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It’s very easy for the US to put to rest all the questions by releasing the picture of OBL's body in the possession of the SEAL unit that apparently took him out. Why would the US not do this?

They own up to killing him then why can’t they show the photographs? The put out on display the dead bodies of Saddam's sons's Uday and Qusay , washed and stitched up for the camera shot why would they not do the same for the most wanted OBL ? What was the rush to take throw him into the ocean ? It doesn’t make sense

The US administration is hiding something here , that’s for sure

Remember this -> Uday, Qusay Pictures Released | Fox News

The pentagon released these pictures , the bodies were preped by the pentagon for the camera


so why could they not do the same for OBL ? OBL was after all the most wanted on the list
DUH............ Any normal person, who hasn't been brainwashed by American media knows the reality that ''Abbotabad OP was all staged''.


And how did they brainwash most of the world????? By bribing most worlds TV channels and Internet sites???? Hummmm; very expensive operation; I believe one of the most costly in terms of money. They have to buy many: Pakitani Govt., Pakistani Army, plus PAF, plus ISI, plus their own people, plus so many TV channels, Internet, and many more. Plus they have to kill many of their own soldiers, not ordinary ones, the "SEALS." :mod:

And what do you think the goal of all this exercie was??? To just spread another conspiracy theory or to humiliate Pakistan (if so; again the question is: then why the Pak govt., Army, PAF, ISI chose to get humiliated)???

And only some "Intellectual Spirits" like you and Regular were remained wise enough to not to believe all this BS and calculate the truth.

If believing ''Abbotabad OP was all staged'' is the criteria of normal person, I would like to be called "brainwashed" or "abnormal."

Eyewitness account of Bin laden killing in Abbottabad (with subtitles) - Video Dailymotion

The only helicopter that landed & picked up Pushto speaking attackers, exploded.

Other helicopters never came near or landed. It's impossible that any of the attackers was lifted back, let alone Dead-Osama...

Chief Intelligence Analyst Zaki Khalid conducted a one-on-one private discussion with a senior Pakistani intelligence official whose identity is being kept anonymous keeping in view the discretion polices of the forum. Questions and queries were posed which were focused on the incidents related to the US Navy SEAL raid on Abbottabad last year and the recent developments in its context.

ZK: The White House on May 2, 2011 held an emergency press conference in which it was announced that Osama bin Laden was gunned-down at a compound in Abbottabad right near Pakistan Military Academy. How far is this claim true?

Official: Not the least bit. Why would they 're-kill' a man who already passed away years ago.

ZK: So you are saying that Osama was not present in the compound, is that right?

Official: Yes, that is correct.

ZK: Then who did the SEALs kill?

Official: I will not comment on that. Osama was not present in the compound and that is a sufficient answer to your question.

ZK: Where were Pakistan's jets during the whole aerospace intrusion? Air Headquarters Islamabad has declined to comment on our questions. Would you care to share some news?

Official: They were vigilant as ever.

ZK: Did Pakistani officials gun down one of the Sikorsky choppers?

Official: Yes they did.

ZK: Then surely there must have been some dead bodies from their side as well?

Official: Yes there were. The exact figures cannot be disclosed. More than a dozen is what I can reveal for now.

ZK: Right. Strangely, a few weeks after this incident, other Navy SEALs who took part in this raid got killed in a mysterious crash. Do you see something here?

Official: What can I say? They might have been 'sacrificed'.aangirfan: CIA KILLS US TROOPS

ZK: Notable American officials including Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who was former advisor to Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance, has declared in an interview that a General in Paul Wolfowitz' squad revealed to him years ago that OBL was dead long ago and that his body "was kept on ice to be revealed later on". Do you agree with his assessment?

Official: To be honest, I have not yet heard or seen such an interview. Our archives record that Osama was last met by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Tora Bora after which we atleast, on our part, did not notice his movements. We also strongly feel he was killed by KSM himself.

ZK: And why would he do such a thing?

Official: KSM is a CIA asset.

