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US & Pakistan Dispute and Tensions over Haqqani group

You didnt answer my question.. Why would Pakistan not want the Haqquani problem be solved and why wouldnt it work with USA to solve it..?? If you dont want to attack Haqquanis, why not let USA attack him..??

Answer of your first question is that Pakistan doesn't want any confrontation with Afghan Talibans, answer of your second question is that Pakistan wants Haqqanis in the negotiations which US intends to engage with other Talibans.
Seriously, are you that naive?

Sorry...but what so naive about it??? Honestly what benefit will it bring to Pakistan if Haqqani's problem get solved??? Can you throw some light and enlighten me???

Edit : Your post 14 is what exactly i was pointing to....so why calling me naive :undecided:
You didnt answer my question.. Why would Pakistan not want the Haqquani problem be solved and why wouldnt it work with USA to solve it..?? If you dont want to attack Haqquanis, why not let USA attack him..??
Let me answer! US has been failed in Afghanistan and wants to drag Pakistan in to clean its sh!t as it has done in the past. While negotiating with Taliban in Afghanistan want Pakistan to become escape goat.
And BTW isn't US already attacking Haqqanis via drones? So why so war mongering now? Things are more complex. Elections are close and presidents of US who want to extend its tenure go on war.
Removing all past baggage and excuses, is there a single sane reason on why Pakistan wouldnt want to work with USA is solving the Haqquani problem..??

I don't know about Pakistan but US surely has a reason to work with Pakistan if it wants to keep its 140,000 troops alive in Afghanistan.
Why would you make people your enemy who are going to live in Afghanistan forever?

But why would Pakistan host a group that is not native to Pakistan but is capable of launching attacks across the border ?

It is fair to admit inability to deal with a group but to be conscious that a group is not supposed to be in your territory and then have warm realtions makes it suspect.

Yes, that is specific enough unsubstantiated nonsense - thank you for parroting the Warmongering US Establishment line for us on this forum (in case some of us missed the headlines in the news). Let us know when you can start thinking for yourself and actually support the positions you are propagating on behalf of the war mongering US Establishment, with facts, evidence and rational arguments.

Yessir. Only if you do the same:

Thank you for parroting the hopelessly clueless and misguided Pakistani Establishment line for us on this forum. Let us know when you can start thinking for yourself and actually support the positions you are propagating on behalf of the hopelessly clueless and misguided Pakistani Establishment, with blatant disregard for the facts, evidence and rational arguments.

Of course, it would be better that you discuss things politely, but the regression towards such behavior only shows a lack of argument and logic and judgement.

I would request you to consider my words carefully.
Answer of your first question is that Pakistan doesn't want any confrontation with Afghan Talibans, answer of your second question is that Pakistan wants Haqqanis in the negotiations which US intends to engage with other Talibans.

So what stops you from openly stating your support or neutrality towards Afghan Taliban who you claim to be fighting in WoT because of which Pakistan is losing 60 billion USD.. What is the whole hoo-hah about 170 million fighting for the world peace etc etc..

---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------

Let me answer! US has been failed in Afghanistan and wants to drag Pakistan in to clean its sh!t as it has done in the past. While negotiating with Taliban in Afghanistan want Pakistan to become escape goat.
And BTW isn't US already attacking Haqqanis via drones? So why so war mongering now? Things are more complex. Elections are close and every president of US who want to extend it tenure go on war.

Still no answer.. except letting lose on USA and its supposed failures in Afghanistan.. As I said, why would Pakistan not want to remove a warlord who is encroaching upon a piece of Pakistan's sovereignty where he is more powerful than even Kayani
Sorry...but what so naive about it??? Honestly what benefit will it bring to Pakistan if Haqqani's problem get solved??? Can you throw some light and enlighten me???

The question rather should be why Pakistan is avoiding any operation against Haqqanis. Well, Haqqanis are not Pakistanis, and they do not fight PA. If Pakistan launches an operation against them then they will become your direct enemy, they along with their other Taliban friends will initiate war against Pakistan.. Do I need to remind you that Tabliban are going to live in Afghanistan forever? So by logic Pakistan will buy a war which will continue till the dooms day.
And at the same time Pakistan can not even allow US to raid NW because of its sovereignty.
So what stops you from openly stating your support or neutrality towards Afghan Taliban who you claim to be fighting in WoT because of which Pakistan is losing 60 billion USD.. What is the whole hoo-hah about 170 million fighting for the world peace etc etc..

