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Although I disagree with you totally....I do enjoy reading your posts
U most welcome my brothr...
next time I'm gonna try to add some more spices/material to my posts...cuz lot of stuff is real real confidential.......:D
yea....that should be fun :smokin::smokin::smokin:
Yes! sure I luv fun...my brothr.......:cheers::smokin:
But whenever I think about this OBL drama done on our soil by USA and blamed us for him to be here which was total lie .I get sad and gotta start smoking to forget that pain of the blame.....its total destructive to play with us like that and to hurt our feelings......:cry:

This ISI official had access to Osama wives, Why didn't Pakistan brought them in front of media and ask them to clarify how CIA executed the conspiracy???

His wives were in Paksitan , Pakistan simply would have produced tehm to media. Any media group can pay millions of dollar for her interview.

Point is simple, These kind of theories are good to listen. BiG foot, alien, and blah blah... Why tossing conspiracy when you have eye witness


It is very simple----you will be committing political strategic suicide by bringing them out and making a public statement. You only have control over them till you put them in front of a mike---after that whatever they say----either it would be a boom or a doom. And you don't want to take that chance.

Now you could show a pre-recorded conversation---.
U U have just 1800 post under ur belt, I will suggest you to spend more time with correct frnds, who will not mislead you. Are u aware what you are saying????

It is well known that Pakistan is run by Army and ISI, If your statement is correct, I can assume that you are saying tht most of the ISI and Army is American dalal and very few (who run consp theories) are honest...

Kid think before posting.. Pakistan didn't produce them coz they could have spilled the bean. They could have given the name who sheltered them near Islamabad.

.Its also possible that they were not even his real wives

You know what , it is also possible that dogs are flying... When Aircraft carrier can why not Dogs???? It is also possible that English never ruled India, It is also possible that Osama was an alien sent by Thor to destroy America... and it is also posible that I am OBL and typing from abyss of caspian sea... Stop questioning everything.

Come on man!!! this is 21st century everything is possible nowadayz.....if man can fly in the air they why dogs can't???
Do u see Hollywood movies if not please do see at least Bollywood movies!!! U will find out that everything is possible nowadayz , Everybody is hungry for money power and wealth. So everything s possible.Anywayz I liked ure answer....:smokin:
and the conspiracy theories never seem to end.:rolleyes:

seriously what the fascination ?

On the surface yu seem right but a few questions remain unanswered?
1)why seals had to kill him OBL when he was found unarmed and at their mercy.
2)why was US in such a hurry to bury him in sea without letting any independent media to take some photos?
3)Secrecy before op makes sense but why so much secrecy after the op..why not let the world see the trophy they got?
4)To top it up noone among that seal team that conducted such a huge op is alive anymore to speak truth even after decades as was the case with ww1 & 2 ..what a finishing better than a hollywood movie and yet guys like yu believe what they pour into yr ears...What a pitty and shame on intellectuals like you..
These are just a few of a long list dude..We all are free to believe whatever we want to but that doesnt guarantee its true as well..
On the surface yu seem right but a few questions remain unanswered?
1)why seals had to kill him OBL when he was found unarmed and at their mercy.
2)why was US in such a hurry to bury him in sea without letting any independent media to take some photos?
3)Secrecy before op makes sense but why so much secrecy after the op..why not let the world see the trophy they got?
4)To top it up noone among that seal team that conducted such a huge op is alive anymore to speak truth even after decades as was the case with ww1 & 2 ..what a finishing better than a hollywood movie and yet guys like yu believe what they pour into yr ears...What a pitty and shame on intellectuals like you..
These are just a few of a long list dude..We all are free to believe whatever we want to but that doesnt guarantee its true as well..

