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US agencies confirm presence of Chinese troops along LoC

Well, i`ve read many articles from Pakistani sites, calling Israeli-Indo alliance a Zionist-Hindu conspiracy :lol: So i`m not sure if they are not also moaning about it...
My suggestion would be: Try not to spark a conflict, you both(India and Pakistan) have very large populations(China even more) and a conflict would lead to great number of civilian casualties on all sides...
BTW, mind showing me where did you read about Israeli soldiers being in Indian Kashmir?

people mentally masterbating on indo china war forget that it means half of humanity at war......
The Peoples Liberation Army has done these kind of things since its inception. Only new thing is that its in a country besides China

Buddy - read the question again.
What kind of army builds civilian infrastructure in peace time non disaster situations..that too for another country ??
Agreed! We know that China is a trustworthy all-weather ally, therefore, our Chinese brothers are allowed anywhere in Pakistan at anytime :)

Great going bro.....invite US to curb terrorists and hand over free corridor in East ( for both terrorists and US) ( of course for $$$$$) ....all free entry of chinese in north-east

Cmon guys - Chinese for Ports (Ok), dams (.....may be OK), roads (what??????),
What next - Chinese for your houses?
Like i said, do you mind showing me where you read Israelis are in Indian Kashmir?
Hindu Zionism & Pakistan
Sundries: The Hindu Zionists Did It

:rofl::rofl:HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a minute, so you believe in what Brasstacks and that lunatic Zaid hamid says???????????????:cheesy::cheesy:

lol, is that where you're getting all your info from????? See i knew there was something fishy about your claim about "Pakistanis believing in hindu-zionist alliance", give me a break!!!!

Since when was Brasstacks and Zaid Hamid the Government of Pakistan or the Pakistan army???

Since when were Zaid Hamid and the lunatic group Brasstacks the official word of GoP??

Like i said, do you mind showing me where you read Israelis are in Indian Kashmir?

What do you mean "do you mind showing me where you read israelis are in indian Kashmir"? At least you should know about the actions of your own military:

India seeks IDF help in Kashmir conflict
India seeks IDF help in Kashmir conflict

Israeli Army Delegation to Visit Kashmir in October
Israeli Army Delegation to Visit Kashmir in October

Deepening Indo-Israeli Military Cooperation: Israeli Army General visited Jammu and Kashmir
Israeli Army chief Mr Avi Mizrahi who concluded his India visit from 9-11 September has visited Akhnoor Military base located near the Pakistan border in Jammu province of the disputed state, highly placed sources have confirmed reports to Kashmir Watch.

:rofl::rofl:HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a minute, so you believe in what Brasstacks and that lunatic Zaid hamid says???????????????:cheesy::cheesy:

lol, is that where you're getting all your info from????? See i knew there was something fishy about your claim about "Pakistanis believing in hindu-zionist alliance", give me a break!!!!

Since when was Brasstacks and Zaid Hamid the Government of Pakistan or the Pakistan army???

Since when were Zaid Hamid and the lunatic group Brasstacks the official word of GoP??

What do you mean "do you mind showing me where you read israelis are in indian Kashmir"? At least you should know about the actions of your own military:

India seeks IDF help in Kashmir conflict
India seeks IDF help in Kashmir conflict

Israeli Army Delegation to Visit Kashmir in October
Israeli Army Delegation to Visit Kashmir in October

Deepening Indo-Israeli Military Cooperation: Israeli Army General visited Jammu and Kashmir

Deepening Indo-Israeli Military Cooperation: Israeli Army General visited Jammu and Kashmir

Believe it or not, Kashmir is not what is on Israel`s mind, so forgive me for not knowing where my army visited 2-3 years ago. Do you have anything up to date that suggests they are still there?
Believe it or not, Kashmir is not what is on Israel`s mind, so forgive me for not knowing where my army visited 2-3 years ago. Do you have anything up to date that suggests they are still there?

it doesn't matter if it was 2 or three years ago, what matters is that israelis did visit a disputed area in which they have no reason to visit as they are not one of the three parties (Pakistan, india, and China) who are stake holders.

On the other hand when Pakistan and China build infrastructure, roads, and railways for transportation the indians complain at every level that "Kashmir is a disputed territory claimed to be a part of india therefore China should not be allowed in Kashmir" and all that other hypocritical BS (even though india claims China's Aksai Chin as a part of Kashmir)!
We were talking about GB I guess. I think we were. This is even lamer that we switched to oath of president of AJK from Chinese alleged deployment in GB. Well that happens and I am not surprised either with this twist. :lol:

Simple Northern Areas are disputed along with the Azad *cough* Kashmir and anything applying to PaK applies to Northern Areas also.
Buddy - read the question again.
What kind of army builds civilian infrastructure in peace time non disaster situations..that too for another country ??

What else are they supposed to build during peace time? Building infrastructure is a good way to help the civilian population with their needs. It's far better than building just a runway for a military base serving only the foreign army purpose. An example of this would be the Kadina Air Base in Okinawa in which the public had enough of the US Marines overstay and contribute little to none of the infrastructures.
the links you provided don't even work! and last i checked its your media that hypes everything about Pakistan-China defense deals! Any defense deal Pakistan makes with another country you indians get a headache and try to use your lobbies to block sales to Pakistan, but hey i can't blame you indians because after all its in the nature of the Elephant to be afraid of the tiny mice.


Great logic you have bud.

US , the sole superpower, protests (in your parlance whines) everytime Venezuela or North Korea get some weapons. SO does that mean US is afraid of them or less powerful than them ? NO

It is just the usual reaction well within diplomatic limits and that is what India does. After all we are enemies and any weapon system you buy has only the name India written on it.

So we are duty bound to try and block any weapon system you might buy. It might fail, it might suceed but wee will try.

BTW I know the reason Pak government doesn't try this many time. It is not because of the large-heartedness. But because of the knowledge that no one will take you seriously anyway.

Also there are more than enough situations where the Pak Govt has whine about the weapons India buys. So dont try this BS.
Simple Northern Areas are disputed along with the Azad *cough* Kashmir and anything applying to PaK applies to Northern Areas also.

Humm When they are called as "Northern Areas" the term disputed itself disappears with this terminology.:)
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