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Urdu vs English: Are we ashamed of our language?

People should have competence - if they have competence , does not matter which language you use you always yield profits

Our students can't even write a letter in examination or write an essay they are not even taught the basics of language , and how to write a constructive document.

From grade 8 to 12 , every time I went into exams , we were told expect to write a essay , letter/application etc and I would see students all tensed up unable to handle the pressure , people scratching on table few pointers and dates :argh:

We have a culture that states if you gobble 1-2 English words in your argument you are thus a superior person - its very common theme in Pakistani people who happen to be arguing.

Its not really the fault of any language , the basic area where we seem to lack is leadership development in our schools and colleges and Universities which churn out zombies

We basically lack in Education excellence from grade 5 -12

There is too much emphasis on , Engineering and Doctor professions and all other areas of society are neglected

I will be one of the few people who would admit , I was not always sure what is the point of writing an essay - we are taught to follow patterns and standard defined in some books with out exploring what we can achieve with our own though process. Our teachers , wanted our definitions 100% from book with out us using any reasoning to explain the same concepts with our own words.

To be honest , the thought is implanted in our heads deviate from the standard and you will not get a job which is why you see all students , with answer booklets , as oppose to finding their own answers via research.

Finally , how can we even begin to exploit , the mind when our own leaders are in politics with FAKE degrees , and when exposed they decide to close down the Higher education institute (degree verification institute)

A person , can use Urdu and make billion dollars for company , also a person can use english and still make billion dollars for his company .... but provided he has leadership qualities, reasonable thinking thought process, and he is hard worker.

Language is not the criteria of successes

Japan runs 99% on Japanese alone they don't use english they are the second most powerful economy

The reason why Japanese are successful is because they help nurture generation , accountability and have sound practices to create jobs. They used Japanese - and integrated it in their country successfully - they did not need English to stand out but the point is "THEY HAD COMPETENCE DESIRE TO BE SOMEONE"

Success comes when generation and generations are created who can think logically who can act with accountability and who understand what it means to pay taxes ...

Currently we are neither masters in Urdu , nor great in English

Until we change our mindset at grass root level , that states accept your mediocre state and say thanks to Allah
we will not achieve anything we are not AGGRESSIVE to attain our rightful place in world

Language is irrelevant what is relevant is - DO YOU WANT CHANGE or not
urdu is the national language because of the exact reason that it is nobody's native language, because very very little can call it their mother tongue, so it is agreeable to everyone, this way no one would say that why was his language taken and not mine.
It's not a question of being ashamed or proud of Urdu - fact of the matter is that English is a better problem solver - that's what important, because people seek tools with which they can solve problems. Urdu also a "political" problem in Pakistan and this also forces people to discount it as a problem solving tool.
The first language you should learn properly is your mother language, which could be hindi,urdu , punjabi, pasto, etc. Then comes the second language.
That second language could be English or any other language like urdu, hindi, french, german etc(if that is not your first language).

Second language should be your choice, depending on what you need/want.
The first language you should learn properly is your mother language, which could be hindi,urdu , punjabi, pasto, etc. Then comes the second language.
That second language could be English or any other language like urdu, hindi, french, german etc(if that is not your first language).

Second language should be your choice, depending on what you need/want.

most of us indians learn 4 languages in school :)
I think some people might not have gotten what the author was trying to say.

I dont think the author was saying DONT learn English or you don't need to learn English but some people seem to think English is a superior language and they tend to put Urdu or whatever their native language is down. Nothing wrong with knowing multiple languages, but sometimes people in Pakistan think that knowing English is a must to be socially acceptable in Pakistan
most of us indians learn 4 languages in school :)

Screw that , i got tought Italian for many many many years in school.

Still cant speak it;)

It would be nice if the whole world spoke 1 language.

The 1 and only language id like to learn is Latin.
Screw that , i got tought Italian for many many many years in school.

Still cant speak it;)

It would be nice if the whole world spoke 1 language.

The 1 and only language id like to learn is Latin.

No it wont be nice if the whole world spoke 1 language. Culture and civilization is intimately related to language. If a language dies, some special ideas and culture die with it.
Some languages are endangered, which needs to be protected.
I think some people might not have gotten what the author was trying to say.

I dont think the author was saying DONT learn English or you don't need to learn English but some people seem to think English is a superior language and they tend to put Urdu or whatever their native language is down. Nothing wrong with knowing multiple languages, but sometimes people in Pakistan think that knowing English is a must to be socially acceptable in Pakistan

Well apart from young people using a second language to prove they are "Cool", there is nothing wrong in using English when the situation demands. And it is natural for few foreign words to sneak into your mother language, nothing wrong with that. Does not urdu sneak into your punjabi sometimes.
:D plz ask mr NFP and you will hear his paranoid favourit phrase of Urban and rural folks.
hum log kub tuk angrezon ke zaban boltey rahein gey...hamein apne urdu ko jahan tuk mumkin ho bolna chahiye...

apne nisaab ke kitabon ko urdu mein chapwa ker hum iss ko apne aaney wale naslon ko dey sakte hein
hum log kub tuk angrezon ke zaban boltey rahein gey...hamein apne urdu ko jahan tuk mumkin ho bolna chahiye...

apne nisaab ke kitabon ko urdu mein chapwa ker hum iss ko apne aaney wale naslon ko dey sakte hein

Write it in urdu alphabets not in roman bro.
It's all about comfort really. We usually speak in the language we study because we speak it most of the day, but yes it shouldn't go at the cost of your own language. I also think Urdu/Hindi is a very beautiful language and a proof of it is it's endless beautiful poetry and songs. Nonetheless, Pashtu is Pashtu afterall! :)
Well apart from young people using a second language to prove they are "Cool", there is nothing wrong in using English when the situation demands. And it is natural for few foreign words to sneak into your mother language, nothing wrong with that. Does not urdu sneak into your punjabi sometimes.

Well actually, Urdu already has alot of influence from Punjabi.
I have never come across a Pakistani who is ashamed of Urdu.

Never come across a Sindhis who is ashamed of speaking Sindhi.

Never came across a Balochi who is ashamed to speak Balochi.

Never came across a Pakistani Pashtun who is ashamed to speak Pashto.

Though I come across alot of Pakistani Punjabis who are ashamed to speak their Punjabi language, and see Punjabi as a lower class and inferior language.
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