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US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan, Oct 27, 2010 - US drone strikes killed up to six militants in Pakistan's tribal belt on Wednesday, targeting the extremist Haqqani network and a compound harbouring foreign fighters, officials said.

Wednesday's strikes were the first in nine days and came as the White House said President Barack Obama and his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari agreed by telephone that more needs to be done to combat terror groups in Pakistan.

Pakistani security officials said two militants were killed and one wounded in a pre-dawn drone attack on a house in the Spinwam area in Mir Ali district, 30 kilometres (19 miles) northeast of North Waziristan's main town Miranshah.

"The target was the house of a militant, Nasimullah Khan, where some foreigners had been staying as his guests," one official said.

Hours later, a Pakistani security official said a drone strike killed three militants and blew their car into a fireball in the Degan area of Datta Khel district, 35 kilometres (22 miles) west of Miranshah.

"They were from the Haqqani network," added the senior security official on condition of anonymity.

Another official put the death toll at four, including two foreigners.
Around 34 such attacks since September 3 have killed more than 180 people, according to an AFP toll. Around 150 drone strikes since August 2008 have killed more than 1,200.
If u count minimum 5 so called terrorist killed with in 3 days 3 X 10 suppose in 1 month 30 so called terrorist 30 X 12 or 9 suppose month 30 X 9 = 270 suppose i am pretty sure in per strike 15 - 20 people died .. suppose 5 people per strike 30 X 9 month = 270 X 4 years = 1000 + so called terrorist died ...

simply whole population is not more thn 4000-5000 in this location and 1000 are terrorist ? seriously BS nothing else more... i have collection of news reports more then 500 + news last year related "girls schools really burned by terrorists" in SWAT.

Man in KARACHI and LAHORE big cities of this country don't even have 500 + girls schools and in these locations do you think 500 + girl school really exists ? or burned by terrorist man seriously ***** News!

In simple word under Musharaf (with the collaboration of Army) and Zardari govt agreement "INNOCENT PAKISTANI DIED SINCE LAST 4 - 5 YEARS".
simply whole population is not more thn 4000-5000 in this location and 1000 are terrorist ? seriously BS nothing else more... i have collection of news reports more then 500 + news last year related "girls schools really burned by terrorists" in SWAT.

Man in KARACHI and LAHORE big cities of this country don't even have 500 + girls schools and in these locations do you think 500 + girl school really exists ? or burned by terrorist man seriously ***** News!

You really need to get your facts right brother.

North Waziristan and South Waziristan, estimated populations (as of 1998) of 361,246 and 429,841 respectively.

As per your concern on number of schools.. these weren't just girls' schools.
PESHAWAR, Oct 28 (APP): US drones fired missiles at a house in the volatile North Waziristan tribal region near Afghan border on Thursday, killing seven suspected Taliban militants and injuring three others, official said.

The drone fired two missiles at a house in Mazakhel area, tehsil Datta khel, 50 kilometers West of Miran Shah agency headquarters of North Waziristan agency.

The strike is third in a row during last 24 hours in North Waziristan Agency.

The house was destroyed which was hit by the missile hit. Local residents retrieved the bodies from the rubble.

The dead are believed to be from the Haqqani network.
US Predators kill 7 'militants' in Datta Khel strike

By Bill Roggio, October 28, 2010

After a nine-day lull, the US launched its third Predator strike in two days, in the al Qaeda hub of Datta Khel in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Unmanned Predators or the heavily armed Reapers fired two missiles today at a compound in the village of Ismail Khan in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan, AFP reported. Seven "militants" were reported killed and two more were wounded.

"The target was a militant compound," a Pakistani official told AFP. "Three Arabs, one Afghan and one local were killed in the attack." No senior Taliban or al Qaeda leaders were reported killed.

The Datta Khel area is administered by Hafiz Gul Bahadar, the Taliban commander for North Waziristan. Bahadar also provides shelter to top al Qaeda leaders as well as terrorists from numerous Pakistani and Central Asian terror groups.

Today's strike follows two others yesterday, in which six Taliban and al Qaeda fighters were killed in strikes in the Mir Ali and Datta Khel areas of North Waziristan.

Datta Khel serves as a command and control center for al Qaeda's top leaders. Several of al Qaeda's top commanders, including Mustafa Abu Yazid, the chief financial official and commander in Afghanistan, and Abdullah Said al Libi, the commander of al Qaeda's military, have been killed in Predator strikes in Datta Khel in the last year.