1 - He was not found un-armed. And this was a kill mission. If he got down on his knees and begged then he would have been taken alive.
2 - US asked Saudis to take him and bury him. Saudis refused so the USA decided to bury him at Sea. Whats the point of keeping his body? USA does not show war trophies like Arabs do. When Qaddafi was killed they allowed journalists to take pictures of his body. Obama in particular is not a fan of that.
3 - See above
4 - How are the Seals not alive? Yes there was a Navy Seal chopper crash which killed 17 Seals. There are 4,000 Navy Seals. And how do you assume its the same seals who killed bin laden who died in the crash?
Osama was shot once in each of the 105 Indian consulates in Afghanistan using Vickers-Berthier gun and then Potassium Chloride was used to burn Osama's body beyond recognition. Then they made a tall building collapse on the burrial ground by firing a cruise missile with pictures of airplane windows after sending an evaccuation message to all the jews in the building by writing the message in cryptic hebrew in the sky in smoke.

A dalit convert to christianity told me. He said pakistan zindabad.

LOL....Thats Hilarious ....:laugh:


BS Source and conspiracy theories starts now, just like 9/11 was insider job!!
1 - He was not found un-armed. And this was a kill mission. If he got down on his knees and begged then he would have been taken alive.
2 - US asked Saudis to take him and bury him. Saudis refused so the USA decided to bury him at Sea. Whats the point of keeping his body? USA does not show war trophies like Arabs do. When Qaddafi was killed they allowed journalists to take pictures of his body. Obama in particular is not a fan of that.
3 - See above
4 - How are the Seals not alive? Yes there was a Navy Seal chopper crash which killed 17 Seals. There are 4,000 Navy Seals. And how do you assume its the same seals who killed bin laden who died in the crash?

1)Why was it a kill mission?.Werent they suppose to try him in a court of law and prove the allegations against him with substantial evidence.All we know abt alqaida and OBL is thru western media where is the truth??All the tapes which allegedly were being posted on so called jihadist websites were released to rest of world by western media(SITE INTELLIGENCE) so where is the proof of them being genuine..Besides even in their own words they shot osama when he was handsup...???????
2)Why would saudi like to get involved in a mess where there are no proofs and no body even knows forsure if that was the body of OBL or not..
3)Well US president came online asap to let the world know abt his heroics and his nation was overwhelmed with joy..I am sure they would have loved to see a caged osama so they forsure have shown their trophy if there ever was one..
4)why not any photo ..independent and not tempered one??? they should have proved that he was OBL..
5)It was all over the news that same seals were killed in an air crash in aftan and yu can confirm it online as well..

And by the way do confirm if yu can why JFK was killed after he signed executive 11110..And what was that order abt it will give yu an insight into people you are so sincerely defending.
1)Why was it a kill mission?.Werent they suppose to try him in a court of law and prove the allegations against him with substantial evidence.All we know abt alqaida and OBL is thru western media where is the truth??All the tapes which allegedly were being posted on so called jihadist websites were released to rest of world by western media(SITE INTELLIGENCE) so where is the proof of them being genuine..Besides even in their own words they shot osama when he was handsup...???????
2)Why would saudi like to get involved in a mess where there are no proofs and no body even knows forsure if that was the body of OBL or not..
3)Well US president came online asap to let the world know abt his heroics and his nation was overwhelmed with joy..I am sure they would have loved to see a caged osama so they forsure have shown their trophy if there ever was one..
4)why not any photo ..independent and not tempered one??? they should have proved that he was OBL..
5)It was all over the news that same seals were killed in an air crash in aftan and yu can confirm it online as well..

And by the way do confirm if yu can why JFK was killed after he signed executive 11110..And what was that order abt it will give yu an insight into people you are so sincerely defending.

1 - Too much hassle of trying him in court. They had KSM, the 9/11 mastermind. Osama's capture would have unleashed a new terror campaign aimed at kidnapping Americans and other Westerners and demanding Bin Laden's release. It was easier just to kill him.

2 - OBL is a Saudi citizen. USA asked to take his dead body. Saudis refused. USA had a back up plan of burying him in sea and thats what they did.

