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US Marines lay down their lives for Iraq and Afghantistan almost daily

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and ofcourse - you sign up to the army on your own will, dont complain about your job, go to your union and see if they can help you out :rofl:

thank the neo-cons for sending you yo war.
I salute these men who died for their country and protected their friends. And i thank the general who took the pains to find out the real story. Men like those are as rare as the rarest gems. These men are truly sons of america.......the home of the brave.


There was no sucide bombing in pakistan bcoz they were busy bombing India n planin for next 9/11 it was Pakistan who brought it onto itself by its short sighted policy of supporting people who used violent means to achieve there political goals like Hizb.,Lashkar(before muffharaf ban in 2002 overtly) Taliban
One could easily see Masud Azhar in Pakistan after he was freed by Hijacking of IC-814 at the end
You reap wat u sow
If all terror links lead to normal place of NWFP & Afghanistan wat will a powerful country like US ought to do after 9/11
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Reading comprehension is a tested focus area on US college entrance exams and graduate school entrance exams.

You by careful, not slap stick reading will note that the lives of the two brave US Marines were given in part to save the lives of up to 15 Iraqi security forces who were there with them and whose escape was made possible by the two Marines staying and firing at the suicide bomber.

AS for ordinary citizens safety in Iraq under Saddam the Insane note that Saddam slaughtered men, women, and children, repeatedly, both in Basra in the South, and in Kurd areas to the north.

These facts were made public to the world during the trail of Saddam before he was executed for mass murders he ordered.

Likewise Saddam gassed and murdered hundreds of thousans in the failed invasion he made against Iran. Now many families in Iran do not have the family based social security network to care for aging family members as the formerly younger family members were gassed by Saddam's insane attacks.

If you think the U.S. fights for anyone except for itself, you are sadly mistaken. If America feels so much pity for the poor Iranians who were killed by Saddam Hussain, why are they contemplating attacking it now? What, no more sympathy? You don't punish a murderer by invading a country and killing thousands more. Quit trying to mask the fact that the whole social security system, livelihood of millions, and the lives of millions more have been decimated by trigger-happy Americans. Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East, World - The Independent
The whole war in Iraq started by the assumption that they had WMDs. What part of this assumption is in the benifit of anyone but the Americans? Some junior soldiers might be fooled by the thought that they're somehow fighting for global peace, but every senior officer knows that the personal interests of the U.S. of A. always comes first and second.

American Eagle it is very sad those soldiers died bcoz of ur politian's lies ( remember the speach by powell in u.n)

I can also post the story of 3abeer janaby ( 14 years old or less) who was raped in front of her mom , dad and sister by 4 soldiers and then killed her family members and she was burned after the rape. She was murdered by ur soldeirs and there r many other stories we saw how ur soldiers killed injured un armed ppl.

Dont blame us for the ppl who attacked u in newyork enough playing with emotions u ppl armed them and taught them to fight and then left them to us to deal with that mess.

Very sad moment indeed i hope u think for some time about those thousand in iraq who were killed and millions r refugees in other countries like jordan ,syria yement etc bcoz the lies of ur politicians.

Very sad for any life that is lost but i feel more for the iraqies then ur soldiers.

Reading comprehension is a tested focus area on US college entrance exams and graduate school entrance exams.

You by careful, not slap stick reading will note that the lives of the two brave US Marines were given in part to save the lives of up to 15 Iraqi security forces who were there with them and whose escape was made possible by the two Marines staying and firing at the suicide bomber.

AS for ordinary citizens safety in Iraq under Saddam the Insane note that Saddam slaughtered men, women, and children, repeatedly, both in Basra in the South, and in Kurd areas to the north.

These facts were made public to the world during the trail of Saddam before he was executed for mass murders he ordered.

Likewise Saddam gassed and murdered hundreds of thousans in the failed invasion he made against Iran. Now many families in Iran do not have the family based social security network to care for aging family members as the formerly younger family members were gassed by Saddam's insane attacks.


When saddam was doing all those bad things,Americans and Europe were helping him by providing those weapons and u.s was a shooting the iranian passenger planes and boats in gulf.

You should feel sad for those who abuse and misuse religion as these cowards and murderers are the cause and ongoing thugs of the war on terrorism.