US Predators kill 7 'militants' in Datta Khel strike - The Long War Journal
I really doubt all these numbers about killed terrorists by NATO and Pakistan. I think about more than 50% of those killed are civillians.

last week Wikileaks showed us that more than 65% of Iraqis killed in Iraq were civillians. It also showed us documents that USA was hiding numbers of civillians killed or killed civillians and labelled them as terrorists/insurgents.

I believe this is also happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan. More than once i read articles about 30-40 terrorists killed and a few months later it turned out most of them were civillians.
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I really doubt all these numbers about killed terrorists by NATO and Pakistan. I think about more than 50% of those killed are civillians.

I really doubt your doubts. I think that you are just in the thrall of anti-Western prejudice. As for the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think 95% have been caused by one group of Muslims killing another group of Muslims. How about that?
I really doubt your doubts. I think that you are just in the thrall of anti-Western prejudice. As for the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think 95% have been caused by one group of Muslims killing another group of Muslims. How about that?

You can say what you want, but the declassified documents speak for them self. Ofcourse as an American you would defend your countries mistakes. If we as a Muslim give our opinion we are labelled as anti-western or worse Taliban sympathisers. But you have your opinion and i have mine.
I really doubt your doubts. I think that you are just in the thrall of anti-Western prejudice. As for the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think 95% have been caused by one group of Muslims killing another group of Muslims. How about that?

Do you think with your feet?
MIRANSHAH, Pakistan, Nov 1, 2010 - A US missile strike by a drone killed at least five militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal district on Monday, Pakistani security officials said.

The attack targeted militants sleeping at a compound in Haider Khel village of Mir Ali district in North Waziristan, 25 kilometres (15 miles) east of the region's main town of Miranshah.

"Five militants were killed," said a senior Pakistani security official on condition of anonymity.

"The drone fired two missiles," he added.

"The compound belonged to local tribesman Ahmad Ali and had become a hub of militants' movement," a local security official said.

The identities of those killed were not immediately clear, he added.

More than 150 people have been killed since September 3, heightening tensions with Islamabad over reported US criticism of Pakistan's failure so far to launch a ground offensive in North Waziristan.
8 Germans killed in Oct. 4 Predator strike in North Waziristan identified

By Bill Roggio, November 1, 2010

Eight Germans who were killed in a US Predator airstrike on Oct. 4 near the Taliban and al Qaeda stronghold of Mir Ali in North Waziristan have been identified.

Pakistani officials and local tribesmen said the eight Germans "were holding a crucial meeting" at a compound in the town of Mosaki just outside the town of Mir Ali, The Express Tribune reported. The strike occurred near the Masjid Bilal. Early reports indicated that the strike took place at the mosque.

The eight Germans were members of the Islamic Jihad Group (or Islamic Jihad Union), an offshoot of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The Islamic Jihad Group is based out of the Mir Ali region and is closely allied with al Qaeda.

Among those killed were three senior members of the IJU: Brusely, also known as Fayyaz, who served as the operations chief for the Islamic Jihad Group; Gagreen Gill, also known as Siraj, who was in charge of finances; and Milton Smith, also known as Jamal, who was described as an "expert bomb maker."

The other Germans killed were Wash (Mustafa), Johnson (Wasal), Anderson (Waqas), Paterson (Shaheen), and Peterson Mckenzie (Usman). Both Wash and Johnson were both Germans and Saudi passport holders.

The eight Germans were targeted based on intelligence obtained from Rami Mackenzie, a German who was detained in June in the Pakistani district of Bannu, which borders North Waziristan. Mackenzie, who is said to be an expert at manufacturing suicide bombs, was wearing a burka when he was captured along with his family by Pakistani police.

The eight Germans are the latest Europeans killed in US strikes in North Waziristan since the discovery of an al Qaeda plot that targeted several major European cities and was modeled after the terror assault on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008.

On Sept. 8, eight other Germans and two Britons were reported killed in a Predator strike in the al Qaeda stronghold of Datta Khel. An Islamic Jihad Group commander known as Qureshi was also reported killed in the attack. Qureshi specialized in training Germans to conduct attacks in their home country. Two of the Germans were identified as Abu Askar, and Imran Almani. The Briton, who was identified as Abdul Jabbar, had been appointed the leader of the Islamic Army of Great Britain and was tasked with carrying out terror assaults in Britain, France, and Germany, using assault rifles and suicide vests.

German and Turkish Muslims make up a significant portion of the Islamic Jihad Group. Its fighters are often referred to as German Taliban, and they carry out attacks in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Last year, the Islamic Jihad Group released video of 'German Taliban villages' in Waziristan. Its fighters were seen training at camps and conducting military operations.

