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US had stopped Jordan from sending jets to Pakistan in 1971 war

Don't worry brother. Inshallah Palestine will be freed soon...i hope UN plays it's role.

On a side note do pray for Kashmir which is as old as Palestine Issue.

Inshallah good will occurs towards both situations and hopefully it can be achieved peacefully and no more harm is done to either of our people's.

Palestinian official position on Kashmir is with India not with Pakistan.


Half of Palestine aka Gaza is free already. Too bad Islamists kicked out Fatah from there.

You mean too bad Fatah was organizing a coup to get the Islamist half out of the already coalition government and started the whole thing in the first place.

Hamas always accepted to be part of the national government and it was that way until Fatah demanded they step out even though they we're democratically elected.

And then on top of that they tried to do so by force with US weapons coming there way until Hamas defeated them and captured the weapons.
I did not jump... Syria was very relevant in the riots and you ignored the chain of command, before blaming every thing on poor zia.
Anyhow... if you insists, i do not claim any thing of my own but will quote following factual account:

Zia and the Palestinians - Tayyab Siddiqui

BTW, in the end honorable ambassador, term all what you propagate (in his diplomatic language) 'far from truth' in common words 'LIE'



you are going off tangent.

It was Sept 2 when I received a call from Brig Zia, informing me that the king had asked him to take over the command of the 3rd Armoured Division stationed in Irbid, a town close to the Syrian border. Syria had moved with an armoured brigade into Jordan. Maj Gen Qasim Motta, the Jordanian commander, had deserted and Zia was asked to take over.

Brig Zia accordingly took over the command in Irbid,
but before any major military operation could be taken the Syrians, under intense pressure from the US and Israel, withdrew.

Here is Gen. Zia taking over the command of the whole forking division of Jordanian army. Why? Jordanian general deserted.

This is HUGE.

King is begging a Brig Zia to take over the command of his armored division.

Big. Zia accepted it and commanded the division.

Now tell me

Any example in the history of Pak army that anyone from another army Muslim or not, came by and took over the command of a division.

Just one forking example.


And guess what

King Hussain heaped praises on Zia, awarded him the ceremonial belt. and it made relationship between Pakistani army and King Hussain as deep as possible.

Jordan is a small country. And thus much larger country aka Pakistan was there to help.

Now your arguments are just red herring. nothing else.

How many Palestinians Zia killed with his own hands. My answer is ZERO (based on discussions with Pakistani officers on the ground in Jordan).

However Jordanian army kicked out Palestinian Muj and saved their country.

So don't come on a public forum and rewrite history the way Mr. Siddiqi is trying to do.

Thank you.
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You are out of context... brig. Zia is just telling his ambassador and rest you assumed your self and again ignored the whole truth and the operating principals of Pak army.

This is exactly why, i was avoiding to write in reply and even stated if i bring anything, you will not be convinced, hence i proved my point!
You are out of context... brig. Zia is just telling his ambassador and rest you assumed your self and again ignored the whole truth and the operating principals of Pak army.

This is exactly why, i was avoiding to write in reply and even stated if i bring anything, you will not be convinced, hence i proved my point!

yes in the paragraph I quoted.

But read the rest.

Gen Zia did take over the command.

Even though the ambassador obviously being leftie, did not like it. But the military brass allowed Zia to take over the command.

Please read,

read read read

Thank you
Whatever you say doesn't change the fact that NO ONE will stand with you while most Muslim states will keep standing up for us.

Indian f. Policy is 'business oriented'...you get what you want and others get what they want from you. Its a product of the reality you live in, ours is the result of the reality we live in.

Back to the topic.

Calm down, @Aeronaut.

Sometimes it looks as if you talk yourself into a frenzy. A good moment to take a drink of water and build something constructive on your Meccano set.

Who cares who supports whom, when all the King's men and all the King's horses can't put Humpty Dumpty together again?
Because all of the world's wisdom of statecraft was handed down to a people who hadn't had a state for 10 centuries. Looks like nature feeds the needy first.

