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US backs opening Taliban office in Qatar: Report

Pakistan involved in talks with Haqqanis: Double standards, Two-timing, treason.
America backs Taliban Office: Diplomacy.

Just goes to show whatever it is that it is meant to show, for me, it's just another day at the office..........
Taliban 'set to open office in Qatar'

Sources tell Al Jazeera that Afghan armed group will open political office in Doha on Tuesday.
Taliban will open a political office in the Gulf state of Qatar on Tuesday, Al Jazeera has learned.

The office of the Afghan armed group in Doha will aim at facilitating peace talks.

In March, Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, met the emir of Qatar to discuss plans for the Taliban to open an office in the Gulf state.

He discussed "issues of mutual interest" with Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the state news agency QNA said, without elaborating on the substance of their talks.

Karzai also met Afghan and Arab officials and business people.

The delegation travelling with the Afghan president included Zalmai Rassoul, the foreign minister; Salahuddin Rabbani, the head of the High Peace Council.

Until earlier this year, Karzai was strongly opposed to the Taliban having a meeting venue outside Afghanistan, but the US has pushed for the Taliban to be present at the negotiatiing table as Washington prepares to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan in the next two years.
source: Taliban 'set to open office in Qatar' - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Pakistan involved in talks with Haqqanis: Double standards, Two-timing, treason.
America backs Taliban Office: Diplomacy.

Just goes to show whatever it is that it is meant to show, for me, it's just another day at the office..........

Bad comparison. Pakistan doesnt "talk" with haqqani network, it supports and sponser them and providing them sanctuaries in FATA and three settled districts.
U.S is trying to have peace talks with its "enemy" while pakistan has double standards, fighting against TTP but supports haqqanis against NATO.
Taliban office?? Do they even know how to use a microwave :omghaha:
Taliban office?? Do they even know how to use a microwave :omghaha:

You wont believe it, they use stones and arrows instead of bullets and fight with swords instead of guns. Moreover they use donkeys instead of vehicles...they eat raw flesh and live in caves
So basically the Taliban won? and now they would be legitimately recognized as the ruling government of Afghanistan and would be able to form diplomatic relations with countries around the world?

Ok Then..
So basically the Taliban won? and now they would be legitimately recognized as the ruling government of Afghanistan and would be able to form diplomatic relations with countries around the world?

Ok Then..

Get real-- they are not even recognized and anyway this fits US policy - they will leave, and they want to leave with some dignity, and the TB is exhausted, to complicate matters, to be relevant in the new Afghanistan, TB has to offer something other than extremism -

This may allow US to exit with dignity but what will happen to Pakistan?
Get real-- they are not even recognized and anyway this fits US policy - they will leave, and they want to leave with some dignity, and the TB is exhausted, to complicate matters, to be relevant in the new Afghanistan, TB has to offer something other than extremism -

This may allow US to exit with dignity but what will happen to Pakistan?
USA has accepted the defeat Sir they had really long plans to stay but they were failed by Taliban so now they want to run away and have started Talks with the Taliban and with attack on Bagram Taliban have told what kind of talks they would do Sir and this ANA they would run away within months after USA leaves
Karzai's ISI-bashing makes a lot of sense:

It is no secret that the US wanted India to handle Afghanistan post-2014 putting Pakistan’s security into serious jeopardy. India is trying very hard to get an access to Central Asia through Afghanistan and had invested in Pakistan’s political elite to get the status of MFN (most favorite nation) in order to use Pakistan as a transit route to Central Asian States through Afghanistan. This move has so far been resisted by security establishment further frustrating India’s designs. Indian presence in Afghanistan would mean Pakistan’s encirclement, a top-priority strategic objective of India and extending trade concessions through MFN status would hurt Pakistan, though it would surely benefit the traders’ community.
Pakistan and its ISI have so far played it cards very brilliantly but it has invited the ire of pro-India lobbies in Pakistan and elsewhere.
Doha Talks: Was it ISI that frustrated the designs of Karzai and his Indian handlers?
Bad comparison. Pakistan doesnt "talk" with haqqani network, it supports and sponser them and providing them sanctuaries in FATA and three settled districts.
U.S is trying to have peace talks with its "enemy" while pakistan has double standards, fighting against TTP but supports haqqanis against NATO.

1) Pakistan's support for the Haqqanis is a myth at best, never proven, oft referred.
2) I hope that the post will be taken in context of the time when it was made, ie: 2 years ago.
1) Pakistan's support for the Haqqanis is a myth at best, never proven, oft referred.
2) I hope that the post will be taken in context of the time when it was made, ie: 2 years ago.

So what is your explaination of presence of haqqani network in north waziristan and pakistan army refusal to do army operation against them?
ISI is a spy agency, why would they maintain open relationship with haqqani network that can be easily proved?.....
This is what you call defeat and humiliation of a super power

USA can smash them if he want but their existence are more useful to USA .... after all , both Taliban and Al Cia de are USA creature with ISI support and Saudi wahhabi and Salafi clerics and petrodollar ....

I don't want to offend Pakistanis but in fact the main loser of this game is Pakistan ...
So what is your explaination of presence of haqqani network in north waziristan and pakistan army refusal to do army operation against them?

Even IMU and Chechan rebels have bases in NWA, would that imply the PA has an alliance with them too?
If the Army had an alliance with the Haqqanis there, our soldiers wouldn't be dying there.

ISI is a spy agency, why would they maintain open relationship with haqqani network that can be easily proved?.....

Why would they maintain a relationship with them in any case? The Haqqanis are one in many groups that operate in Afg. Having relations with them hardly grants us any significant strategic advantage in Afghanistan.
Even IMU and Chechan rebels have bases in NWA, would that imply the PA has an alliance with them too?
If the Army had an alliance with the Haqqanis there, our soldiers wouldn't be dying there.

Why would they maintain a relationship with them in any case? The Haqqanis are one in many groups that operate in Afg. Having relations with them hardly grants us any significant strategic advantage in Afghanistan.

The foriegn militants are operating for haqqani network....just visit mirali and miranshah, haqqani militants openly operate there and they drink tea with faujis.
Haqqani network is important to Pakistan, they are in relationship since 80s, through them they are in contact with afghan taliban. And in exchange for providing sanctuaris in pakistan, haqqani networks attacks indian installations in afghanistan for india for ISI. In the ongoing qatar talks pakistan has played its role through haqqani network.
TTP and hafiz gul bahadur group is also based in north waziristan and it is TTP which is attacking pak army in north waziristan.
Karzai's ISI-bashing makes a lot of sense:

It is no secret that the US wanted India to handle Afghanistan post-2014 putting Pakistan’s security into serious jeopardy. India is trying very hard to get an access to Central Asia through Afghanistan and had invested in Pakistan’s political elite to get the status of MFN (most favorite nation) in order to use Pakistan as a transit route to Central Asian States through Afghanistan. This move has so far been resisted by security establishment further frustrating India’s designs. Indian presence in Afghanistan would mean Pakistan’s encirclement, a top-priority strategic objective of India and extending trade concessions through MFN status would hurt Pakistan, though it would surely benefit the traders’ community.
Pakistan and its ISI have so far played it cards very brilliantly but it has invited the ire of pro-India lobbies in Pakistan and elsewhere.
Doha Talks: Was it ISI that frustrated the designs of Karzai and his Indian handlers?

Regardless of how much good relation India has with Afghanistan. India just can not go to Afghanistan because it does not border Afghanistan. India either needs to go through China or Pakistan to reach Afghanistan. Thus this idea of how India can have a physical presence in Afghanistan without the blessing of Pakistan, is very exaggerating.

India is a nuisance.
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