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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

'Dynamic' ?? It flies the same orbit. You'd know exactly where it would be in a month. After 'talking' with you, I'm worrying less and less about the Chinese. :rofl:
Technically, if the damn thing wobble just a mil, it is 'dynamic' and therefore impossible to hit. That is how these conscript rejects sees it.
This headline is no brainer, we can smoke Vietnam and Philipines whenever we want, and no one will come to their rescue.
that's your best argument...try harder

O.K. CHIEF. In every big American/Canadian city there is a 'CHINATOWN', full of CHINESE that couldn't bear living in CHINA anymore. A lot of them risked their lives to get here. Got and 'AMERICATOWNS' in China ? Do the math, genius.
Not true. You must've fallen asleep in analytical mechanics. Orbits naturally precess over time,...
And how long is that duration?

and anyhow, at the size of a fridge, sensors still need to acquire targets in real time.
Show us a credible source that says such an acquisition is technically impossible.

What the path prediction IS true for is ballistic missiles. They're called ballistic for a reason - they follow a ballistic trajectory. Yet the US system couldn't intercept a single stone age SCUD from Saddam.
Did the US have a system dedicated for that back then? Show everyone the DF-21 can hit a stationary barge first before you can talking about a moving carrier.

So much for 'high Chinese IQ'.
O.K. CHIEF. In every big American/Canadian city there is a 'CHINATOWN', full of CHINESE that couldn't bear living in CHINA anymore. A lot of them risked their lives to get here. Got and 'AMERICATOWNS' in China ? Do the math, genius.

Only 1/7 of Chinese in the US are born in China. The vast majority of those living in Chinatown have been in the US for generations. In fact, a Chinese-American controls the US nuclear arsenal (Steve Chu at the Department of Energy).

And how long is that duration?

Show us a credible source that says such an acquisition is technically impossible.

Did the US have a system dedicated for that back then? Show everyone the DF-21 can hit a stationary barge first before you can talking about a moving carrier.

So much for 'high Chinese IQ'.

I never said it was impossible, just much harder than making a big rocket and sending a bag of bolts with human experiments on board to the moon.
Technically, if the damn thing wobble just a mil, it is 'dynamic' and therefore impossible to hit. That is how these conscript rejects sees it.

I hope they keep that thought if the feces impacts the air circulating device. I can dope a scope, no sweat.
The answer is simple...no matter how bad China's ..still our China, not a single Chinese will appreciate to watch other constantly bash and slap China in front of us...even we live far far away.

They are not “bashing” China, they are only making constructive criticisms of China. Furthermore, the people who made these criticism do not live in China, thus their criticism has more credibility. On the other hand, you Chinese live overseas, you benefited from the host nation, everything from the food you eat to the clothes you wear to the democracy you enjoy, yet you constantly wish ill will towards the nation that allow you residency. You wouldn’t even think twice of leaving and going back to China, the irony and the sheer contradiction are astounding.
I never said it was impossible, just much harder than making a big rocket and sending a bag of bolts with human experiments on board to the moon.
Then you must not have kept up with news. Heck, I doubt that you understand the concept of interception in the first place. By the way, I used to design field radar tests for interceptions of air- and water- borne objects off the coast off Florida, from 5 meters to 10k altitude. Let us see what you got...
I am quite aware that there are a few people in other nationalities (Arabs, Africans, Asians, or whatever) who are anti-America and the West, and I have also presented the same questions to them. Pointing to other people doesn’t change the fact that there are Chinese members on here who are anti-America to the point that they want to see America’s destruction. And if you are among those who wished ill will towards America then my question is also directed at you as well as them. We all know the reasons why you and the rest of the Chinese members on here live overseas and not in China. China is not a rich and powerful country as you all make it out to be. You benefited from and enjoyed everything the host country has to offer. If you hate America and love China so much, would it not make sense if you go back to China? Your words would have more credibility and carry more weight if you live in China when directing your hatred towards America and the West.

Most of the people here you mentioned are probably students in the US. When they read the American papers everyday all they see are negatives comments where as China is concerned. I know it for a fact because I read the same papers. Now these young men love their country and certainly are provoked by these hostilities from the US, hence the reciprocated altitudes. They are paying for their educations and they don't owe US anything except hospitality, and their schooling are over most would probably return home. And also their feelings are aimed at the government, not the American people. For the same token, there are many Americans, especial in both coasts, hated their government for what she did for the past decade and openly condemn her as well.

Loyalties for a country is not given but has to be earned and, perhaps, the US politicians and medias are overdone their bashing of China as well.
Only 1/7 of Chinese in the US are born in China. The vast majority of those living in Chinatown have been in the US for generations.

Made that figure up, didn't you ?

... just much harder than making a big rocket and sending a bag of bolts with human experiments on board to the moon.

BUZZZZZZZ !!! WRONG AGAIN, my way-misinformed friend.
BUZZZZZZZ !!! WRONG AGAIN, my way-misinformed friend.

nope. 3.8 million Chinese Americans in the US.

Chinese American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

547,000 born in China.

Immigration and Jobs - Map of Foreign-Born Workers - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com

Then you must not have kept up with news. Heck, I doubt that you understand the concept of interception in the first place. By the way, I used to design field radar tests for interceptions of air- and water- borne objects off the coast off Florida, from 5 meters to 10k altitude. Let us see what you got...

Unfortunately, I do not have as much fieldwork experience as you do. That is expected, as many technicians, especially older ones, have extensive field experience.
This headline is no brainer, we can smoke Vietnam and Philipines whenever we want, and no one will come to their rescue.

Vietnam, maybe not.
Philippines, definitely. Mutual Defense Treaty (U.S.

even we live far far away.
And hope you never return home, except for family visits or something like that.

Report: Half of China

Posted by:
CNN, Tian Shao

Beijing (CNN) – Nearly half of Chinese millionaires are thinking about leaving the country, while 14% have or are in the process of applying for emigration, according to a Hurun Research Institute and the Bank of China report.
This headline is no brainer, we can smoke Vietnam and Philipines whenever we want, and no one will come to their rescue.

China can do it against his small neighbors, but will run away with bloody nose others than peoples in the world no permit china do and swallow it.
O.K. CHIEF. In every big American/Canadian city there is a 'CHINATOWN', full of CHINESE that couldn't bear living in CHINA anymore. A lot of them risked their lives to get here. Got and 'AMERICATOWNS' in China ? Do the math, genius.

We love Canada and US...doesn't mean we hate our own homeland...even we risk everything to get out of there.

there is maybe not an Americantown...but more and more westerners go there for jobs...and opportunities....the problem is that Americans are toooo over qualify should I say ....for cheap labor jobs :D....otherwise.. China will certainly have as AMERICATOWNS
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