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US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

Retards like you do not understand the truth from fantasy.

China CCP has already control Xinjiang for more than 60 years. For China as a country, we set up governance there more than two thousand years ago. We may lose/regain controls in the middle. However, We have controlled that region for several hundred years already.

As for those uighur terrorists? Who the heck care what u think? You retard think normal people will burn those inspectors to death just because of the suspicion and examination???

When you are stopped by policemen for examination, you think it is normal for the drivers to burn the policemen to death?

they are civilians not terrorists. You are killing Uighars to control their lands and resources
It seems that in many places, Muslims cannot live in peace with others.

I don't think this is a coincidence. This is because the Islamic faith is going through a radical age.

Even in Thailand and Philippines they have the same problem.
I think US should ask the rights for all the chinese in China including people here on the pdf as well.
It seems that in many places, Muslims cannot live in peace with others.

I don't think this is a coincidence. This is because the Islamic faith is going through a radical age.

Even in Thailand and Philippines they have the same problem.

Gees, Isn't that why people from all ethnic and religious backgrounds throughout history prosecuted you?

To give u a better idea in case you forgot your own nature, plz watch this:

It seems that in many places, Muslims cannot live in peace with others.

I don't think this is a coincidence. This is because the Islamic faith is going through a radical age.

Even in Thailand and Philippines they have the same problem.
This has nothing to do with Muslim and Islamic faith. Hui muslims have lived peacefully with Han Chinese for centuries, and they are quite successful in China if i might add. So instead showing your hatre toward Muslim and trolling here, why don't do something else useful.
This has nothing to do with Muslim and Islamic faith. Hui muslims have lived peacefully with Han Chinese for centuries, and they are quite successful in China if i might add. So instead showing your hatre toward Muslim and trolling here, why don't do something else useful.

have you heard "tongzhihuiluan,同治回乱".In that time,nearly 20 millions of han and hui people died from killing each other?Many people live in shanxi province still remanber that massacre.Han and hui muslim kill each other including women and children.As far as I know,This kind of masaacre causing by hatred only happened between muslims and other people.
have you heard "tongzhihuiluan,同治回乱".In that time,nearly 20 millions of han and hui people died from killing each other?Many people live in shanxi province still remanber that massacre.Han and hui muslim kill each other including women and children.As far as I know,This kind of masaacre causing by hatred only happened between muslims and other people.

No more than how many was killed by manchurians. That hatre was actually caused by discriminating ethnic policies enforced by Manchurian ruling class of Qing dynasty.
China has been more hard on Uyghurs than Tibetans.

If China succeeds in preventing radicalization of Uyghurs by whatever means, chances are other nations like India might adopt those methods in regions of separatist violence.
No more than how many was killed by manchurians. That hatre was actually caused by discriminating ethnic policies enforced by Manchurian ruling class of Qing dynasty.

Manchus killed many people,but that's nothing to do with hatred.Stop mixing things up,if manchus hate hans so much,then there won't be so many han people follow them and they would kill all hans for once.In 同治回乱,there's no han people fighting for hui muslims and there's no hui people fighting for han people.
Manchus killed many people,but that's nothing to do with hatred.Stop mixing things up,if manchus hate hans so much,then there won't be so many han people follow them and they would kill all hans for once.In 同治回乱,there's no han people fighting for hui muslims and there's no hui people fighting for han people.

The hatre i was taking about was the hatre betwen hui and han that led to the 同治回乱 . It was the intention of manchurians to cause tensions between Hui and Han so each can be more easily controlled. Divide and conquer.
This has nothing to do with Muslim and Islamic faith. Hui muslims have lived peacefully with Han Chinese for centuries, and they are quite successful in China if i might add. So instead showing your hatre toward Muslim and trolling here, why don't do something else useful.


just use baidu, you can find a lot. For example
The hatre i was taking about was the hatre betwen hui and han that led to the 同治回乱 . It was the intention of manchurians to cause tensions between Hui and Han so each can be more easily controlled. Divide and conquer.

Nah,No more conspiracy ****.The only thing manchus got in this conflict were the massive money loss.

just use baidu, you can find a lot. For example

those are just minor incidents compare to what uyghurs did. When you have a large minority who has a different culture and religion than the majority, those incidents are destined to happen.

Nah,No more conspiracy ****.The only thing manchus got in this conflict were the massive money loss.

Well the conflict wasn't manchurians intention, but the root of the conflict was more or less manchurians fault.
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