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US & Pakistan Dispute and Tensions over Haqqani group

I disagree. The fool knows exactly what reaction he would get. The question we have to answer is is he the mouth piece of the Americans or did he screw up?

It is impertinent whether he screwed up or not. There is a good cop-bad cop game being played by US officials against Pakistan. It is to placate & coax the Pakistan Administration to make concessions. But that shouldn't make a difference to Pakistan, as I have clearly stated in my Post # 8.
WASHINGTON — US President Barack Obama on Friday said Pakistan must "take care" of the extremist Haqqani network, as a fierce dispute raged over US claims the group was an arm of Islamabad's intelligence agency.
Obama did not endorse the accusations, made by retiring chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, but said US intelligence was not entirely clear on links between Haqqani operatives and Pakistani spy agencies.
"I think Mike's testimony expressed frustration over the fact that safe havens exist, including the Haqqani network safe haven inside Pakistan," Obama said on the Michael Smerconish syndicated radio show.
"I think that the intelligence is not as clear as we might like in terms of what exactly that relationship is," Obama said.
"But my attitude is whether there is active engagement with Haqqani on the part of the Pakistanis or just passively allowing them to operate with impunity in some of these border regions, they have got to take care of this problem."
Last week, Mullen accused Pakistan of exporting violence to Afghanistan through proxies and charged that the Haqqani network, an Al-Qaeda-linked group, was a "veritable arm" of Pakistani intelligence.
His comments triggered new tensions with Islamabad, with Pakistani leaders closing ranks against US pressure for action against the Haqqanis and refusing to be pressured into doing more in the war on terror.
Obama said in the interview that there was "no doubt" that the US relationship with Pakistan "is not where it needs to be" though he did note outstanding cooperation with Islamabad in the fight against Al-Qaeda.
"We are going to keep on pressing them to recognize it is in their interests, not just ours, to make sure extremists are not operating within their borders."

Obama: Pakistani intel isn't 'clear' | POLITICO 44

Obama won’t back Mullen’s claim on ties between Pakistan, insurgent network - The Washington Post
Mullen needs to take his pills for the bi-polar disease he has.
News on GEO TV: Pakistan should be careful on Haqqani related issues, says Obama. USA doesn't have clear intelligence reports on ISI-Haqqani links, he further added.

That's odd.
I thought 'Veritable Arms' of ISI.

May be great powers are so casual in dealing with smaller countries that they have officials mouthing off whatever their mood desires. Look at how Kerry, Clinton, and M. Grossman talk about Pakistan verses someone like Panetta. The latter is a hot-head. Th former, especially Grossman, are much more careful.
So what the reason of that hala loo loo against ISI, damn you coward stick to your allegations now and kick pakistan out from your aid list. And make zulfiqar mirza next US president.
U.S. making baseless allegations without any proof, but the proof is easily available to the world that Haqqani network is the creation of CIA and the blue-eyed boys of the United States of America.


Mr Haqqani (Cheif Haqqani Network) a state guest of President Reagan.


Taliban Haqqani in White House

Pakistan needs to take the back seat, relax, not get involved, & let 'nature take its course' in Afghanistan. The stage has been set in Afghanistan for the US/NATO Forces, perceived by the Afghan people as invaders & occupiers, to count their losses, & cut & run. This has all been evident for quite a few months now. The US will be looking to get Pakistan involved, to get it in a tussle with Afghanistan, to take some of the spotlight off them in Afghanistan, but I doubt it will work now.
Pakistan needs to take the back seat, relax, not get involved, & let 'nature take its course' in Afghanistan. ......................

But doesn't that passivity go against the "Strategic Depth" concept that is so dear to the military minds of Pakistan?
But doesn't that passivity go against the "Strategic Depth" concept that is so dear to the military minds of Pakistan?

I think the stage has been set for 'nature to take its course' in Afghanistan, & Pakistan needn't get involved in it. The groundwork was done a long time ago by the Talibs.
Goodbye Mullen - have a nice retirement life and relax… I have best wishes for you… you even fail in you last task -- Bad Luck
mullen wasa idiot to b honest.

Actually I see it differently. I think Mullen, like many of his compatriots in uniform, was and is sympathetic to Pakistan's concerns. What he says was obviously vetted and approved by the White House and the reason he was asked to make this statement is because of his relationship with the Pakistani military (had it been someone else, their statements would be have been discounted but the Obama administration was counting on his relationship to have the right kind of impact).

So he said what his government wanted him to say given that American troops are dying and that is certainly not a good thing for any administration in a war that most in the US do not understand.

Pakistan's challenge is that despite Mullen's friendship, the concerns of the country have not been completely understood by the US side. When they say that our concern of an Indian encirclement is overblown, that to us is being insensitive whereas they may be thinking that there isn't really an immediate threat to Pakistan. I guess the fallacy with their argument is that they certainly would not like any sort of encirclement around the mainland USA, yet Pakistan's similar concerns do not weigh as heavily on their minds given the rising casualties and the urgency to get out with some semblance of having stabilized the situation in Afghanistan.

I hope that Gen Dempsy continues to retain the same levels of contacts as Adm Mullen. That, regardless of the irritants, has been a very positive thing for both Pakistan and the US. At least the two sides get in each others' faces and talk. Not talking would be absolutely fatal to the interests of both countries.

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