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US has made a strategic bet on India, says US official

Yeah right. Buy our weapons and we will make you our strategic partner. :cheesy:

India has always been interested in American tech, don;t let the politics fool you

A pathetic attempt by the US to stay relevant in a future that will see both India and China eclipse the US in military and economic power.

For now the US can provide India with high tech military equipment and provide other goodies but in the long term the US will only try to subvert India's own interests in order to meet its own. India must walk a fine line between jumping whole heatedly into the US camp and avoiding them complety.

India didn't have a choice as much you like to believe. There is more information that is not being released but in the future, it will explain why India and the US were destined to be allies.
A pathetic attempt by the US to stay relevant in a future that will see both India and China eclipse the US in military and economic power.

For now the US can provide India with high tech military equipment and provide other goodies but in the long term the US will only try to subvert India's own interests in order to meet its own. India must walk a fine line between jumping whole heatedly into the US camp and avoiding them complety.

UK rode on the back of US for last 30 years to stay important, now US is trying to do the same
I love this guy, he decrypted the American strategy. So you mean:

China will shower 3000 nukes on India then nothing will be left for America. Then they will shower their 15000 on China and in the end both China and India will be wiped off. Finally America will rule the planet forever. Sino you are a genius.

LOL, you know even though it was an attempt to troll on his part he is probably half right. It would be best case for US to retain superpower status if you guys kill each other.

UK rode on the back of US for last 30 years to stay important, now US is trying to do the same

US isn't trying to ride India, lol. Just use India to keep China preoccupied while he right our ship, if that means we can make a couple of billion selling India weapons than it is a win-win situation.
Disagree. If you look at the incidents closely, the rows with both the Philippines and Japan started with these countries attacking helpless Chinese fishermen, and the with Vietnam started with Vietnamese oil declaration in Chinese claimed water. Remember, Chinese territorial claims have not changed since 1949, and the SCS claims have not changed since the 1920s.

In my opinion, it is the US that started the whole thing, but sponsoring the anti-China activity in these countries. Today, China is the only potential adversary of the United States. China has no choice but to respond. Between China and India there is no fundamental dispute, because India has always inspired to be a power and not dependent on neither the US nor the former USSR. Therefore, even with large area of border dispute, you rarely see either side provoking the other, except a few India media outlets that feeds on fake news the CIA is making.

Finally, it is in India's interest to be friends with China, too. Even today, India is accused of stealing American jobs and economy as the US medias typically bundle China and India together. If China falls, India will be the primary US target. Also to Indians who think that being a "democracy" will bring US friendship, just look at Iran that has elections and Saudi Arabia that doesn't, and with which country the US is a friend with. The US wants to eliminate anyone that threatens its hegemony.

On the border dispute between China and India, the status quo is the most likely final outcome. Historically, Zangnan (AP) belonged to China and Akai Chin belonged to India, but the fact is that neither region is resource rich or has strategic value, and
both are much easier to defend than to attack. The swap is the only logical outcome.

If the border dispute with India is settled, Then all land border issues with neighboring countries will officially be concluded for China.

To do so, the Chinese first have to understand that they are playing into the US cards, by threatening other Asian neighbors. That is exactly what they wanted, because now they look like the good guys and can create new ties with Asian countries like India.
The Chinese would have been smart, if they have countered this long ago by demilitarising the Tibet area and solving the border issues with India. That would have put US into disadvantage, because China could keep focus on their defence in the east, while the US still had to split forces towards the Indian Ocean area too. A simple move, with a big effect!
I think when the article mentioned "strategic bet", it means uncle sam wants India internal market.
Just like the recent opening up of the general retails market and to quote the article “United States has made a strategic bet on India’s future growth which in turn rests on the wise choices of Delhi’s leadership.”
So the bet would come when Delhi's leadership make a wise choice.
It would be helpful if US leaves leaves south Asia, The countries in South Asia know how to develop their ties with Each other. Where ever there is a rise of new powers US will go there for bilateral engagements and end product will be ultimate destruction of that region, It happened to oil rich and potentially strong nations in Middle East already.

Yeah - true - US was sitting in South Asia for the past 65 years and contributing to all the major issues. I could only laugh at some insinuations made here.
A pathetic attempt by the US to stay relevant in a future that will see both India and China eclipse the US in military and economic power.

For now the US can provide India with high tech military equipment and provide other goodies but in the long term the US will only try to subvert India's own interests in order to meet its own. India must walk a fine line between jumping whole heatedly into the US camp and avoiding them complety.

Dude - lets see when that happens and India realises the potential. Until then I would say US is the big wolf and India will only stand to get benefitted by it.
To do so, the Chinese first have to understand that they are playing into the US cards, by threatening other Asian neighbors. That is exactly what they wanted, because now they look like the good guys and can create new ties with Asian countries like India.
The Chinese would have been smart, if they have countered this long ago by demilitarising the Tibet area and solving the border issues with India. That would have put US into disadvantage, because China could keep focus on their defence in the east, while the US still had to split forces towards the Indian Ocean area too. A simple move, with a big effect!

So basically, you're trying to say that China should make concessions to all neighbors in order to keep U,S away?? and of course primary to please India by demilitarize Tibet or better return Aksai Chin :rofl: if that's the case why we need to fight a border war in 1962, might as well comply to Nerhu and Indian's demande and then be Indi Chi Bai Bai for ever LMAO.

As for US, they have great habit to create allies and coalitions to absorbe the cost of war and share some paints., it's not they first choice to fight alone face to face with tought advesary, The last time with Japanese cost them so much and heache so the easy way out is NUKE thems to get away and when soloing in vietnam, they were bugged by Vietcons until Nixon came to China to sort thing out. knowing this, anyone can understand why U.S don't want direct confrontration with China, use some meatshield such India and others is perfectly understandable...so don't use the bs excuse as China threat, either way it's unavoidable.

for us Crise = Opportunity, we will sort out our enemies one by one with peace or by war.
Asian is a pathetic place......

Asia was where everything happened till 400 years ago - Asia was the place where 70% of world GDP came from until 400 years ago. So if you look at the length of the history of civilization, 400 years is a small gap and Asia is back to realising its old glory.
There are no way US will back off from Asia-Pacific, US is PART of Asia, to tell US to back off, that mean we should pack our bag from our own territories in Guam, Mariana.

IT would be the same as to tell the UK to back off the Indian Ocean, you are asking the UK to pack up their territories in Diego Gracia.

Those are our Territories, why we need to back off from our own land??

Don't trying to blame US for Indian-Chinese Rivary. Asian have to learn to live with the United States as there are no alternative, unless you try and remove us by force.
There is a day USA will be kicked out of Asia once for all.your post is Discomposing ones

You are not supposed to belong here, get back where you come from
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