We didn't need any support in Kargil as it was a low intensity conflict.

Now I need to stay calm while reading these priceless exchanges.

What have we here?

"...all the world's wisdom of statecraft was handed down to a people who hadn't had a state in 10 centuries..."

As against whom exactly, before Westphalia? Who had a state in those 10 centuries, that you are referring to as a contrast?

As for nature feeding the needy first, mighty kind of Nature, but she seems to have got things a wee bit wrong, didn't she? If you didn't need support in Kargil, does that mean that you needed support earlier? What exactly would that make you? :-)

It's as I suspected: you talk yourself into a state of frenzy.

And, incidentally, talking of Kargil, it's comforting to know that the performance remains the same, with or without support, high intensity or low intensity. It must be just as comforting for you to think that you have with you the world's first highly specialised 4th generation warfare military machine. Now it's just a question of waiting till the rest of the pesky world catches up.....

Says a Hindu. :angel:

Yeah. Poor loser, that guy, isn't he? Nice to know you win all the time against those. Oh, wait...
"admiral i heard you the first time" i love that attitude.if only we have some leader like that now :frown:

We don't need one. Not a man on horseback type. Leaders are born at the moment that a democracy needs them. Like Shastri, five foot nothing against a big bully-boy gorilla who was gun-shy and would have retired a field officer if the British hadn't left, and handed him a prize of a lifetime. Like Indira, never known as a war leader, until she started whacking moles. Like poor, gullible Vajpayee, suckered by the love and brotherhood in ample display while the bagal-may-chhoori brigade got high.

We don't need leaders; we need, and have, a system that produces them when we need.


Right sir, the defination of 'Right and Wrong' depends on you. You think what you have to since you are a product of a different culture than us, we cannot have identical views.

Just don't hope to go uncontested.

Oh, come on, calm down. Let's not do "The Clash of Civilisations" in three acts with accompanying nickelodeon music.
Don't bother with her ...
the total number of rapes in BDesh was 400,000 and the number of soldiers deputed in B.Desh was 50,000.
That makes 4 rapes / piece.
Indian women droll when they see men performing like that; that is their only interest in this story.

Rape capital of the world tries to make rape propaganda against other countries, with retarded maths and logic.
You think, uhm uhm. You dont even know the half of it.

And the opinion of the hindu brigade dont reflect the reality of Bangladesh either. Wake up from your wet dream.

Of course! You know them better. Who else should know?
. .
Whatever you say doesn't change the fact that NO ONE will stand with you while most Muslim states will keep standing up for us.

Sorry brother, but reality dictates otherwise.

When NATO slaughtered 24 Pakistani troops on the Afghan border, no one stood up for us. Why so?? Because we don't stand up for ourselves.

NATO violated our sovereignty countless times already, and we allowed it to happen, and many high ranking military officials and politicians knew about all of this.

Our military is full of stooges who give lap dances to their Western masters, and we already know of our politicians.

We don't even have a independent foreign policy. We follow others, even when its against our own national interest.

No one nation fully trusts us, because we are not worthy of anyone's trust. We don't even trust our selves.
There were three periods in the history of the cold war where it seemed it would go hot. The first could be the period that encompassed the Cuban missile crises.. the other was in the mid 70's where the Soviet union was pulling away militarily from the US while it bled in Vietnam...and the last were the economic desperation years of the late 80's in the USSR when Afg was draining it.

You're a bit wrong here The 3 parts that could result in cold war the most were
1.Cuban Missile Crises
2.Able Archer Exercise
3.Stanislav Petrov case [ THE MAN WHO SAVED THE WORLD]

Able Archer 83 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stanislav Petrov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats the sad part....Love and hate should have a meaning...I totally understand if Pakistan hates India.and Vice versa...I really don't understand this Muslims hate Hindus and Hindus hate Muslims...Now another angle to this is do pakistanis also hate Indian Muslims or only Indian Hindus?
They hate the fact that Indian Muslims are much more safer than themselves.
. . .

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