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US building military base in Afghanistan near Iran border

I was Army....we called it a mess hall back in the day (dining facility too, never DEFAC...must be a new thing). Had some buddies in the Navy (one on boomers) yeaaaah, know what you mean. (ps....chow-hall too) You must be talking basic or AIT....we went on our own after that (not as a group...you just had to show up at the right hours...plus we had a special facility open all night for those on duty) Ah...dining while in basic.....by the time you got your chow the DI was yelling it was time to leave....if you made it to the trash-cans you had to dump what you had. You would wolf it down in line, still eat fast because of that.

imagine doing this to get to chow hall just to get some chow
:rofl: i dont miss those days
Loads of fun! Do they still have you low-crawl in saw-dust pits? 5 minutes would have you exhausted!
And your 1min Youtube video backs you up does it?

Dont make me laugh, at train in deserts back home - what deserts you have back home? You call them deserts? Temperature doesnt go above 30 tops.

Maybe you should go over to the Middle East and see for yourself when the sun is shining so bright at 45c you can barely keep your eyes open and the shades you wear aren't still good enough. And to top it off you have sweat literally dorpping off you, and then you got all your gear on you....

Unless you been over there and seen the weather, keep dreaming in coo coo land with your max 30c temperature, and hurricanes LMAO.

Your army has only "won" because of the aircrafts it uses. Without those your army is nothing but fat slobs who eat like dogs.


Death valley in USA has record for highest world temperature (56.7[SUP]o[/SUP]C).

And USA has lot of hot deserts.

Loads of fun! Do they still have you low-crawl in saw-dust pits? 5 minutes would have you exhausted!

Yup specially if any of the items are missing from any ones Assault pack before going to the field the whole platoon Gets it

they have Sand pits now and on training days your filling those up in sand bags and set up a perimeter and then when your done you have to empty the sand Bags

in those sand pits they make you low crawl and go in circles while the Sargent is yelling at us that we failed our battle buddy and he is dead because he is missing equipment/item from his assault pack, I was with rakkasans in 101st they take that SH!T to the heart, so every one make sure that they are 15 mins prior to formation and have every thing before going out in the field
And looking at my post today....can see why you thought I was racist....must be in a mood. I have deep cultural bias....but not racist. (In other words any one of any color raised in my conditions would turn out mostly like me...heck, few of my girl-friends have been white....mostly Latina or Black))
And looking at my post today....can see why you thought I was racist....must be in a mood. I have deep cultural bias....but not racist. (In other words any one of any color raised in my conditions would turn out mostly like me...heck, few of my girl-friends have been white....mostly Latina or Black))

Dude all i can say is that america was built on different cultures,,, we now in america have all kinds of culture and it shows specially if you go to serve in the Armed forces now a days, I mean there were guys there whos background was iranian, arabs, pakistani, indians, mexican, africans, chinese, british, french, and european mixed, latin mixed,,, I am sure your background is in one of them...

I mean if you technically look at it we dont even belong in america even if we are born here or even if our parents are born here
people will forever be of immigrant Status as the land originally belong to native red indians and irony is we celebrate THanks giving
what is messing up our thought is that our Politicians are bias and they only care about what the lobby system brings to there table and they will Destroy lives of countless americans, you know how many soilders i know that are in Warrior transition unit that hated Bush for going to war in iraq On False naming of Weapons of mass destruction, so that He can make money from companies like haliburton and others and rob american tax payers blind.......

on other stuff i dont want Sanantonio spurs to win the game but it looks like they are gonna
And your 1min Youtube video backs you up does it?

Dont make me laugh, at train in deserts back home - what deserts you have back home? You call them deserts? Temperature doesnt go above 30 tops.

Maybe you should go over to the Middle East and see for yourself when the sun is shining so bright at 45c you can barely keep your eyes open and the shades you wear aren't still good enough. And to top it off you have sweat literally dorpping off you, and then you got all your gear on you....

Unless you been over there and seen the weather, keep dreaming in coo coo land with your max 30c temperature, and hurricanes LMAO.

Your army has only "won" because of the aircrafts it uses. Without those your army is nothing but fat slobs who eat like dogs.

LOL a minute video is an example of how hard they trained in deserts. And we already have enough personnel in the ME training with other Arab military forces if you have not notice besides fighting in Iraq in Gulf War 2 as well as Gulf War 1 against a large army. But hey, if our aircraft won against massive armies as you said, then Iran's military is insignificant then no matter how large.
No one hate terrorism more than a Pakistani.. and no one has been victim of it more than us.
You've got only yourselves to blame. This is what happens when a democratically elected government capitulates and hands over defence and foreign affairs to army generals who haven't a clue on how to handle international relations.

What the PA has been doing is running with the hare and hunting with the hounds during the past decade which has resulted in the birth of myriad extremist/terrorist organizations to fight the PAs proxy wars in Afghanistan and India. The TTP is one such off shoot that is now biting the very hand that fed it, killing thousands of Pakistanis in the process.

The PA was naive to think that by helping the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar), Afghanistan would become a 'protectorate' or an extension of Pakistan and thus provide 'strategic depth' against India!! This WOT would have been over years ago saving Pakistan thousands of lives and billions of dollars but for the faulty policies and the grandiose aim of 'strategic depth'. This policy has started unraveling in spectacular fashion, and more is to come after the American withdrawal.

So please don't keep bellyaching that Pakistan is a victim of terror. The blame lies squarely with your policies laid out by the PA. What do they say in Hindi/Urdu? "Apne hi paon pe khuladi maarna"! :P
It does matter.

I dont watch biased documentaries anymore. They're bad for my eyes and ears.

