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US attacks China!! a scenario

ChinaWall65 said:
Peaceful unification is what I and everyone else are hoping for. But I think if China wages war against Taiwan, there could be more advantages than just unification. If China manages to take over Taiwan with or without US interventions, China will certainly gain major influences over other countries such as Japan and South Korea. It might also destroy US's dominance in Asia.

advantages? more PLA gets killed on battle field? more money goes to the war instead of poor and developments?
more influences?? i would be prepared to read more pentagon reports on china threats.... lol
Those are the disadvantages...but what China needs is a war to prove its military capabilities. It will certainly make China a more reputable country, which will help China in becoming a superpower.
ChinaWall65 said:
Those are the disadvantages...but what China needs is a war to prove its military capabilities. It will certainly make China a more reputable country, which will help China in becoming a superpower.

You must be some sick guy, why would you wish deaths to tens of thousands and diversion of resources on the order of hundreds of billions to prove a point.
sigatoka said:
You must be some sick guy, why would you wish deaths to tens of thousands and diversion of resources on the order of hundreds of billions to prove a point.

I was simply pointing out few advantages aside from all the disadvantages. I never said these advantages are worth to risk for nor even mentioned that I supported an armed conflict and I'm no where near wishing the deaths of thousands. I SUPPORT PEACEFUL UNIFICATION. This is a scenario discussion, I was just discussing a possible scenario.

And out of all the people, you don't have any rights to call anyone sick...you openly admitted that you are selfish.
ChinaWall65 said:
I was simply pointing out few advantages aside from all the disadvantages. I never said these advantages are worth to risk for nor even mentioned that I supported an armed conflict and I'm no where near wishing the deaths of thousands. I SUPPORT PEACEFUL UNIFICATION. This is a scenario discussion, I was just discussing a possible scenario.

And out of all the people, you don't have any rights to call anyone sick...you openly admitted that you are selfish.

I consider myself rationally selfish, like normal Utility maximising person. If u truely are Unselfish, why dont u donate all your property and join a monastry and help others Only.
sigatoka said:
I consider myself rationally selfish, like normal Utility maximising person. If u truely are Unselfish, why dont u donate all your property and join a monastry and help others Only.

Come on guys, seriously. I think the most probable scenario is a peaceful reunification, given time. What do you think?
sigatoka said:
I consider myself rationally selfish, like normal Utility maximising person.

Maximizing individual utility excludes donations, volunteering, and anything you don't gain from doing. Maximizing individual utility is selfish.

sigatoka said:
If u truely are Unselfish, why dont u donate all your property and join a monastry and help others Only.

First of all, I never said unselfishness constitues donations of ALL property and that. I simply said donations are good things an unselfish person should do. You responded by saying people who donate are stupid because donations takes away from maximizing their individual utility. Second of all, that is an extreme without any logic or common sense behind it.
I don't know if you guys have seen this already but here are videos of PRC and ROC militaries:




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Kaiser said:
I doubt china would win but it still might be possible

Why do you say that? The odds are against Taiwan. And Taiwan only gets a CHANCE if US intervenes
ChinaWall65 said:
Those are the disadvantages...but what China needs is a war to prove its military capabilities. It will certainly make China a more reputable country, which will help China in becoming a superpower.

Well i dont think so China needs a War to prove itself as Superpower as she already getting the hell out of many ;) with her rapidly growing economy.

If the sole superpower is realy scared of Chines economic growth and palnning to block it form expanding economic might u can well imagin how strong China is becoming.

As far as Chines Military capabilities are concerned well had u not heard the US some days back that shez concerned about Chines spending on Defence:)

Got it ??
The report says China is s potential threat, not a threat yet. Many nations still think PLA is an overly large obsolete military, however, that is not the case today. US beat Iraq couple times and look what its status is now. Taiwan's military is a lot more advanced than Iraq. A PLA victory would be a tremendous gain by the China.
One way we can do

We cannot extinguish USA by N-bombs,

but we have suffiicient ability to destroy small Japan, S. Korea, West Europe and India totally by N-bombs if USA attack us by N-bombs.
without it's vast numbers in land forces. China is nowhere near able to effectively challenge the U.S.. It does not have the naval or air power to do so. it can do some damage in the short term. But long term they would lose. Probably their best weapon is their electric powered Subs. They are quieter then most nuclear subs. The U.S. was complacent to this fact until recently when a Chinese sub surfaced close to a U.S. carrier. This caused the U.S. to wake up to the danger and go on a crash program to counter it. The Chinese actually did a disservice to themselves by highlighting the problem.
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