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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

The incident should be condemned, I think, we should not accept it as a bad precedent,
because all countries have embassies in other countries.
Your fellow 12-yr old Chinese pals earned that a looooong time ago when I challenged 'Chinese physics' on the J-20. Cannot win any argument based on purely technical grounds, so they started calling me names. Now they cast themselves as 'victims'.

Yeah, so you started calling everyone with a Chinese flag a "conscript reject"? You know we have a name for ppl like you in the States too.

The incident should be condemned, I think, we should not accept it as a bad precedent,
because all countries have embassies in other countries.

Exactly, How US GPS guided JDAM hit the Chinese Embassy could be an accident? Who ever shot up the Ambassador deserves the same punishment as the US pilot who dropped the bomb.
Please...:lol:..As if you can say something here that I have not heard before. Like I say, when your fellow 12-yr old Chinese friends could not win on purely technical grounds, even when presented with impeccable sources like IEEE, they resorted to personal and racist attacks. So do not presume that I doled out those labels for no reasons.

Do you why China did nothing over that? Because the Chinese government know it was an accident. You asking this question mean you do not know the technical aspects of GPS and GPS guided weaponry. Google is your friend, even if it is an American product, so go use it and learn something new.

Ok, so according to you killing by accident is OK right? Maybe those protestors were just trying to protest, I am sure they didn't go protesting with the plan to kill the ambassador, as they couldn't have known his location.
Ok, so according to you killing by accident is OK right?
Did I say it was 'OK'?

Maybe those protestors were just trying to protest, I am sure they didn't go protesting with the plan to kill the ambassador, as they couldn't have known his location.
Like how the Iranians took over the US Embassy back in...???

How old are you...??? :lol:
Did I say it was 'OK'?

Like how the Iranians took over the US Embassy back in...???

How old are you...??? :lol:

No not like those Iranians, don't go off topic, Why don't you show some proof that they deliberately had plans to go after the ambassador like how they knew he was gonna go out of the embassy? Or you could let them have their own internal investigation just like US did after the bombing of Chinese embassy. at least these guys didn't fly from few thousand miles away strapped in JDAMs. :woot:
No not like those Iranians, don't go off topic, Why don't you show some proof that they deliberately had plans to go after the ambassador like how they knew he was gonna go out of the embassy? Or you could let them have their own internal investigation just like US did after the bombing of Chinese embassy. at least these guys didn't fly from few thousand miles away strapped in JDAMs. :woot:
When there is such an absurd demand, it mean you ran out of credible argument. If the Iranian takeover of the US Embassy back in late 1979 is 'off topic' to you, then it mean you do not understand and have no desire to understand.
When there is such an absurd demand, it mean you ran out of credible argument. If the Iranian takeover of the US Embassy back in late 1979 is 'off topic' to you, then it mean you do not understand and have no desire to understand.

Right on man, because that's the exactly the thing US asked China after the Chinese embassy bombing. The only argument US state department came up with was "What could the US gain by bombing the Chinese Embassy?" Now I am simply asking the same question, What could Libya gain by killing US embassy staff?
And here comes the mental gymnastics to justify the murder of an ambassador.

America soldiers killed children and elders in Vietnam escaped the trial easily. Is Vietnamese not human?. The ambassador, with all my respect to him, is dead by US crime which his country have done all over the world. The US, together with some Western countries, have committed far more crime than any empire in world history. Let look in Vietnam. Even third or fourth generation baby is now still born with incomplete body and disfigured face by the orange agent, especially in Central region, like Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa provinces. I live in Hanoi, in the north of Vietnam, but one of my wife's collegue now still have new-born child with no hair and weak mentality due to his maternal grandfather exposed to orange agent, although his uncle is abnormal, but his mother, the direct descendant, seems healthy to get marriage
The Best thing they can do is to stay the hell out of other countries and their internal affair , Y cry when they were one who helped orchestrated so called revolution in Libya and now it is turning against them........

They should know that nobody give a damn about them. In past they have done alot of things which targeted innocent people.

PS: It is sad that people were killed in these protests.

What bullshit is this !!

For every mess that happens in Muslim world.....why blame the US !! ...sure the US and nato supported the rebels....but why was there rebels in the first place !! why was libya divided in to two ....why did half the army defect.....Only because there was large discontent and oppression that there was any chance for revolution !!!

There is also some news that Obama the drone master is training his fleet to kill more people in Libya. If anyone can confirm please post the news.

Yes Obama is planning to kill more libyans as the libyans arent killing themself enough it seems.:hitwall:

Right。 The US randomly killed a few Indian fishermen not long ago。

For the Americans,it was target practice。

For the Indians,it was an accident。

The indian fishermen 's family have been compensated monetarily by the US and personal apologies issued........hence its irrelevant here
Do you even know the history behind this picture !! Do you just post from your propaganda kit !!!
You just made a fool of yourself !! The man being shot assaulted and killed the family members of this officer.....even though this photo makes him look the villain.....this officer instead of beating the life out of this creep slowly...just shot him to death ..............

Now whos the american Dog ???

If you hate america so much...why dont you leave and go back to China....Do you have no shame in degrading the country you are living in....how the hell do you go out interact with all those people haveing this mentality ??

The word "fool" should be on you, so according to your Indian logic: its justify to execute someone on the street without trail? as you're such an expert on this scum, tell me if his act was justify, why his restaurant was being targeted and a lot of Americans wanted to kick him out of US?

And don't put words in my mouth, where in my post have i shown my hatred of America? all i'm saying i can't stand self-hated traitor, thats all.
Very subjective headline, some people would say he helped to destroy Libya.

Only time can say that....sure they are new to democracy and very chaotic....but still they have election and parties and the right to decide their course.......hence how is libya destroyed ?? Gaddafi was a dictator....do you know how many billions he siphoned ......... what did he do so great that libya was better under him ??

America will keep the support up for the FSA they do want to see Al Assad fall, despite this incident.

But wont a erratic syrian govt that acts on the whims of public sentiments be bad for israel ??
Is this right that most, if not nearly all, 60 world's least-developed countries, plus India, Afganistan, Bangladesh, the Phillipines, Mali, Congo, some even very mature like Liberia, which adopted US political system since 200 years ago, etc. are democratic by Western standards?. I will have done all to my children not having to live in such democracies.
Is this right that most, if not nearly all, 60 world's least-developed countries, plus India, Afganistan, Bangladesh, the Phillipines, Mali, Congo, some even very mature like Liberia, which adopted US political system since 200 years ago, etc. are democratic by Western standards?. I will have done all to my children not having to live in such democracies.

You are trying to convince the world to follow our one-party communist Vietnam?

What a fool!?
The word "fool" should be on you, so according to your Indian logic: its justify to execute someone on the street without trail? as you're such an expert on this scum, tell me if his act was justify, why his restaurant was being targeted and a lot of Americans wanted to kick him out of US?

And don't put words in my mouth, where in my post have i shown my hatred of America? all i'm saying i can't stand self-hated traitor, thats all.

First you post the pic take a cheapshot ..by calling them american dog

When the history behind the pic has been told.....you change your stance to the scum should have been put to trial !!!...that to in midst a war !!!
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