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US attacks China!! a scenario

US government provides huge subsidies to its farmers and uses its status in the IMF to pressure countries like Jamaica to buy its products when borrowing money. Do you know that powdered milk imported from the US is sold cheaper then locally produced Jamaican milk (what do you think happens to their industry)? How about the US sanctions on countries till the extend where their basic day to day living gets effected? FYI US does unfair practices to other countries using different tactics, so please spare us the morality preaching.

Besides the US is to blame for making China the manufacturing giant it is today, if you feel so strongly about it please stop visiting Wal Mart on your next shopping trip.

Oh the lengthy paragraphs I can write on the evils of the IMF.

Joseph Stiglitz also describes how America benefited from free trade by forcing open unindustrialized markets to finished good while making it impossible for them to export their agricultural goods to the US.
US government provides huge subsidies to its farmers and uses its status in the IMF to pressure countries like Jamaica to buy its products when borrowing money. Do you know that powdered milk imported from the US is sold cheaper then locally produced Jamaican milk (what do you think happens to their industry)? How about the US sanctions on countries till the extend where their basic day to day living gets effected? FYI US does unfair practices to other countries using different tactics, so please spare us the morality preaching.

Besides the US is to blame for making China the manufacturing giant it is today, if you feel so strongly about it please stop visiting Wal Mart on your next shopping trip.

I dont feel strongly about it I am glad China is doing well I think its the best thing for China, USA and the world....you are talking about what all China can do to the USA and I am just pointing out what the USA can do in return. Dont be so senstive.

Now for the military China spends about 100 billion year on its military a large portion to support 3.5 million man army. USA spends about 500 billion. China has about 1500 planes,, USA about 4000,, quite a bit more advanced then China, then there are the drones, stealth planes, and some new technology that is not even been disclosed. I expect neither USA or China wants a nuclear war, USA is not going to get involved in a ground war in China. USA are going to have carriers at sea that China is never going to find and they are going to keep moveing...China cant move airfields so they are going to be taken out.. not really any thing China can do to stop it....Stealth Aircraft and Drones are going to take out China anti aircraft defense and air fields,,,,then 1000s of planes loaded with smart bombs are going to take out ever ship on China's coast line.
Nuclear subs with cruise missles off every port. The X37A which is in orbit now will take out China's satellite. Of course the USA will take some losses but I expect the Chinese people will be asking the Chinese goverment why did you do this to us...Dont worry you wont lose as many Chinese as China did in its great culture revolution or Mao great leap forward.

China's imports stop, no oil, no raw materials,,, no exports,,, a hundreds million Chinese are with out jobs.....
Oh the lengthy paragraphs I can write on the evils of the IMF.

Joseph Stiglitz also describes how America benefited from free trade by forcing open unindustrialized markets to finished good while making it impossible for them to export their agricultural goods to the US.

You can and I might even read it,, but China does not have the clout the USA has.

The Global Media Giants
We are the world

By Robert McChesney

A specter now haunts the world: a global commercial media system dominated by a small number of superpowerful, mostly U.S.-based transnational media corporations. The global media system is now dominated by a first tier of nine giant firms. The five largest are Time Warner (1997 sales: $24 billion), Disney ($22 billion), Bertelsmann ($15 billion), Viacom ($13 billion), and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation ($11 billion). Besides needing global scope to compete, the rules of thumb for global media giants are twofold: First, get bigger so you dominate markets and your competition can't buy you out. Firms like Disney and Time Warner have almost tripled in size this decade.

A Chinese News Media,,, who is going to take serious the news from a country that is so scared of its own people they censor the news and the internet.
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You can and I might even read it,, but China does not have the clout the USA has.

The Global Media Giants
We are the world

You are insane. No where did I say "China has the clout the USA has" in any of my posts and my IMF statement was in response to mike.

When you're sitting alone in a room, do you argue aloud with yourself?
I dont feel strongly about it I am glad China is doing well I think its the best thing for China, USA and the world....you are talking about what all China can do to the USA and I am just pointing out what the USA can do in return. Dont be so senstive.

Now for the military China spends about 100 billion year on its military a large portion to support 3.5 million man army. USA spends about 500 billion. China has about 1500 planes,, USA about 4000,, quite a bit more advanced then China, then there are the drones, stealth planes, and some new technology that is not even been disclosed. I expect neither USA or China wants a nuclear war, USA is not going to get involved in a ground war in China. USA are going to have carriers at sea that China is never going to find and they are going to keep moveing...China cant move airfields so they are going to be taken out.. not really any thing China can do to stop it....Stealth Aircraft and Drones are going to take out China anti aircraft defense and air fields,,,,then 1000s of planes loaded with smart bombs are going to take out ever ship on China's coast line.
Nuclear subs with cruise missles off every port. The X37A which is in orbit now will take out China's satellite. Of course the USA will take some losses but I expect the Chinese people will be asking the Chinese goverment why did you do this to us...Dont worry you wont lose as many Chinese as China did in its great culture revolution or Mao great leap forward.

China's imports stop, no oil, no raw materials,,, no exports,,, a hundreds million Chinese are with out jobs.....