Read more: 8 Germans killed in Oct. 4 Predator strike in North Waziristan identified - The Long War Journal
US Predators kill 6 'militants' in North Waziristan

By Bill Roggio, November 1, 2010

Unmanned US strike aircraft carried out an attack today in the Mir Ali area in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Unmanned Predators or the heavily armed Reapers fired two missiles today at a compound in the village of Haider Khan. “The compound belonged to local tribesman Ahmad Ali and had become a hub of militants’ movement,” according to a Pakistani security official.

Six "militants" were reported killed in the strike, but no senior al Qaeda or Taliban commanders have been reported killed.

The Mir Ali area is in the sphere of influence of Abu Kasha al Iraqi, an al Qaeda leader who serves as a key link to the Taliban and supports al Qaeda's external operations network. Mir Ali is a known hub for al Qaeda's military and external operations councils. Taliban leader Hafiz Gul Bahadar and the Haqqani Network also operate in the Mir Ali area.

Since Sept. 8, a total of 16 Germans and two Britons have been reported killed in Predator strikes in the Mir Ali area. The Europeans were members of the Islamic Jihad Group, an al Qaeda affiliate based in the Mir Ali area. The IJU members are believed to be involved in a recently discovered al Qaeda plot that targeted several major European cities and was modeled after the terror assault on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008.

Read more: US Predators kill 6 'militants' in North Waziristan - The Long War Journal
US Predators kill 13 terrorists in 3 strikes in North Waziristan

By Bill Roggio, November 3, 2010

Unmanned US attack aircraft killed 13 terrorists in three airstrikes today in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan. The strikes took place in the Miramshah, Mir Ali, and Datta Khel areas, all known havens for al Qaeda and allied terror groups.

In the first strike, unmanned Predators or the heavily armed Reapers fired two missiles today at a vehicle traveling in Qutub Khel, a suburb of Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan, AFP reported. The vehicle was "loaded with arms and ammunition" and detonated in a fireball, the news agency stated. Four "militants" were reported killed in the strike, but no senior al Qaeda or Taliban commanders have been reported killed.

In the second strike, Predators struck another vehicle in the village of Khaiso Khel in the Datta Khel Area. Five "militants" were reported killed, according to CNN.

In the third strike, yet another vehicle was targeted by Predators, this time in the Mir Ali area. Four "militants" were reported killed in the attack.

Miramshah, Datta Khel, and Mir Ali are terrorist strongholds in Pakistan

The US has been pounding targets in the Datta Khel, Miramshah, and Mir Ali areas of North Waziristan in an effort to kill members involved in the European plot. Al Qaeda and allied terror groups such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Jihad Group, the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, and a number of Pakistani and Central and South Asian terror groups host or share camps in the region.

The Miramshah area is in the sphere of influence of the Haqqani Network, a Taliban group led by mujahedeen commander Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Siraj. The Haqqanis are closely allied to al Qaeda and to the Taliban, led by Mullah Omar. Siraj Haqqani is the leader of the Miramshah Regional Military Shura, one of the Afghan Taliban's top four commands; he sits on the Taliban's Quetta Shura; and he is also is a member of al Qaeda's Shura Majlis. The Haqqanis are based on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border.

Read more: US Predators kill 13 terrorists in 3 strikes in North Waziristan - The Long War Journal
US kills 14 'militants' in pair of strikes in North Waziristan

By Bill Roggio, November 7, 2010

The US carried out two airstrikes in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan today, killing 14 terrorists including five "foreigners."

The first strike took place in the the village of Ghulam Khan in the Miramshah area. Umanned Predators or the heavily armed Reapers fired one a missile at a vehicle and another at a compound in the village, killing nine "militants," The Associated Press reported.

The second strike targeted a vehicle in the Datta Khel area, killing five "foreigners," a term used to described Arab and Central Asian al Qaeda operatives. Two missiles were fired at the vehicle.

No senior al Qaeda or Taliban fighters have been killed in either of the strikes.

Today's strikes make for six US attacks in Pakistan in seven days. On Nov. 1, a strike in Mir Ali, a large town in North Waziristan, killed six "militants,"while three strikes on Nov. 3 killed 13 more.

The US has carried out 97 attacks inside Pakistan this year, which is more than double the number of strikes in Pakistan just two years ago. A few months ago, the US exceeded last year's strike total of 53 with a strike in Kurram in late August. In 2008, the US carried out a total of 36 strikes inside Pakistan.

All but nine of this year's 97 strikes have taken place in North Waziristan. Of the nine strikes that have occurred outside of North Waziristan, seven took place in South Waziristan, one occurred in Khyber, and one took place in Kurram.

Read more: US kills 14 'militants' in pair of strikes in North Waziristan - The Long War Journal

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