I will give you a fact. A half well equipped Hezbollah pounded the "2nd" best army in the world aka Israel in 2006. And Iran is a country with more man power and equipment.

You shouldn't lick the American backside, they have caused those "common" riots in your country which seem to be escalating....You need to wake up.

Biased? Did Iraq win and I was asleep?

What were the casualties on each side of hezbollah pounding Israel? Please remind me
You've got only yourselves to blame. This is what happens when a democratically elected government capitulates and hands over defence and foreign affairs to army generals who haven't a clue on how to handle international relations.

What the PA has been doing is running with the hare and hunting with the hounds during the past decade which has resulted in the birth of myriad extremist/terrorist organizations to fight the PAs proxy wars in Afghanistan and India. The TTP is one such off shoot that is now biting the very hand that fed it, killing thousands of Pakistanis in the process.

The PA was naive to think that by helping the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar), Afghanistan would become a 'protectorate' or an extension of Pakistan and thus provide 'strategic depth' against India!! This WOT would have been over years ago saving Pakistan thousands of lives and billions of dollars but for the faulty policies and the grandiose aim of 'strategic depth'. This policy has started unraveling in spectacular fashion, and more is to come after the American withdrawal.

So please don't keep bellyaching that Pakistan is a victim of terror. The blame lies squarely with your policies laid out by the PA. What do they say in Hindi/Urdu? "Apne hi paon pe khuladi maarna"! :P

Yet another thread being cr@pped by India-Pak $hit-shoveling.

Shabaash. Bhai. Shaabaash.

It does matter.

I dont watch biased documentaries anymore. They're bad for my eyes and ears.

I will give you a fact. A half well equipped Hezbollah pounded the "2nd" best army in the world aka Israel in 2006. And Iran is a country with more man power and equipment.

You shouldn't lick the American backside, they have caused those "common" riots in your country which seem to be escalating....You need to wake up.

Who can argue against the "Godly" power of Hizb-Mullah (oops Hizbullah).

I am sure you would love to see Hizb-Mullah deployed on Iran-Afghanistan border too. right?

they are the only one who can fight the juice of Irael and America.
Yet another thread being cr@pped by India-Pak $hit-shoveling.

Shabaash. Bhai. Shaabaash.
Bhaijaan, you have not countered my arguments with solid reasoning. It may be '$hit-shoveling' as far as you and most Pakistanis are concerned, but that my friend, is the truth. Anyway, this was in response to one of the posters.

Back on topic. Most thought that the American withdrawal would mean the total pull out of American troops from Afghanistan. That will never ever happen as there are huge stakes involved. With known natural wealth of more than $1 trillion in Afghanistan, the Americans will stay put until they suck every dollar out of it.

Secondly, on the geostrategic front, they would need a launch pad against Iran in the event of hostilities as well as preventing Iran's influence in Afghanistan. And that's the reason why a base consisting of about a brigade strength would be positioned toward the West facing Iran. That base is going to be a permanent one.

Apart from that, another 15,000 or so troops would be stationed in permanent bases in Kabul and the East.

That's why I said, Afghanistan must start preparing for a civil war of epic proportions what with the Afghan warlords, Northern Alliance, Central Asian Republics, India, China, Russia, Taliban, and Pakistan all in the fray for a piece of the pie. (Pakistan of course, wants that elusive 'strategic depth' too!)
Bhaijaan, you have not countered my arguments with solid reasoning. It may be '$hit-shoveling' as far as you and most Pakistanis are concerned, but that my friend, is the truth. ...

Open a new thread and we'll talk.

$hit to a $hit-shoveler is obviously mun-bhata Khaja.
Yet another thread being cr@pped by India-Pak $hit-shoveling.

Shabaash. Bhai. Shaabaash.

Who can argue against the "Godly" power of Hizb-Mullah (oops Hizbullah).

I am sure you would love to see Hizb-Mullah deployed on Iran-Afghanistan border too. right?

they are the only one who can fight the juice of Irael and America.

You carry on polishing their balls they done you well haven't they?!

Learn to spell properly before debating, otherwise grow up kid.

Biased? Did Iraq win and I was asleep?

What were the casualties on each side of hezbollah pounding Israel? Please remind me

There were many more casualities on the israeli side than they made out. They always try to keep it low but in reality it's high.

LOL a minute video is an example of how hard they trained in deserts. And we already have enough personnel in the ME training with other Arab military forces if you have not notice besides fighting in Iraq in Gulf War 2 as well as Gulf War 1 against a large army. But hey, if our aircraft won against massive armies as you said, then Iran's military is insignificant then no matter how large.

Iranian army has aircraft which the Iraqis and Afghanis lacked. They lacked manpower let alone equipment pal.

Go for it, what you waiting for eh? HAHA!

Death valley in USA has record for highest world temperature (56.7[SUP]o[/SUP]C).

And USA has lot of hot deserts.


Yes the USA is the hottest in the world, it is the strongest in the world, it is simply the best. Is it hell!

If you aint been to the ME and seen the *bright* sun you dont know what your talking about kid. It's bloody 20+ at night time sleeping is difficult there.

The only record the US has is the number of hurricanes and natural disasters - sign from God as it thinks it is the super power of the world, God gives it natural disasters and says "beat that" yet it cant because it's "natural". LMAO.

You must be confusing the US with Britain.....we have deserts here (I live in one) and it gets every bit as hot as that. And guess where we train? And 1 American is worth any 100 from that region.....we just use the aircraft because it is funny to listen to them jabber like monkeys when you light them up.

1 American worth 100?

It is your Americans that when they come home they commit suicide - (if you aint got the mental capacity, physical size is useless) enough said.
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