ZK: America's Most Wanted is their own asset?

Official: Yes he is. Why are you surprised? Much happens in the intelligence tradecraft. What is apparent can be an illusion and what seems farfetched can turn out to be precise. The real OBL was a very weak man in his later years, medical problems. He required regular dialysis. What if I tell you there were many copies of Osama that were manufactured?

ZK: Sounds very science-fictionistic. We were told this really was the case by another source of ours.

Official: That was the case.

ZK: Do you really believe it is easy to deceive the whole world into believing a lie?

Official: Tell you what, I challenge any court, be it in the US, to pass a verdict verifying claims made by officials at the American military-intelligence establishment. They have no tangible, forensic evidence at all that can prove OBL was killed in Abbottabad. He never came to Pakistan in the second millennium, that's news for you. The world's media, including ours, has its corporate interests to protect. Plus, what is announced on Western media giants is taken to be the Divine Truth.

ZK: We told this to our readers last year but your own DG ISPR Maj Gen Athar Abbas said in a National Geographic documentary that OBL was killed. Is this supposed to be incredible then?

Official: He said the right thing. We have a situation here and according to the strategies formulated by the military leadership post-Abbottabad, we had to stay precautious against any confrontational move that could isolate us in the global map.

ZK: What about the wives of Osama bin Laden? What was their role in all this?

Official: No comment.

ZK: What can you share about America's military agendas in light of recent geopolitical developments?

Official: US officials recently held strategic meetings in Islamabad in which they told Taliban spokespersons that they are willing to give them recognition to which the Afghan Taliban scorned and said it is you, not us, who get to decide your exit. We have no conditions, just pick up your bags and get out of here as soon as possible. The Obama Administration is doing all this to increase their vote bank as Presidential Elections are fast approaching. Obama wants to show the world that he held successful negotiations with the Taliban which India also supports. However, talks have failed.

Marc Grossman came to request re-opening of the NATO supply routes. He said that if Obama apologizes over the Salala attack, his votes will considerably decline.Those talks too, failed. Gen. Kayani promptly denied any such request and Grossman had to return in dismay.

ZK: So that means there is no re-opening of NATO supplies?

Official: That is correct. The Afghan Taliban attacked on US and Allied Force bases a few weeks ago to give them a message that signed a 'strategic partnership' with your own puppet regime at Kabul. Worthless.

ZK: Can you summarize the Abbottabad raid in one line?

Official: Obama's publicity stunt.

Exclusive: Pakistani intelligence official discusses the Abbottabad raid ~ Terminal X

Not just publicity stunt. That's secondary. Primary goal is to implicate & tarnish Pakistan.

@ sur, This guy claims that he was on his terrace lying down and watching the whole scene - before that he claims that he along with others entered the compound and saw the helicopter and the bodies burning. He then claims that the men who alighted on Osama's house came to his and others houses in the area and banged on their doors warning them in Pashto not to come out of their homes.

So, either he was on his house's terrace or on the ground and entered Osama's compound to witness the heli burning, also either the men got killed in the helicopter or they were banging on his and other doors.

This guy was high on something that night :lol:
OR you are disoriented to timeline he described.

Let me make is easy on ur under-70 I.Q.

It was black out. He was on roof watching helicopter drop Pushto-speaking guys.
>>>Then he heard bangs on his & others doors, someone speaking Pashto telling ppl not to leave their houses.
>>>He saw ONLY one helicopter come to house while other 2 stayed far away & in air.
>>>After some time, ONLY one copter landed & picked up passengers. Other copters didn't even come near.
>>>Then as the only copter that landed started to take off, it exploded. Other copters that were already far, went & disappeared.
>>>Then when silence prevailed, ppl started to gather in that compound. They saw fire & dead bodies.
>>>Then Army came & hushed public away.

Hope that helped.

My guess is that they used Afghani soldiers to land & kill 3 guys who built that compound on CIA's behalf. Copters that stayed in air had Americans. They remotely exploded & killed Afghani soldiers who boarded the copter that landed. Later those in other 2 copters were also eliminated in a copter crash in Afghanistan.

