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US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

5th strike in less than 7 days.

And people still support PPP. I'm amazed.

PPP is the convenient scapegoat here.

It insults people's intelligence as to trying to deflect who runs the show in Pakistan, especially regarding the policy on Afghanistan and the WoT.
US drones kill 5 in another strike in North Waziristan

By BILL ROGGIO, May 27, 2012

The US again targeted terrorists operating in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, killing five "militants" in the latest airstrike.

The unmanned Predators or Reapers fired four missiles at a compound in the village of Hassokhel, near Miramshah, according to AFP. The remotely piloted strike aircraft circled back and fired four more missiles at the compound, Pakistani officials told the news service.

No senior leaders from al Qaeda, the Taliban, or other allied terror groups have been reported killed. One Pakistani official told AFP that Hassokhel "was known for harbouring Uzbek, Arab and other foreign militants."

A US intelligence official involved in the drone program in the country told The Long War Journal that the strikes would continue now that Pakistan has refused to reopen NATO's supply lines for the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.

"There certainly hasn't been a shortage of targets in Pakistan's tribal areas," the official said. "Unfortunately the politics of getting the GLOC into Afghanistan has trumped the targeting of bad guys in Pakistan's tribal areas," the official said, referring to the Ground Lines of Communication.

The drone program was scaled back dramatically from the end of March to the beginning of the fourth week in May. Between March 30 and May 22, the US conducted only three drones strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas as US officials attempted to renegotiate the reopening of NATO's supply lines.

Miramshah serves as the headquarters of the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network, a powerful Taliban subgroup that operates in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and is supported by Pakistan's military and its Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate. The town serves as one of the "ground zeros" of terror groups based in North Waziristan, the US intelligence official told The Long War Journal. Other main centers of terror activity in North Waziristan include Datta Khel, Mir Ali, and the Shawal Valley.

The Haqqani Network is one of four major Taliban groups that have joined the Shura-e-Murakeba, an alliance brokered by al Qaeda late last year. The Shura-e-Murakeba also includes Hafiz Gul Bahadar's group; Mullah Nazir's group; and the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, which is led by Hakeemullah Mehsud and his deputy, Waliur Rehman Mehsud. The members of the Shura-e-Murakeba agreed to cease attacks against Pakistani security forces, refocus efforts against the US, and end kidnappings and other criminal activities in the tribal areas.

Read more: US drones kill 5 in another strike in North Waziristan - The Long War Journal
US drones kill 5 militants in North Waziristan: officials


MIRAMSHAH: A US drone attack early Monday killed at least five militants in a volatile northwestern Pakistan tribal region near the Afghan border, security officials said.

The attack took place in Hassokhel town, 25 kilometres (16 miles) east of Miramshah, the main town of North Waziristan, which is a known stronghold of Taliban and al Qaeda linked militants.

It was the third such attack in the area since Thursday.

“The US drones targeting a militant compound and a vehicle fired four missiles killing five rebels,” a Pakistani security official said.

The compound came under attack for a second time after some 20 minutes, with US drones firing four more missiles, he said.

Another security official confirmed the attack and casualties, saying the identities of those killed was not known but the area “was known for harbouring Uzbek, Arab and other foreign militants”.

Washington considers Pakistan’s semi-autonomous northwestern tribal belt the main hub of Taliban and al Qaeda militants plotting attacks on the West and in Afghanistan.

North Waziristan is a stronghold of the Haqqani network – Afghan insurgents blamed for a series of spectacular attacks on Western targets in Kabul – and Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

But Islamabad has been resisting US pressure to launch a sweeping offensive against militants in the area.

Pakistani-US relations went into free fall last year, starting when a CIA contractor shot dead two Pakistanis, then over the American raid that killed bin Laden on May 2, and lastly over US air strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November.

After the air strikes, Pakistan shut its Afghan border to Nato supplies and ordered US staff out of an air base reportedly used as a hub for drones.

In March, parliament agreed to reset US relations but on condition that Washington apologise for the soldiers’ deaths and end drone attacks on its soil.

But this was the third drone attack in North Waziristan since Thursday when security officials said eight militants were killed in Hassokhel. That strike was followed by an attack Saturday which security officials said killed at least four militants.

Pakistan has been incensed by Washington’s refusal to apologise for the November air strikes and US officials have so far rejected Pakistani proposals to charge several thousand dollars for each alliance truck crossing the border.

US President Barack Obama snubbed Pakistan at a Nato summit this week, only seeing President Asif Ali Zardari in passing and voicing frustration with Islamabad.

Islamabad, which is understood to have given its tacit approval for the attacks on al Qaeda and Taliban targets in the past, has become increasingly vocal about its opposition to the perceived violation of national sovereignty.

According to an AFP tally, 45 US missile strikes were reported in Pakistan’s tribal belt in 2009, the year Obama took office, 101 in 2010 and 64 in 2011.

The New America Foundation think-tank in Washington says drone strikes have killed between 1,715 and 2,680 people in Pakistan in the past eight years.

US drones kill 5 militants in North Waziristan: officials | DAWN.COM
maybe they are trying to build some pressure, but looks like they have increased the attack frequency.
After chicago summit this become daily routine ..... may be some back door deal with Gov and Army

I think the US has finally called Pakistani Army's bluff.

Read it this way, "Close NATO supplies or do whatever you want to, drones will continue.".

It's called 'calling the bluff'.
This has become a daily feature.

5 attacks in 5 days

According to trends, there is going to be a massive backlash.
According to trends, there is going to be a massive backlash.

ha ha, if only pigs could fly! This is despite multiple Pakistani parliamentary resolutions to stop the drone attacks. No apology from US will be delivered for the Salala "incident", drones will continue and GLOCKs will open eventually (may be US will agree to pay more than $250/container that it already pays).

Pakistan played its trump of choking the supply lines, the war effort hasn't been affected YET! The Pak budget is coming in June, you'll need to open the supply routes to get CSF payments (your Finance minister already included the "going to be released CSF payments" in his budget). US has successfully waited you out! :)

Its time to wake up and smell the coffee.
A US intelligence official involved in the drone program in the country told The Long War Journal that the strikes would continue now that Pakistan has refused to reopen NATO's supply lines for the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.

"There certainly hasn't been a shortage of targets in Pakistan's tribal areas," the official said. "Unfortunately the politics of getting the GLOC into Afghanistan has trumped the targeting of bad guys in Pakistan's tribal areas," the official said, referring to the Ground Lines of Communication.

Read more: US drones kill 5 in another strike in North Waziristan - The Long War Journal

It's hilarious to see armchair bharati experts making international politics analysis on international forums. :lol:

Really, anyone in the whole world looking for humour of their lifetime has to look at these guys talk away as if US is about to defeat Taliban and all insurgent groups in Afghanistan, and Pakistan is on the verge of destruction. Even the Americans will find these guys funny.
IMHO, the drones are here to stay. They will keep pounding these tribal areas far into the future beyond 2014 when NATO pulls out.

They are the perfect and riskless weapon against the militants.

If that whats makes you feel better at night. You know full well US will get kicked out of Afghanistan very soon. You can of course make yourself feel better on internet by writing these things.

For the sake of argument (that will allow you to sleep better), lets agree that US will get kicked out in 2014.. The question is , will Pakistan be able to survive 2 more years of such relentless drone strikes without descending into civil war??
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