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US Bill On Balochistan

development, but more importantly in the short-medium run --- EDUCATION; free and FAIR access to it...

and any corrupt feudal-minded nawab who wants to keep his "subjects" illiterate and down needs to be thrown in prison....no amnesty for those types of people. No surrender to them. Never.

as i say even with some of these rabid lashkars who are splintering and still attacking the Pakistani state -- i will say the same for the members of BLA/BRA and all those groups.......put down your weapons, then we'll talk. If you live by the gun, then expect to die by the gun as well.

are you in Balochistan nowdays? What are people on street saying about this hypocritical texan arsehole -- the one with the feminine name who suddenly is a 'humanitarian' when is most convenient for him.

No bro ... im in punjab right now... as of baluchistan... the average man doesnt give a shyt ... hes more concerned abt his livelihood than stupid bla "bakwas" and the target killings has decreased as compared to previous years.... but the people are getting fed up of the pak govt.... how it treats the people of baluchistan... the feeling of neglect is still there....
Celebrating the 'culture' of burying women alive

In the midst of massive political, economic and social crisis faced by the country, the shocking news of the barbaric incident of burying five women alive in the name of tribal honour in the district Nasirabad, Balochistan, and the subsequent defence of the brutal act as the Baloch tradition in the Senate by Israrullah Zehri and Jan Mohammad Jamali, has made many think that with such a misogynist and criminal mindset of our public representatives, what hope do we have to survive as a nation and pull ourselves out of multiple crises.
Celebrating the culture of burying women alive - Dr Farzana Bari and Sarwar Bari


Senator Israrullah Zahri from Balochistan province Friday, August 29, 2008 tried to justify the crime of burying women alive by Umrani tribal elders. He told the Upper House, ‘It is a Baloch tribal tradition (to bury accused women alive) and we have to respect it’.

And not just that, but the out of the two ethnic groups 'this guy' denigrated, one (the Pakhtun) may even now be the largest ethnic group in the province - so what exactly is 'this guy' going to do with the millions of Pakhtun he just bad-mouthed in Balochistan?
No bro ... im in punjab right now... as of baluchistan... the average man doesnt give a shyt ... hes more concerned abt his livelihood than stupid bla "bakwas" and the target killings has decreased as compared to previous years.... but the people are getting fed up of the pak govt.... how it treats the people of baluchistan... the feeling of neglect is still there....

who isnt fed up?

Balochistan has always been a PPP stronghold. I hope that changes.
Raisani condemns US resolution on Balochistan | Provinces | DAWN.COM

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani on Saturday strongly condemned resolution moved in the US Congress in support of separatists and termed it interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs and violation of international laws.

He demanded the federal government to protest with the United States in this connection. He has also asked American government to keep anti Pakistan Senators and members of Congress away from such activities.

Expressing his concerns over the said resolution, the chief minister said that the member of US Congress, Dana Rohrabacher who tabled the resolution, was a disputed personality and his anti Pakistan sentiments were not hidden from anyone.

He had filed a bill to stop Pakistan’s assistance in Congress after Abbotabad operation. He also had taken a stand to return wreckage of crashed American helicopter used in the Abbottabad raid.

Raisani said it was the same man who in the early 1990 while supporting Taliban had claimed Taliban were members of an organised morale society and they wanted real progress and terming them terrorist was not correct by any mean.

“He also supported terrorist Mohiuddin in 2007 who was imprisoned in US for his involvement in killing of women and children in Bangladesh.”

“Now the same Republican Congress man has moved a misleading resolution in the House of Representatives about Balochistan situation in which it has been stated that in 1958, 1973 and 2005 resistances were demonstration of people’s opinion against Rule of Islamabad,” said the chief minister.

“Any separation movement in Balochistan is nothing but an adventure for him (Dana Rohrabacher),” said Raisani.

The chief minister said there was an elected and politically representative government in Balochistan which has representation of every area of the province and it has been elected by the people.

He said the resolution moved in the US Congress was not only against sovereignty of Pakistan but it also assailed the mandate of Balochistan people.

He said tabling resolution at a time when presidents of Afghanistan and Iran were attending trilateral conference in Pakistan, was nothing but an attempt to create rift among the countries of the region.

The chief minister urged the federal government to persist with the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project and other common projects in energy sector without tolerating any outside interference.
I say again...