I,m gonna hypothesize:
>>>CIA hired few locals to buy land & construct a house. (3 guys who were actually shot in that raid-Pictures available on net)
>>>CIA told them to stay home that night. (bcoz they were to be eliminated#1.)
>>>A mix of Afghan & American soldiers were sent in 3 copters.
>>>Copter carrying Afghan soldiers landed. Then all Afhgan & probably American piolet eliminated#2 when Americans in other 2 copters blew up 3rd copter on ground.
>>>Then later those Americans who returned from raid were also eliminated#3 in crash in Afghan.

Hence ALL 3 groups eliminated#1#2#3.
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Excellent thread - @faujihistorian - what do make of this?
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Excellent thread - @faujihistorian - what do make of this?

@muse this thread just got revived at a particularly appropriate time! :P
The OP courtesy an anonymous (!!)"Intelligence"(!!) Official sounds even more amusing than when it first surfaced here on PDF.
god bless Terminal X for having treated us to this 'monumental work of fiction'.
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Any thing is possible in Pakistan's Parallel universe where every conspiracy theory is a well known Reality !!!

@sur, This guy claims that he was on his terrace lying down and watching the whole scene - before that he claims that he along with others entered the compound and saw the helicopter and the bodies burning. He then claims that the men who alighted on Osama's house came to his and others houses in the area and banged on their doors warning them in Pashto not to come out of their homes.

So, either he was on his house's terrace or on the ground and entered Osama's compound to witness the heli burning, also either the men got killed in the helicopter or they were banging on his and other doors.

This guy was high on something that night :lol:
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@sur, This guy claims that he was on his terrace lying down and watching the whole scene - before that he claims that he along with others entered the compound and saw the helicopter and the bodies burning. He then claims that the men who alighted on Osama's house came to his and others houses in the area and banged on their doors warning them in Pashto not to come out of their homes.

So, either he was on his house's terrace or on the ground and entered Osama's compound to witness the heli burning, also either the men got killed in the helicopter or they were banging on his and other doors.

This guy was high on something that night :lol:

You obviously can't understand Urdu.
Enough to know that the Guy was going all over the place with his eye witness story.

He was probably excited due to all the pandemonium.

That doesn't mean he is lying.

Nor did his conversation imply that he wasn't telling the events out of sequence.
He was probably excited due to all the pandemonium.

That doesn't mean he is lying.

Nor did his conversation imply that he wasn't telling the events out of sequence.

As I said only one could be true because he claims all this happened in 20 minutes.
Perhaps written by conspiracy theorist who believes too much on himself. Just so that he looks credible he quoted an ISI official.

Or are we saying ISI officially leaks such Info. If you look at number of people quoting ISI in this forum, you will be amazed.

My gut feel, people like to boast they know or met ISI Official.

Okay let all the theories aside. Provide me the source of concrete evidence about “Osama was there”. Let me tell you few things kid the report which pentagon handover to the US Govt and US govt Public even in that report there was no evidence regarding Osama was there nor in Pakistan commission report there is no authentic evidence regarding Osama was in the compound.

Do you have any picture of Osama btw killed ?? like Gaddafi, Saddam ???

No! still there is NO EVIDENCE in the report anywhere in the world *** hawa may bhaeet kar bakwaas karna shuru na hojaya karoo give the link where US or etc provide concrete evidence of Osama was really there or not ... and by the way since when believe ISI?

You guyz always talking about his children/wife interview public by ISI. “According to Osama wife and children they’re living there from past 6 years something like that”. wesay tu ISI bakwaas karti hey is baat pe kab say itna trust hogaya hey kay ISI nay he tu kaha hey uskay bachay and bevyaan udar thay ?

Where do I buy the right for this story? I want to make a hindi movie....with KRK as secret agent who unveils the mystery behind Osama's death. The name will be Deshdrohi 3 !! And will also have song like this


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