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US attack submarine docks at Subic

Don't you know how much BIG DADDY USA loves the Philippines? Or perhaps history has not taught you a lesson. We re-took the Philippines back from Japan after the Battle of Leyte Gulf. The some 300,000 Japanese defenders were wiped out. The United States suffered some 60,000 casualties (kia, injured, mia) to liberate the Philippines tho we could have easily bypassed them as per the Island Hopping Doctrine, yet we invaded anyway.

The Philippines remains a very sensitive and close strategic core interest for the United States. Our Mutual Defense Treaty signifies that.

No foreign power will touch the Philippines; anyone who attacks the Philippines will answer to BIG DADDY USA. :)

9 was built, 8 are active, with 30 being planned.

You were still incorrect by saying that there were 60 active. You did not take into account the Ohio Class subs (18 of them) , the Seawolf Class (3) and the Virginia Class (8 active, 9 built, with 30 to be built overall).

That puts the current SUB FORCE of the US NAVY at around 92 , give or take 1. Not 60 as what you had originally stated.

Thanks, now I'm gonna have to look for my old bio-shock disc.
Some how my mind read it as US submarine attack docks at Subic.

Anyway is US sure it can afford a conflict which it seems to be provoking.
This just goes to show the provocation by the US. If China wanted to do so, they too could have decided to arm other countries like Iran, or even South American Nations to really pis5 the US off but they haven't.....yet the US has its own agenda of keeping its forces in and around the world as if it rules the globe.....

If the Chinese wanted to really harm the US, then today US troops would not be sleeping comfortably in bases across Afghanistan, their body parts would have been paraded as trophies on the walls of Afghan Warlords. This shows the Chinese do not wish to enter in any confrontation with the, yet the US wishes to muster around China.........

All this cry, moan and groan about terrorism and rogue nations..... The US is the only country to have EVER used nuclear weapons, KNOWINGLY killed INNOCENT UNARMED CIVILIANS, not once but TWICE.....

Killed thousands in direct Military attacks around the entire world and millions indirectly through sanctions, like "oil for food".....

Said the guy from the nation America has given aid too

Considering that you are jaywalking n China's backyard,China has no other choice but it's the US who is interfering in the region's issues.

china backyard? dude its 1000 miles away from china and don't give that bull about the falklands and other islands those are different issues and situations
Perhaps the US should pull a China, since we control the sea, draw our waters up to every one else's beaches.
Considering that you are jaywalking n China's backyard,China has no other choice but it's the US who is interfering in the region's issues.

No, they are international waterways, our navy, our country, and the rest of the world disagrees with you.

As for interference, China is in a dispute with an ally whom we have a mutual defense treaty with. This isn't interference, China has made it our business.
No, they are international waterways, our navy, our country, and the rest of the world disagrees with you.

As for interference, China is in a dispute with an ally whom we have a mutual defense treaty with. This isn't interference, China has made it our business.
Russia made Cuba their ally,what did you do?
Provocation by the Philippines? Hardly. What they were doing was interjecting illegal fishing by Chinese fishermen , who were, incidentally fishing illegal contraband of endangered fishes. The Scarborough shoal is well within the 200 mile EEZ as proscribed by UN's UNCLOS. The Philippines are not an aggressive power, what they were doing was territorial defense and enforcing international law regarding illegal fishing as well as their own respective national law.

The United States recognizes the Philippines position and will stand by her, Always.
So, tell you president, let them make promise to Philippine that they will protect them! Don't talk big.
yeah right!1962 ring a bell!

I recall the Soviet Union trying to station nuclear weapons on Cuba... how does this relate to A US attack submarine surfacing in Subic Bay for a 'routine' pit stop?
You pick one from many, turn the clock back on those guys, the rest will get their act straighten out.
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