Countless innocents murdered inside Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq but both domestic and outside Arab terrorists who would suppress men, women, and children in the fake guise of "their" view of religion.

Yes, there are many moderate folks in the heat of the battles and many are maimed and killed...by their so called fellow Muslim brothers...who in fact are as shallow and disrespectful of life as the Devil ever supported.

Democracy is not free. The blood of martyrs is not shed for totalitarian regimes, for heretical versions of religion, nor for dictatorships. Go see, if you can, the grave yards of the brave men and women who have died serving, for instance, Pakistan, inside Paksitan, against the al Qaida and Taliban thugs and murderers.

Violence follows and begats violence where these heretics tread.

Look in a mirror at how you face the challenges of freedom and a democratic life. Many of you writing are outside of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq and ignore the world news, open and free, which refutes the petty, ironic negative opinions you offer vs. the hard facts of attacks on congregations inside mosques by so called fellow Muslims; on Christians and other minority religions at worship inside their houses of worship by radicals "in the name of a religion they disgrace by these actions and their rude words."

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world and no longer is significant as a route of transportation, it is a land locked country. But the world sees the forces of radicalism that took over Afghanistan in years past and would do so if not resisted today.
Much of the world's illegal poppy crop comes from Afghanistan...which harms citizens there, in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, not to mention the rest of the world over.

Iran has brave young men and women today who want freedom and democracy not the Ayatollah and his mignons who suppress basic freedoms and deny freedom of religion.

People to people the world over everyone yearns for more freedom, for a version of democracy that is better than the repressive regimes they have now, for a better, healthier, happier way of life.

Those of you who have found more freedom elsewhere owe it to yourselves and to the people who have welcomed you into their nations to stand tall for goodness, peace, democracy and justice for all, not some tin pot dictators and religious cloud cowards and murderers.
American Eagle and people who start threads like this seem like they have escaped from a mental institution...

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The good news seems to be...

"They are giving their lives..."

Its kind of God's way... If the poor Afghans and Iraqis (and the countless countries in the world that have suffered because of America) are hurt... so are these cruel Americans
I just want to use all the air within my lungs and yell

Liar, liar pants on fire!!!!!!!
It's easy to read articles and follows news stories while sitting in another state, but the fact is that the one who wears the show knows where it pinches, it's no secret that this WOT has harmed Pakistan in every aspect and American marines are not sacrificing their lives for Pakistan in any manner, if that were to be the case then America wouldn't have ditched Pakistan after soviets withdrawal from Afghanistan. American actions are always motivated by her own policies and goals not for the betterment of other states especially Muslim one's and last but not the least i am some one who has learned to respect humanity not some man made honors and titles and therefore i have no sympathies for American soldiers what so ever i don't care how people want to respect soldiers by discrediting their roguery and ruffianism just for the sake that they are soldiers..........:cheesy:
i suggest mods to change the title and please remove pakistan!!!! WTH???? the title is a joke on pakistanis, poster is making fun of pakistan and pakistanis!!

US is laying down lives for american ego!!
Then you are a big phoney and should not belong to nor post on this military site.
Excuse me sir, if I could get a word in here.
If your marines are dying on daily basis, then why dont withdraw them and allow the people in Afghanistan to fight amongst them selves?
There was no sucide bombing in pakistan bcoz they were busy bombing India n planin for next 9/11 it was Pakistan who brought it onto itself by its short sighted policy of supporting people who used violent means to achieve there political goals like Hizb.,Lashkar(before muffharaf ban in 2002 overtly) Taliban
One could easily see Masud Azhar in Pakistan after he was freed by Hijacking of IC-814 at the end
You reap wat u sow
If all terror links lead to normal place of NWFP & Afghanistan wat will a powerful country like US ought to do after 9/11

indian logic - plain and simple.

afghan taliban were not an international threat.

pakistan had no bombings.

afghan had no bombings.

there was no pak taliban.

the region has been made dangerous because it has been destabilized, because it has created extremists through violence and because the US army are playing ping pong with the taliban by driving them to pakistan.

every thing bad for pakistan has come SINCE the invasion, indians are behaving like a bunch of hyena's since the WOT

but you have a crystal ball that says otherwise to the above.
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