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US hikes Pakistan aid by 40%

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The relations had always been give and take.

recently US tonned down its criticism of Pak-Iran gasline as well.

Only Pakistanis and Americans can understand these relations the Indians had always been misjudging

What has been given for the drone strikes? You agree that US agreed to bomb only the terrorists effecting Afghanistan?

:what: you mean idiots from India are paying to PDF?

Indirectly, yes. The traffic counts for any website.
So are you surviving from sanctions to sanctions and aid package to aid package?

Sanctions do not bring down nations unless these are imposed by all the countries especially the surrounding ones. US has learnt that. Sanctions did not bring down Saddam, Qadafi or others. That is why they only imposed them when they do not have any alternative left.

Post 2001 we have hardly received any aid. This word is in Indians head and they are the only ones who still believe we survive on aid.

Most of the money paid is for our cooperation to the coalition in the form of coalition support fund. USA still has to make payments in this regard. Second major payment made is for the expense we incur in our operations against the TTP/ Terrorist/ Insurgents what ever you call them on the border with Afghanistan.
Is shameful, very shameful. Pakistan after 63 years of creation must not be taking aid to run the country. Not a good news at all.
What has been given for the drone strikes? You agree that US agreed to bomb only the terrorists effecting Afghanistan?

we agreed on the contract simple as that.

Indirectly, yes. The traffic counts for any website.

funny PDF does not invite you. You come here sans any payment.

even if Indians do not come the site will keep runing
And our motherland, is it a win situation for her? God know what will happen when they lose their nukes and their people flood our land.

We don't give a damn Sh!t to your lands!
we agreed on the contract simple as that.

As I thought, simple. Simple to send terrorists in the name of Freedom fighters.

funny PDF does not invite you. You come here sans any payment.

even if Indians do not come the site will keep runing
But the impressions and clicks alone generate a lot of revenue madame. Also, lets not forget however tiny donation members make..
Pakistan survived sanctions because Pakistan became ally in war on terror just in three years after nuclear test and more than 20 billion aid flowed in.

don't know frm where you got such ideas:blink:
bro becomming frontline ally on war on terror 20 billion is nothing and you beleive we got all 20 billion??
just chk out the current migrant of Tirah valley……
they are in 1000s
we lost schools
we lost economy and investors
we lost much infastructure
challange of security
expances of conducting operations
Pakistan has sacrifised much more lives of both military and civilians
Karachi and Quetta is infront of you
Swat got burnt so the North and South Waziristan………
and still you are thinking we got much??

As I thought, simple. Simple to send terrorists in the name of Freedom fighters.

But the impressions and clicks alone generate a lot of revenue madame. Also, lets not forget however tiny donation members make..

Don't know how mods are tolerating people like you………:lol:
Then your country will collapse the next day.

This guy really means that our country is running on 1.4B$ wile we are also fighting war on terror having and improving our missile & Nuclear program ,feeding Afghan refugges and tolerating a biggggg corruption,being target of sucide bombers and so onnnnn………
Is this guy really serious??:unsure:
US hikes Pakistan aid by 40% in 2014 budget - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Wednesday proposed a 40% increase in American aid to Pakistan, amounting to $1.4 billion, as part of his $3.77 trillion budget that focusses on job creation and economic growth.

Obama among other things proposed to increase the US aid to Pakistan under overseas contingency operations to $1.4 billion for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013, an increase of 40% than the $1 billion that he had proposed in the last year's budget for the fiscal 2013. Obama also proposed to reduce the deficit by another $1.8 trillion.

According to Obama's budget proposals, the state department's $47.8 billion budget includes $6.8 billion for the frontline states of Iraq ($2.1 billion), Afghanistan ($3.4 billion ), and Pakistan ($1.4 billion ). The proposals included $3 billion in base funding and $3.8 billion in overseas contingency operations funding. In view of the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in Libya last year, the budget provides over $4 billion to secure overseas personnel.

The whole turn of events has proved two things ...

  • Kudos to Pakistan. They played their cards very and cornered US to pay release more money in name of aids. This happened despite the lot of lobbying in US senate against aid to Pakistan. It seems the little nuisance (interrupt supplies to Afghanistan) created by Pakistan has paid it's dividends. Wel-done :tup:

  • Americans are biggest hypocrites. One side they talk about Pakistani agencies supporting terrorist outfits, on other hand they ignore every thing and fund those agencies to do more bad. It's same country create mess all over world and blaming others. Those days' not far when American will turn their back to Pakistan and the country will be listed as rouge state like they did with Iraq, Libya, Iran and lot more in list.
Sounds like a win win situation for me and the taxpayers.


Yes, then the tax money canbe used to build rehabilitation centres for people like you, so make that a win-win-win!
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