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US Bill On Balochistan

Ok, and what's the evidence inside this video? Tell me at what time in the video I need to go to to see the evidence.

---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

This guy is a KNOWN terrorist. His face is KNOWN. It's like Osama Bin Laden claiming something - his face is KNOWN. Please keep your conspiracy theories for another time.

Even if OBL claimed that India is funding him, there has to something called circumstantial evidence. ex: channels of money, Operatives' location from where they are based, Equipment if any etc.,
We already have the US between their toes - with limited supplies, closing of the routes and all.

This bill won't be passed.
I think you are correct in your assertions about the USA eyeing towards Baluchistan. You must appreciate this is the same USA that after more than 10 years of intense efforts, billions of dollars, 1000s of lost lives and 100s of empty promises have been unable to bring order in Afghanistan?
Balochistan has serious issues that need resolving and attention needs to be given to this part of our nation - and its nothing that cant be sorted. What i find incredible is Indians having so much concern in our nation. Is it genuine concern or is it an obsession for auterior motives?
I think sometimes the self insecurity of certain people creates an obsession to point out the faults of others to make their own inadequacies feel and become more palletable. I strongly recommend a reduction in this obsession for your own healths sake!
BTW do me a favour - dont compare this to something that happened 40 years ago - shows the mindset you have - incredible...

Cant the same be told about you guys, particularly when spoken about toilets and slums and under nourished children in India. Even though this sounds out of topic, this is mere reply to the bold part and do not be read in generalized context.

On topic, Pakistan's position now with respect to US is more of victim catching the tail of the tiger. cant leave it (Even though it wants to leave it desperately) Cant hold it for obvious reasons. Still you guys term us as lapdogs.

India has always played this line of NAM. The latest being Israel/Iran conflict in the wake of recent attacks on Israel's diplomats.
Even if OBL claimed that India is funding him, there has to something called circumstantial evidence. ex: channels of money, Operatives' location from where they are based, Equipment if any etc.,

Of course if OBL claimed that about Pakistan, you'd be using that as empirical evidence against Pakistan.
Pakistan need to come out very tough, close it's border for any military or intelligence personnal/trainers (except from China, Russia & friendly countries), creation of atleast 4 provinces in Balochistan specially separating Gawadar & Lasbela from Balochistan & forming a new province namely Makran(as those Makran areas are peaceful & nothing to do with these dumb Marris, Mengals & Bugtis), in next phase developing Makran rapidly with tight security & allowing every Pakistani to live there. There will be no issue after this. The biggest mistake of Pakistan was to make Gawadar & Kallat, Lasbela etc part of Balochistan, These areas should've been kept separate why such a dumb move to make them part of Balochistan?
In my opinion its high time Pakistan go on offensive....we have been playing defensive for quite some time now.....First step should be to seek an indictment of harame bama in the international court of justice for crimes against humanity and serious voilation of sovereignity of an independent state....we have a lot of proof and we should hit the nail when proper time comes.

These american senators who inititate such bills....most of them are and look retarded.....they just receive bribes from indian and zionist lobby in the name of campaign funds....then they do whatever comes into their little minds.

Imo Pakistan should close all co-operation with USA on war against terror........since Pakistan isnt buying the zionist bullshet and is going for Pak-Iran gas pipeline...this is best these morons can do.

Imo no one double-crosses ISI and then goes on to live a tension free life:lol:
In my opinion its high time Pakistan go on offensive....we have been playing defensive for quite some time now.....First step should be to seek an indictment of harame bama in the international court of justice for crimes against humanity and serious voilation of sovereignity of an independent state....we have a lot of proof and we should hit the nail when proper time comes.

These american senators who inititate such bills....most of them are and look retarded.....they just receive bribes from indian and zionist lobby in the name of campaign funds....then they do whatever comes into their little minds.

Imo Pakistan should close all co-operation with USA on war against terror........since Pakistan isnt buying the zionist bullshet and is going for Pak-Iran gas pipeline...this is best these morons can do.

Imo no one double-crosses ISI and then goes on to live a tension free life:lol:

:welcome:to:pdf: :pakistan::pakistan:
Balochistan is more of a kurdistan then East Pakistan, and why are people so worried ? most americans could not find Balochistan on the map let alone help it, Developing balochistan is the key.

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

any Proof of Indian involvement in this ?? Smartypants :woot:

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

United state is now Openly supporting the freedom for Balochistan

Low level unlikley if this were say mccain or liberman then yes it would be big.
but the basic question pakistan keeps on dodging .. why they keep shying away from making it an International issue ?

Perhaps there are more influential nations..nations that we consider our friends.. and a part of the Ummah that are also involved in this process. Perhaps not directly against us.. but against another neighbor effected by the Balochistan issue.
Its a pandora's box that has not opened out of fear of diplomatic fallout.
Please do not post videos without also providing a summary of the main points you wish the readers to take away from a video, or how exactly the video bolsters your argument.

Readers should not have to view hours of video to understand a one or two line argument being made.
Can anyone from Pakistan refute this guy without resorting to personal attacks on him or calling him paid agent of west etc.,

Mehran Baluch, in an interview in 2010 says:

"We totally agree, Baluchistan is a secular nation, genarally a very secular nation. we are not inclined towards extremism and Islamic fundamentalism. This is a phenomenon pioneered and mostly borne(/born) in frontier and Punjab Province."

