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US Naval Officer spent 5 days onboard an Indian Navy warship, INS Delhi

Eleven pages already holy .... You were clearly understating when you said "flame ongoing", Cardsharp. This is clearly an out of control firestorm.
Describe some of the smells?
The ship generally smelled "old". I dunno if you have every been on a ship -
namely a warship - before, but this one smelled like it was ******* from
the inside out. Rust, decaying paint, dirty spaces, mechanical fumes...it
generally smelled musty, I guess is the best way to describe it. Imagine if
you farted in a vacuum and then immediately sealed the door, and then
you opened said door 10 years later...that's what their ship smelled like pretty consistently.

WTF :rofl:ly smelled musty, I guess is the best way to describe it. Imagine if
you farted in a vacuum and then immediately sealed the door, and then
you opened said door 10 years later...that's what their ship smelled like pretty consistently.[/b]

WTF :rofl:

Been on a ferry once for 40 minutes and was vomitting after 10 minutes!
Cant imagine what sailors must go through. To be on a confined space for day and weeks. To have food from tins and processed food. To share small space with a load of sweaty guys. To put up with waves going up and down!
I salute all sailors and think whether Indian or Pakistani they deserve every penny they earn!
Trolling is trolling, is it not?

The problem arises when you guys start setting standards for trolling.

...heck, you can't follow even those standards properly.

and who you to be the judge in the first place?

Your own posts about smelly ganges were not trolling?

or is it ok when you and your cheapster friend rafi troll but its not ok when an indian replies back and gives you back in the face.

Whom do you think you are fooling?

Dude, all the posts in this thread about the dirty & smelly conditions were based from the main article in the original post, & they were related to the topic. The comments CaptainJackSparrow made weren't.
Been on a ferry once for 40 minutes and was vomitting after 10 minutes!
Cant imagine what sailors must go through. To be on a confined space for day and weeks. To have food from tins and processed food. To share small space with a load of sweaty guys. To put up with waves going up and down!
I salute all sailors and think whether Indian or Pakistani they deserve every penny they earn!

I do potty 2 times a day, and i have kidney problem so have to pass urine every half an hour, but my washroom is neat and clean.

What is ur point kaif?
Eleven pages already holy .... You were clearly understating when you said "flame ongoing", Cardsharp. This is clearly an out of control firestorm.

Which is too bad, because what rare insight we got into the IN isn't getting discussed. Pages and pages of tangents. Indians on the reddit page actually seem capable of discussing the problems without getting defensive.
Well let me try to get the ball rolling.

Would you say the officers are officers because they know people?

I didn't get the impression that most of them came from exceptionally privileged families, but they definitely did treat their subordinates with an inordinate amount of condescension.

Is this a common feature in the relationship between officer and enlisted throughout the Indian armed forces or is it just the navy?

Why do you think they're so incompetent and have such crappy operations?

Well, coming within 50ft of another ship at sea is never a good sign. But, afterwards, the general consensus/excuse that they came up with during their mini-debrief was "oh well, rough seas, better luck next time" not "holy ******* ****, we parted a tensioned wire cable made of braided steel under hundreds of thousands of pounds of tension".

The Indians armed forces owe their heritage to British Indian army and navy. The Indian army still retain a lot of the British Army ethos and practice (ethnic regiment, ranks etc) but the Indian Navy doesn't seem to resemble the British Navy at the end of the war.

What is your opinion about their war capability?

Truthfully, after touring their ship extensively I would be very much surprised if the majority of their armament even successfully fired, let along hit anything.

When was the last time the Indian Navy engaged in a serious test of their capabilities? What is their campaign history?
Well that explains why Indians wanted to be rescused by Pakistani Navy , cuz Indian Navy did not had proper water osmosis system as per document Now I know they document is real
Well that explains why Indians wanted to be rescused by Pakistani Navy , cuz Indian Navy did not had proper water osmosis system as per document Now I know they document is real

You hit the nail on the head, it is probably this exact reason.
:rofl: The Indian navy is nothing but a paper tiger.

This is especially revealing:

"I walked into their 'officer's head' (their are extremely, extremely hierarchical and classist, even from a military standpoint) and there was a good 2" of ****-water sloshing around back and forth across the deck and an obscure, probably live wire with it's end wrapped in electrical tape non-surreptitiously protruding from the wall."
Well that was one officer's impression, however, if I ever wanted the Indians to not improve, I could not ask for a mentally better conditioned set of respondents than those on this this thread. "Everything is Alright" is good when dealing with emotionally fragile people.
LOL @ pissed off Indian members. I didn't realize that when I will check this thread in the morning, then it will be 15 pages long and still going.

bhai jaan.....qadar daan...meharbaan.....this is a legit account by US navy officer. Think of Reddit like a discussion forum (like defence.pk e.t.c) where user submits content. It has one subreddit called "IAmA" where anyone can come and post about himself or any experience he/she had and then users ask questions about it. The users who post AMA are always anonymous (unless it's some celebrity or if someone doesn't want to remain anonymous) just like any other discussion forum. How many of you know about Chogy, CardSharp, SinoSoldier or MastanKhan e.t.c. here personally. Do you know their actual names or where they live? But you can tell from what they write they are knowledgeable members. This is how internet works.

Had it been a fake AMA, users on reddit would have teared it apart!!! There have been instances of fake AMAs which were teared apart by the community there.

And CardSharp rightly said that on reddit, Indian members didn't behave like they are behaving here lol.
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