I find all of this hard to believe when the USA cannot even beat Vietnam or the Afghan Taliban.

Also I'm glad to see you're still laughing at the suffering of the Chinese people. I bet you make lots of friends with that attitude.
You are insane. No where did I say "China has the clout the USA has" in any of my posts and my IMF statement was in response to mike.

When you're sitting alone in a room, do you argue aloud with yourself?

Not insane, probably just anti-social.
I find all of this hard to believe when the USA cannot even beat Vietnam or the Afghan Taliban.

Also I'm glad to see you're still laughing at the suffering of the Chinese people. I bet you make lots of friends with that attitude.

USA never lost militarly in Vietnam, and it only took a couple hundred americans to take out the Taliban goverment in Afghanstan and only the loss of about 1000 soldiers to occupie the country for 9 years.

An I dont see me laughting at the suffering in China, am just hopeing China does not do something else stupid like getting in to a military confrontation with the USA. Threating to destroy a US Aircraft carrier on the high seas and kill 5000 american sailors is a good start.
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An I dont see me laughting at the suffering in China, am just hopeing China does do something else stupid like getting in to a military confrontation with the USA.

I'm tired of you laughing at the Cultural revolution like it was some kind of joke.

Those were REAL people who died, this is not some damn video game. Chinese people are real people too you know.

I'm done talking to you. You can't even accept the fact that America lost to Vietnam.
I'm tired of you laughing at the Cultural revolution like it was some kind of joke.

Those were REAL people who died, this is not some damn video game. Chinese people are real people too you know.

I'm done talking to you. You can't even accept the fact that America lost to Vietnam.

The war in Vietnam was against communism and in the end America did win.....not only against Vietnam, but also the USSR and China.
The war in Vietnam was against communism and in the end America did win.....not only against Vietnam, but also the USSR and China.

That is probably the vaguest paragraph is have read in a while, in the context of the Vietnam war how again did the US win against the USSR and China?
That is probably the vaguest paragraph is have read in a while, in the context of the Vietnam war how again did the US win against the USSR and China?

Don't bother, he barely understands what he posts himself.
The war in Vietnam was against communism and in the end America did win.....not only against Vietnam, but also the USSR and China.

LOL Capitalism is not an American invention... it existed long before the birth of "Modern America" via the slaughter of Native Americans.

America lost to Vietnam, a small, poor, and backwards country. This is a historical fact. You can deny it all you want but the fact will remain.

America has never directly fought against a nuclear nation either, look how quickly they ran away from Georgia when Russia invaded. Even North Korea managed to scare America off, again.

Now a couple of poorly-armed Afghani insurgents are playing around with the US too, and after 9 years still no victory.

I think something has gone wrong with the military planning.
I dont feel strongly about it I am glad China is doing well I think its the best thing for China, USA and the world....you are talking about what all China can do to the USA and I am just pointing out what the USA can do in return. Dont be so senstive.

Now for the military China spends about 100 billion year on its military a large portion to support 3.5 million man army. USA spends about 500 billion. China has about 1500 planes,, USA about 4000,, quite a bit more advanced then China, then there are the drones, stealth planes, and some new technology that is not even been disclosed. I expect neither USA or China wants a nuclear war, USA is not going to get involved in a ground war in China. USA are going to have carriers at sea that China is never going to find and they are going to keep moveing...China cant move airfields so they are going to be taken out.. not really any thing China can do to stop it....Stealth Aircraft and Drones are going to take out China anti aircraft defense and air fields,,,,then 1000s of planes loaded with smart bombs are going to take out ever ship on China's coast line.
Nuclear subs with cruise missles off every port. The X37A which is in orbit now will take out China's satellite. Of course the USA will take some losses but I expect the Chinese people will be asking the Chinese goverment why did you do this to us...Dont worry you wont lose as many Chinese as China did in its great culture revolution or Mao great leap forward.

China's imports stop, no oil, no raw materials,,, no exports,,, a hundreds million Chinese are with out jobs.....

I don't think I'm being sensitive but rather I find most of your post quite insensitive. Why keep poking at the morals of a country when ones own country has questionable morals?

Most people I spoke to in China already confirm that China is not America's equal militarily but your post makes it sound like a war would be a walkover for the US which I highly doubt. If it were that easy US would have long attacked China when they dismantled the US spy plane and delivered it back in pieces. If I recall the US government said at the time touching the plane was tantamount to entering US soil.

Everything has a flip side to it, yes a war would stop China's imports but it also stops China's exports which the world depends heavily on. Those US smart bombs need rare earth minerals which China exports out (95% of the world supply), no minerals no bombs period. Also lets see a hundred millions Chinese out of a job would destabilize the region. With no proper government maybe they will take up a Jihad movement, imagine that hundreds of millions of people in a country with no government but plenty nuclear stockpiles on all sides plus one enemy....
"USA never lost militarly in Vietnam, and it only took a couple hundred americans to take out the Taliban goverment in Afghanstan and only the loss of about 1000 soldiers to occupie the country for 9 years."

However much i stretch my imagination, i find that hard to believe !
Of course you are trying to play with semantics to make your case.
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