3 - Obama is different than Bush. He doesn't like parading dead people as war trophies unlike Bush who showed Saddam's son, Saddam and Zarqawi.

4 - Not really. Doubters and skeptics would have found some flaw and his image would have lead to more anti-americanism. they shot him in the eye and chest so the pic would have been pretty gruesome and militants would have used his image to create banners and flag to rally more anti-americanism. Obama did the mature and correct thing by not showing his picture.

5 - The seals that got killed were from the same unit as the ones that killed bin laden but that doesnt mean they are the same ones who killed bin laden. There are certain seals who specialize in winter warfare, there are others who are dedicated for jungle warfare, others for desert warfare, other for kill/capture missions. That is Seal Team 6. Team doesn't mean its one singluar Team. there are probably over 1,000 of them in that Seal Team Six.
1 - Too much hassle of trying him in court. They had KSM, the 9/11 mastermind. Osama's capture would have unleashed a new terror campaign aimed at kidnapping Americans and other Westerners and demanding Bin Laden's release. It was easier just to kill him.

2 - OBL is a Saudi citizen. USA asked to take his dead body. Saudis refused. USA had a back up plan of burying him in sea and thats what they did.

3 - Obama is different than Bush. He doesn't like parading dead people as war trophies unlike Bush who showed Saddam's son, Saddam and Zarqawi.

4 - Not really. Doubters and skeptics would have found some flaw and his image would have lead to more anti-americanism. they shot him in the eye and chest so the pic would have been pretty gruesome and militants would have used his image to create banners and flag to rally more anti-americanism. Obama did the mature and correct thing by not showing his picture.

5 - The seals that got killed were from the same unit as the ones that killed bin laden but that doesnt mean they are the same ones who killed bin laden. There are certain seals who specialize in winter warfare, there are others who are dedicated for jungle warfare, others for desert warfare, other for kill/capture missions. That is Seal Team 6. Team doesn't mean its one singluar Team. there are probably over 1,000 of them in that Seal Team Six.

Dude yu are starting something on the lines of egg came first or hen but for yr info KSM was a CIA asset but just to make yu understand reality from the other corner I asked yu to investigate why JFK was killed after he signed executive order 11110..And what was that order abt it will give yu an insight into people you are so sincerely defending.
I never believed it and neither did millions of other people who protested the war.

Ah but 85% of the Americans did. Look, it's not whether few believed the lies or not. The fact is that those lies were conspiracy theories at the time.

WMD claims has proven to be a total lie as I thought it would be. And you guys have no proof that OBL wasn't in that compound and you are desperate to find anything to cling to invent a loony conspiracy theory to prove your nonsensical claims.

The WMD Claims were a deception and not a conspiracy theory. In a similar fashion that Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1965 to get US involved in Vietnam. Learn some histroy before talking kid.

Lol. So what makes WMD lies so different from 9/11 claims? Just the fact that they're lies? Every single argument you're applying to WMDs can be applied to 9/11 claims or OBL claims. Please stop being delusional. One can call 9/11 theories deception as well. Again, what is so inherently different about the two? Aren't 9/11 stories and OBL stories deception and lies as well? The differences that you're providing are irrelevant as far as the claims being conspiracy theories go. The fact that Iran today and Iraq of yesterday were out to destroy America and Israel is a conspiracy theory in itself. :lol:

And even if we are to believe in your illogical argument, is one better or worse than the other? The fact that the western world decided to believe in such crap and started a war over it -- do they really have a right to show a moral high ground? They're just epic hypocrites.

Iraq's claims of WMD or Iran making nukes are lies and exaggeration. Its not a conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theory is blaming Jews for 9/11. A conspiracy theory is blaming CIA and made up bogeymen for the bombing that has occurred in Pakistan. In both these examples the action has already taken place.

Nice try though.


Keep coming up with your own definition of conspiracy theories. Americans and Israelis believed that Iraq was out to destroy them with WMDs, and the same now goes for Iran. You're calling one side a lie and other a conspiracy theory just to suit your worldview. :lol: Grow up, seriously.