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PAKISTAN: Five women buried alive, allegedly by the brother of a minister

Three more women buried alive in Balochistan today « Uddari Weblog

Before asking readers to refute 'this guy', 'this guy' needs to substantiate his own argument. Anyone can throw around allegations of this and that - what is obvious is that 'this guy' is resorting to a form of 'racism' (ethnic bias) when making his claims.

To argue that any one race or ethnic group is more or less susceptible to 'sin' is a very derogatory and flawed argument to make - so there is nothing to refute since the argument itself is racist.
Balochistan has much more chance of becoming the new 'Kurdistan' as compared to East Pakistan.

the similarities between both rebellion movements (PKK, BLA) are STRIKINGLY similar. I can name at least 25 similarities (on tactical level to modus operandi) between the 2.

interestingly enough, there is contact between both enemy groups.....marxist-minded degenerates who are the biggest enemy and biggest hindrance to social development of "their people"

also, the biggest murderer of "their people" as well --and then they call themselves "nationalists" :laugh:

1970s was witness to the fact that these groups were much more powerful and actually did represent an existential threat to both countries.....today, they are more of irritants......sewer animals who take external assistance.

Now of course with all this said, it would be criminal to deny that both sides' governments -one after the other - are guilty of some political mistakes.....at least in Balochistan case (and in Pakistan as a whole) Urdu is not "imposed" (in absence of better words) on others to the extent that Turkish is "imposed" on entire population

india, elements in the EU and the US, certain elements even existing in Middle East ----- all these elements that are supporting the division of Pakistan will fail miserably.....sooner or later, these elements will be burned to ash, for their nefarious designs against Pakistan. Premature cremation .

The people and most certainly the "deep state" (as the liberal leaning f*cktards like Shafis and Siddiquis call it) will ensure that any attempt to destabilize or divide Pakistanis will be met with unusually harsh and irreversible response.

but dont take my word for it because my words alone are meaningless....just wait and see for yourselves --- God himself be the witness.
The so called insurgency in Baluchistan is as old as 1951... people started protesting for autonomy n provincial rights in 51, than bhutto came up with the 1 unit bs... which the people rejected n again demanded right... bhutto tried to crush them.... the people went to afghanistan.... zia ul haq came he gave amnesty ... the insurgents came back to their cities,ministries were given to baluch sardars... and the insurgency ended... uptill 2000s when musharaf - bughti scenerio... now there are calls frm terrorists abt "freedom"... which was never the case in all of baluchistans history.........and india,usa are exploiting the issue............ id say give them amnesty,negotiate with them.... and develop baluchistan... and there would be no more insurgency in my land...
Secular like this:

PAKISTAN: Five women buried alive, allegedly by the brother of a minister

Three more women buried alive in Balochistan today « Uddari Weblog

Before asking readers to refute 'this guy', 'this guy' needs to substantiate his own argument. Anyone can throw around allegations of this and that - what is obvious is that 'this guy' is resorting to a form of 'racism' (ethnic bias) when making his claims.

To argue that any one race or ethnic group is more or less susceptible to 'sin' is a very derogatory and flawed argument to make - so there is nothing to refute since the argument itself is racist.

Celebrating the 'culture' of burying women alive

In the midst of massive political, economic and social crisis faced by the country, the shocking news of the barbaric incident of burying five women alive in the name of tribal honour in the district Nasirabad, Balochistan, and the subsequent defence of the brutal act as the Baloch tradition in the Senate by Israrullah Zehri and Jan Mohammad Jamali, has made many think that with such a misogynist and criminal mindset of our public representatives, what hope do we have to survive as a nation and pull ourselves out of multiple crises.
Celebrating the culture of burying women alive - Dr Farzana Bari and Sarwar Bari


Senator Israrullah Zahri from Balochistan province Friday, August 29, 2008 tried to justify the crime of burying women alive by Umrani tribal elders. He told the Upper House, ‘It is a Baloch tribal tradition (to bury accused women alive) and we have to respect it’.
The so called insurgency in Baluchistan is as old as 1951... people started protesting for autonomy n provincial rights in 51, than bhutto came up with the 1 unit bs... which the people rejected n again demanded right... bhutto tried to crush them.... the people went to afghanistan.... zia ul haq came he gave amnesty ... the insurgents came back to their cities,ministries were given to baluch sardars... and the insurgency ended... uptill 2000s when musharaf - bughti scenerio... now there are calls frm terrorists abt "freedom"... which was never the case in all of baluchistans history.........and india,usa are exploiting the issue............ id say give them amnesty,negotiate with them.... and develop baluchistan... and there would be no more insurgency in my land...

development, but more importantly in the short-medium run --- EDUCATION; free and FAIR access to it...

and any corrupt feudal-minded nawab who wants to keep his "subjects" illiterate and down needs to be thrown in prison....no amnesty for those types of people. No surrender to them. Never.

as i say even with some of these rabid lashkars who are splintering and still attacking the Pakistani state -- i will say the same for the members of BLA/BRA and all those groups.......put down your weapons, then we'll talk. If you live by the gun, then expect to die by the gun as well.

are you in Balochistan nowdays? What are people on street saying about this hypocritical texan arsehole -- the one with the feminine name who suddenly is a 'humanitarian' when is most convenient for him.

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