Think this example!




Awakening: Govt to convene all-party huddle on Balochistan

ISLAMABAD: The urgency of the situation has, it seems, finally dawned in Islamabad.

The government has decided to convene an All Parties Conference (APC) – this time to discuss the deteriorating law and order situation in Balochistan.

The decision by the prime minister follows the exclusive debate on Balochistan by a US Congressional committee, and another blowout in violence in the troubled province in the last few days. Interestingly, the last APC was also spurred by allegations leveled by US officials against Pakistan’s armed forces and its premier intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

“We are calling an APC on the Balochistan issue,” Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani told a select group of journalists here on Wednesday.

The prime minister said he met army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Director General Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt General Ahmed Shuja Pasha to discuss issues of national security, including the deteriorating law and order situation in Balochistan.

He maintained that he would consult the political leadership to discuss the idea of holding the APC.

“I want the APC to take place as soon as possible,” was his response when asked when the political gathering would take place.

Balochistan is Pakistan’s internal problem and we must discourage any move to externalise this issue, he added, referring to last week’s proceedings by a US Congressional panel, in which some participants called for an independent Balochistan.

Premier Gilani further said that the worsening law and order situation and incidents of missing persons had overshadowed what he called the “good work done by his government” to pacify the growing sense of deprivation in Balochistan.

“One cannot rule out the involvement of foreign hands behind the Balochistan problem, which is why I have decided to convene the APC to discuss all aspects of the problem,” he maintained.

The decision to convene the APC is the latest step by the government to address the Balochistan problem.
The idea was originally floated by PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif last year.
i know Sherry Rehman is probably excited about her stay in Washington DC and is just doing the final touches to her wardrobe and interior design of her elaborate DC residence, but i think Pakistan needs to recall its ambassador back to Islamabad IMMEDIATELY, for professional 'consultations'
Iran advises Pakistan not to allow US consulate in Quetta

ISLAMABAD: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has advised Pakistan not to allow the United States to open its consulate in Balochistan province. The advice came in the wake of a trilateral summit between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan in Islamabad. Ahmadinejad said the establishment of an American consulate in Quetta could gravely jeopardise Iran’s national security, adding that such a move could fuel the activities of extremist groups such as Jundallah. Sources revealed President Asif Zardari discussed the Balochistan issue with his Iranian counterpart, and Ahmadinejad said for the sake of enhancing bilateral relations between the two countries both sides would have to take a firm stance against foreign interference in regional issues.

Looks like Iran is concerned about Baluchistan and i think they will support us....:victory:
Iran advises Pakistan not to allow US consulate in Quetta

ISLAMABAD: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has advised Pakistan not to allow the United States to open its consulate in Balochistan province. The advice came in the wake of a trilateral summit between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan in Islamabad. Ahmadinejad said the establishment of an American consulate in Quetta could gravely jeopardise Iran’s national security, adding that such a move could fuel the activities of extremist groups such as Jundallah. Sources revealed President Asif Zardari discussed the Balochistan issue with his Iranian counterpart, and Ahmadinejad said for the sake of enhancing bilateral relations between the two countries both sides would have to take a firm stance against foreign interference in regional issues.

Looks like Iran is concerned about Baluchistan and i think they will support us....:victory:

If Baluchistan of Pakistan gets separated Iran and Afghanistan will also lose parts of their territory.

Now that the axe is going to fall on the heads, the government is just trying to wake up to the issue let alone trying to medicate the wound of Baluchistan. All thanks to our politicians who just care about their personal interests rather the interests of the nation.
Wind is blowing in right direction. Looks more like when.
with US support, it will get self determination in couple of years.
Of course India will step in right time.
If Baluchistan of Pakistan gets separated Iran and Afghanistan will also lose parts of their territory.

Now that the axe is going to fall on the heads, the government is just trying to wake up to the issue let alone trying to medicate the wound of Baluchistan. All thanks to our politicians who just care about their personal interests rather the interests of the nation.

Perhaps we should look to create more provinces/states/districts.... This is the best option left on our table....
this bill reminds me one funny pic:
In the pic, there was a dragon having fire and smoke in the mouth....but when i had close look i saw that actually the a$$ of darogn was set on fire...he was sitting on fire..

chale the kashmir liberate karane ..pata chala balochistan he liberate ho gya..another milestone for Indian Diplomacy.
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