And seriously, the action having already taken place is a must for something to be a conspiracy theory? So what about the claims that US wants to steal Pakistan's nukes? Don't you call that a conspiracy theory, despite that not having happened yet :lol:

They found evidence that Iranian weapons in hands of Taliban. Although it still needs to be verified on how they acquired such weaponry as the Northern Alliance was backed by Iran before 9/11.

And that's your evidence? :lol: I believe a lot of bharati weaponary is found among TTP as well.

See here is where my opinion of your intelligence totally degrades.

Lol. As if I care. It's sort of like those idiots who rejected Einstein's ideas initially telling him "my opinion of your intelligence is not very good". Do you seriously think I care? Those who are moronic will obviously not see intelligent arguments as intelligent.

TTP are Taliban terrorists based from Pakistan.
But they're hiding in Afghanistan? Are you seriously this thick?

Why would America not attack them or fight them in Afghanistan?

Why are you asking me this? You ask them. They haven't been attacking them.

How can America differentiate between TTP and Afghan Taliban? They are both Pashtuns. And besides didn't US drone strike take out the TTP head, Meshud. And I remember Zaid Hamid trying to spin this one as saying the drone missile accidentally killed Meshud.

Well clearly they have been able to differentiate them however they have, because TTP in Afghanistan have a safe haven and are never attacked by NATO.

You can talk about Mehsud all you want, fact is TTP are hiding in Afghanistan today and are undistrubed by NATO.

As for BLA, that issue has been going on since Pakistan was founded. Pakistan needs to address the greiveinces in Balochistan as it is the most under developed province in Pakistan.

Ever heard of red herring? Can you answer why US is sheltering BLA there? Please don't divert to irrelevant arguments such as above.

You sound like a typical uneducated brainwashed Pakistani who cannot comprehend complex facts and needs conspiracy theories to explain them.

Which of the above I mentioned is a conspiracy theory? And what about you yourself believing in conspiracy theories? Oh that's right, you have your own definition of conspiracy theories, and in that definition you can never believe in conspiracy theories yourself. :lol:

But of course anyone who does not agree with you must be believing in them. :lol:

What a f*cking hypocrite you are.

What other pressing concerns does Pakistan have? Haqqanis are sponsoring terrorists attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan has taken no action against them. I think that makes Pakistan either passive or complicit in terrorist activities in Afghanistan. Or if Pakistan is unable to exercise sovereignty over its own territory then it has become a failed state. So which is it?

We have TTP to fight. And as I mentioned above, your arguments are inane and lack of hypocrisy. You excuse US for not attacking TTP but if we do something similar, we must be supporting these groups. Please take a hard look at yourself.

Absolutely. CIA was caught with its pants down when 9/11 happened. So by this I am assuming you are saying that ISI was totally incompetent in being unable to locate Bin Laden.

Sure, if that's how you want to put it.
Dude yu are starting something on the lines of egg came first or hen but for yr info KSM was a CIA asset but just to make yu understand reality from the other corner I asked yu to investigate why JFK was killed after he signed executive order 11110..And what was that order abt it will give yu an insight into people you are so sincerely defending.

KSM is a CIA asset. :rofl:

Please tell me more :D
Oh My God this is 21st century ..If man can fly why PIGS can't fly???.......

:rofl: what a statement!!!! :rofl:

Oh My God

GOD must be very proud of you.............I am sure!!!!

this is 21st century

Thank GOD; you know this at least!!!

..If man can fly why PIGS can't fly???.......

:rofl::rofl: Sorry can't stop laughing!!!!


Moral of the story: If MAN can make nuke/s, Pigs also can create nuke/s.

Then why the hell these Western Countries are so mad about CTBT, NPT, etc. bu!!$#!t.

Sorry once again!!!
mar gaya re!!! :rofl::rofl:
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