public against Mullun's accusations.

Looks like she is as dumb as she is pretty (DBS alert).. Does she think USA still really considers Pakistan as an ally
Brother, nothing to be excited about. These are just empty words from a corrupt politician, destroying Pakistan piece-by-piece

Yes, i know our govt being corrupt, however, these statements are not empty words, as we know US need Pakistan more than anything else to destroy Haqqanis if accusations continues. We have seen good examples after OBL raids, Pakistan govt, Army, People and other institutions are united.

Looks like she is as dumb as she is pretty (DBS alert).. Does she think USA still really considers Pakistan as an ally

I know, recently Mullun(what's his name) met Kiyani in Sept 16, they mentioned they are improving relations as "allies". Both US and Pakistan haven't declared enemy each other in public.

Overall, US demands top five lists of terrorists to be captured or killed due in June, remember? As we pass that dates, nothing happened. US will continue to bark and moaning to embarrass themselves. Nothing else.
How is it a positive situation? Unemployment has risen to about 10%, growth of the economy is slower than Pakistan's, spending is increasing, debt is piling up, the IMF has practically declared the US insolvent, the US isn't winning any wars (Iraq, Afghanistan), poverty is increasing. Inflation is increasing, the dollar is losing its value, there are 'threats' of another recession coming up, food & gas prices are rising, there's almost no production/manufacturing industries here anymore. The government has very little credibility in the eyes of the people. Tell me, how is it a positive situation?

All the factors that you mention are hyped up for good reasons, and you will see them being resolved one by one when the time is right.

you fail to see a larger picture my friend

Au contraire, it is precisely because I see the bigger picture that I state the positions that I do.

Reading your posts i understand why Pakistan lose or will lose and which factors involved.
NYtimes, Washington post etc doing this job better.

Ignoring your poor attempt at sarcasm, I stand by the content of my posts. It is a pity that diehards do not see the light until they die hard.
So, according to you all, Pakistan does not support the Haqqanis? There're no safe havens for militants in N. Waziristan? And we (Pakistanis) are all fighting ghosts in the name of WOT?

Pakistanis never learn until the hammer actually falls on their head. We were not losing in E. Pakistan, until our forces surrendered en masse. Osama Bin Laden was not in Pakistan, until he got killed in Abbottabad. And of course, Pakistani deep-state does not support militants - well, we'll see the answer to that soon enough.

There are two aspects to this. It's basically a damned if you do, and damned if you don't situation.

The first is that Pakistan needs the Haqqani/Omar factions of the Taliban to take over the reins in Afghanistan once the Yanks and ISAF withdraw from there. These factions (the Quetta Shaura) is their best bet to form a government that is friendly and pliable. This is an absolute must as the stakes are pretty high considering that Afghanistan is the center of gravity where energy (from CIS republics, Iran) and security (against an Indian/Afghan axis threatening Pakistan’s Western front) are concerned. In other words, control of a future government in Afghanistan is absolutely vital for Pakistan’s supreme national interests.

The second aspect is that if Pakistan severs its links with the Haqqanis/Omar/Quetta Shaura and commences operations against them then it would be a double whammy. Not only would Pakistan lose any hope of a friendly government in Afghanistan, but will also have to face the consequences of a protracted insurgency against it like what the TTP is doing at present. The situation would likely become untenable resulting in further chaos and bloodshed in Pakistan.

Now unfortunately, Pakistan is caught between a rock and a hard place. What is the alternative? Going after the Haqqnis is easier said than done. Do the Yanks even know the consequences for Pakistan? Shooting from their hips is their forte and therefore Obama needs to change his ‘advisers’ pronto and stop living in a world of make-believe!
“You will lose an ally,” Hina Rabbani Khar told a Pakistan-based television network in New York.

“You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States’) own cost.”- US to lose Pakistan as ally if accusations continue, says Khar

Strong stern message!

At least Mullun(whatishisname) need to shut his mouths and moaning! :angry:

"Earlier, President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani have rejected Admiral Mike Mullen’s allegations.. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani called on President Asif Ali Zardari at the Blawal house. Both the leaders dismissed US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen’s accusations that Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was behind attacks on US Embassy in Afghanistan."

It is good enough, Pakistan Army doesn't need to express anger on public against Mullun's accusations.

The generals have again taken shelter into their barracks and moved the civilian government forward to face the wrath of their American masters, they will crawl out once the current political imbroglio between the USA and Pakistan has been cooled down and then they will take care of these bloody civilians.
You will lose an ally,” Hina Rabbani Khar told a Pakistan-based television network in New York.

Ya Ally
Rehem Ally
Ya Ally
Yaar pay qurban hai sabhi
Ya Ally madad Ally
Ya Ally yeh meri jaan yeh zindagi

Ishq pay haan
Mita du Luta du mai apni khudi

Yaar pay haan
Luta du mita du mai yeh hasti
Yaa Ally rehem Ally
Yaa Ally yaar pay qurban hai sabhi
Ya Ally madad Ally
Yaa Ally yeh meri jaan yeh zindagi


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