---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------

Still no answer.. except letting lose on USA and its supposed failures in Afghanistan.. As I said, why would Pakistan not want to remove a warlord who is encroaching upon a piece of Pakistan's sovereignty where he is more powerful than even Kayani

Pakistan does not trusts US anymore with all this negotiations and deals going on in Afghanistan. Earlier US asked Pakistanis to operate against other groups of Taliban in S.W and Fata while conveniently negotiated with them behind the scenes. Pakistan does not wants this to happen again and it believes it should keep some cards up its sleeves the next time US tries to play smart.

Besides the Haqqanis are one of the most deadly fraction of Taliban and so far it is not against the army of Pakistani state. Heck its not even located in Pakistan as per his latest interview. So why would Pakistan want to create an enemy out of this particular group and further destabilise the country at the cost of an untrustworthy 'friend' who in all likelihood would 'engage' them like it did with other Taliban groups?

looks like things are heating up.

Ooh! this one was even more brutal than the Panetta and Mullen testimony.. Somewhere he says that I can't in good conscious go to American Military funerals and say to the parents of a dead marine that I am sorry that your son or daughter was killed in Afghanistan by assistance given to terrorists in Pakistan by Pakistan govt ..

Another one " Sovereign Nation of Pakistan is engaging in hostile acts against United States and our ally Afghanistan"
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BTW I am not seeing any war in near future even if it seems that US is considering this seriously.
Pakistan is a fully functional democracy, has a strong and vibrant media, huge powerful army and other forces, sophisticated war gear and China as a friend.
So till something serious happens I will consider any statement by US rats as blah blah blah.....! :coffee:
So enjoy this song and chill
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My initial statement is correct. The admission came only after Kayani was left with no option.
Again, the 'admission' has been made several times, officially and publicly, by Pakistan over the last few years - your argument and rationale therefore stand exposed for the nonsense they are.

From a Petraeus interview:

There are some relationships that continue. It is not as clear as one would like. There's certainly additional focus on that. Obviously, we've had these conversations with our counterparts, with the head of ISI, Lieutenant General Pasha, and others. There is a case in the past year or so that we think was unambiguous. There appears to have been a warning prior to a Pakistani operation.

The others though are a little bit less clear in the sense that any intelligence organization has contacts with extremist groups because they're trying to recruit sources among them. And we do the same thing.

Exclusive: General David Petraeus Discusses Mission in Afghanistan - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

See this testimony from Petraeus:

6/29/10: Gen. Petraeus Said It Was Difficult to Determine If ISI’s Contacts With the Taliban and Other Extremists Were to Support Those Groups or to Recruit Sources – “There Are No Questions About the Longstanding Lenghts. Let’s Remember that We Funded the ISI to Build These Organizations When They Were the Mujahideen and Helping to Expel the Soviets from Afghanistan. And so Certainly Residual Links Would Not Be a Surprise. The Question Is What the Character of Those Links Is and What the Activities Are Behind Them.” “Well, again, what we have to always figure out with Pakistan center is, are they working with the Taliban to support the Taliban or to recruit sources in the Taliban? And that's the difficulty, frankly, in trying to assess what the ISI is doing in some of their activities in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, in contacts with the Haqqani network, or the ‐‐ the Afghan Taliban. There are no questions about the longstanding lengths. Let's remember that we funded the ISI to build these organizations when they were the Mujahideen and helping to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan. And so certainly residual links would not be a surprise. The question is what the character of those links is and what the activities are behind them.” [Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing, 6/29/10]

And here is more from Petraeus after the LSE report was released:

Although General Petraeus acknowledged that "some of those ties continue in various forms", he said that such links were useful too.

"Some of them, by the way, gathering intelligence ... you have to have contact with bad guys to get intelligence on bad guys. And so it's very important, I think, again, to try to have this kind of nuance feel for what is really going on,"

Pakistan Politics: Ties with bad guys help get bad guys: Gen Petraeus

And from the Pakistani side:

As for American allegations that the ISI maintains direct links with Siraj Haqqani, a key ally of the Taliban, the ISI officials insist it isn't so. They do have a network of agents within the insurgent groups and tribes, but that's part of a spy agency's job.



Official: Pakistan can help broker U.S.-Taliban talks - CNN

Though the ISPR did say that the article above reported Abbass's comments out of context, but the fact is that Pakistan maintained long before the current round of propaganda from the US that it had channels of communication (contacts) with the Haqqanis.
while you may feel that true i doubt your leader feel that way . they are not jaded with chest thumping patriotism.

Your opinion... Kindly update yourself with the latest development in Pakistan on US-Pak Issues..

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