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US debt hits 14 trillon.Dollars


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
The country may default in weeks if senate does not raise the borrowing limit.
In a few weeks time USA the world's largest economy may not be able to pay back her debts. The news will lower USA credit ratings and Dollar may slide further down.

Isnt it about time America calls her troops bavk home and stop her global military expeditions? The economy is too fragile to bear the costs.
Fed chief Bernanke warns of US debt ceiling threat
The chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, has warned that the country's creditworthiness is at risk if its borrowing limit is not raised.

He said the US could lose its coveted AAA credit rating if Congress did not vote in favour of lifting the $14.3 trillion (£8.7 trillion) debt ceiling.

If there is no deal by August, the US may start defaulting on obligations.

Vice-President Joe Biden and congressional leaders have resumed efforts to find a bipartisan solution.

They are trying to reach an agreement that would tie spending cuts with an increase in the debt limit. They are expected to discuss annual spending levels, budget process reforms, taxes and healthcare benefits.

"We're making real progress, we're down to the tough stuff now and everybody's still in the room," Mr Biden said after Tuesday's meeting.

President Barack Obama and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, want an agreement by 4 July.
'Wrong tool'

At a conference on Tuesday organised by a think tank, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Mr Bernanke said any delay in the US government making payments could cause chaos on global financial markets.

It could also damage the dollar's status as a reserve currency, he warned.

Mr Bernanke said he understood the desire of many politicians to use the deadline to force some necessary and difficult policy adjustments, but said the debt limit was "the wrong tool for that important job".

"Failing to raise the debt limit would require the federal government to delay or renege on payments for obligations already entered into."

"Even a short suspension of payments on principal or interest on the treasury's debt obligations would cause severe disruptions in financial markets and the payments system."

In addition, Mr Bernanke said US government debt risked being downgraded, creating fundamental doubts about the nation's creditworthiness.

Long-term damage to the "special role" of the dollar and of treasury securities in global markets was also possible, he said.

Instead of allowing a default, Democrats and Republicans needed to develop a credible long-range plan to rein in the nation's budget deficit, Mr Bernanke added.

An increase of $2.5 trillion would allow the government to operate until early 2013.

He suggested stabilising the deficit as a proportion of the total economy, and lowering the figure over time. Deficit-reduction goals should be set and enforced with a mechanism triggering automatic cuts.

BBC News - Fed chief Bernanke warns of US debt ceiling threat
It is interesting to see that how long US Government can continue to borrow. To avoid default, US will have to cut expenses and raise new taxes on the rich.
Add on top of that the declining of the middle class in America. Unemployment is still high and so is the rising cost of common household goods. I believe America is entering the stagnation era just like Japan was in for the last 20 years.
I think they will raise the debt ceiling.

You're right, but the question still remain how much though? Congress are still battling over the cost of health care that was past last year after a long and hard fought battle for 3 years. I think Congress will raise the debt ceiling to same level as the GDP (15 Trillion dollars) for now.
They can raise the money or will print more dollar after all Dollar is what international currency is. :lol: on Serious Note, Problem is Big but they will able to manage as they control whole world :cry:. Yesterday U.S. Market (Nasdaq, S&P, Dowjones) fell 1.5% and Today morning all 6 major Indices in Asia Heng Seng (Hong Kong), Sanghai (China), BSE (India), NSE (India), Kospi (Korea), Nikkie (Japan)) all are 1.5% down. In Afternoon FTSE (U.K.), CAC (France), DAX (Germany) will be down too. A shiver in New york affects the whole world.
More like a re-evaluation of lifestyle. Going to war may actually mitigate the problem.
the best option for usa would be to stop all the wars.

It is highly unlikely with their countless array of weapons. Moreover, as the world's number one economy and military, they want to continue to appear so to the rest of the world. A collapsed American economy means end of American global influence and less money for the fat cats sitting on the top.
They would rather sell their land for more funding and it is already happening in Idaho.
poor ppl have to work hard and pay taxes and their government starting wars for no reason, for example in Libya, that was not needed.

Yes those poor Libyans....

Regarding the debt issue, US has taken in past greater debt then it's GDP, the percentage was 120% to GdP. Here we are talking about raising the debt ceiling to close to 100%.

By reading other great bloggers dooms day seanario's, it excatly does not work like that. The way it works is, US as a free market economy has to grow (meaning the GDP, which happens only when there is lower taxes (my personal opinion)) at a certain rate, which would be the rate of Dam Useless Gov't borrowing to the GDP (Hard working people who actually create the country).......

My two cents in economic 101!!!
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