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Update: Indian troops killed soldier after questioning: Pakistan Army

That is where you proved that you are an idiot.... without knowing truth

Don't cry if something big happens like MUMBAI again!lol lol lol
Read the rulles again, & u hve been reported,always keep in mind,its Pakistan defence fourm?
Try some thing more abusive & personal, & bye bye!lol lol lol
I would have believed this....... if there was any COAS other than Gen Kiyani..a COAS who wd have been bold..who wud care for his soldiers......but as long as Gen Kiyani is there as COAS, unfortunately, we will be talking of Aman ki Ash crap forever...he is too much into the Aman ki Asha crap or Gen Kiyani is a big coward... Its unfortunate tht we have him as our COAS

True & justifyied!

We know only one thing for certain here, that your guy was on the wrong side of the border. The rest is simply conjecture to fit whatever one wants to believe. When Indian soldiers have been said to have been killed within Indian territory, surely any sane Pakistani understands that this is not the best time to make mistakes by wandering into Indian territory.

Hunt is on, more without heads indians will be found soon! Thn just thn don't u cry!lol lol lol
U ppl hav not provided proof of beheading uptil now...it only a myth...so I dont believe beheding by Pak army...and no one appreciates beheading ever..killing enemy is fine but not beheading..

Indians keep killing Pakistanis and Gn Kiyani keeps "protesting".....infact in recent LOC tensions..he even dint open his mouth even once...he was sleeping while Indian COAS and Air chief were threatening Pak...thts why I, as a Pakistani, hate him

Thank you!

That is where indians proves that they dont have any logical and human explanation other than of brutality committed by inian army. Indian deception is not always asset for indian brutal and murderous agenda.

That is not topic of thread. But since indians are insisting - more valid question should be, did india commit terrorist act against Shia's to mask brutal killing of Pakistani soldier???? Are we not seeing a pattern here?
Valid point!
To hookwink kashmiri guru,s unjustifyied death by hanging!
This is nothing. After the beheadings, the pakistani side should expect much more.

U mean more beheadings to follow or another mumbai?
Choice is urs?lol lol lol

PAK Army not able to answer few straight Question,

A) why did he enter into Well marked Indian territory ? (All LOC is covered by Barbed wire by India [Not PAk] and marked well.
B) Why he traveling alone if he don't know way of his post?
C) from where he started his journey and going where?
D) how did he travelled to East Direction knowing that East Means India border.

What does LOC means?
& why kashmir is a disputed land?
On that one point, many times pakistani soldiers have also come into Indian territory and they were all returned ALIVE.
There was no reason for them to kill this time.

Probably the villagers who told ur army that Indians interrogated him before killing him are all lying.

Indian soldiers killed him because they thought he was a non-state intruder terrorist (like most of the times) and killed him. I don't know who fired first. But even if the Indians fired first, they have done the right thing.

65 years old indian history kashmiris allways lies?lol lol lol
Bt brutality of occupied indian forces, act of nationalism?lol lol lol
NO one sneaks in alone , while wearing Pakistani Army uniform , there is somethign called common sense , come on now.. as i said before if he was killed on the field retaliatory from from our side would have been there , which it wasnt , which means he was killed in an isolated place , after he was captured .

U r wasting ur time here, sir!
They aren't going to listen you,they want war!
& all this happening cause political pundits in congress wants something to achived for the comming elections, to grab the votes of hindu nationalists, with the help of their hyper active media?
All wht needs to be done is, a concrete field plan, with dedicated snippers on highs, & good head shots on the other side?
Mate, I agree that it was an unfortunate incident & could have been avoided, but one can't expect restrain from IA when a PA soldier has crossed the completely marked & fenced LOC with a gun in his hand. If IA soldiers wouldn't have shot first, there was a very high probability that he could have opened fire on Indian Positions, can we ignore that in current conditions???

LOC isn't completly marked & fencced!
Try to get more knowledge about the place!
How can a single soilder standing & watching enemy soilders could even think to point the gun, in normal time of peace?
No it can't happen,don't try to put ur media prapoganda a voice on PDF?
Did those civilians reported too about injured IA soldiers?

We are still asking for head of martyred soldier. So, what was missing here?

Don't tell me those lunatic Rehman Malik stories.....

Don't waste ur time asking for head of soldier! Cause next time many heads will blow up in ur side!
The question is that when has Pakistan army been honest? It has lied to everyone including its own political government about everything from kargil, to its public - how it was a 'victim' of wars launched by India in 1965.

How do you expect anyone apart from Pakistani's to take Pakistan army as honest. We dont. We reject Pakistani Army's assertions - they are absolute lies like the ones that said 'no Pakistani soldier is involved in kargil'.

Isn't is true in 1971 ,indian army was training mukti bhani?
Isn't that true in 1965 ur tank commanders were telling ur nation that they will do their breakfast in lahore?
Isn't that true, that ur defence minster made huge money from the dead soilders cofins in kargill war?
Cause deaths were so high, that special wood was finished to make more cofins?
Your defence minster imported that wood, & made huge money as the commision?
Isn't that that true,kashmir is a disputed land?
Isn't that true you just hve killed a kashmiri with out a fair trail in one of your dam jails, with out proves???
Isn't that true you hate pakistan?
This incident and unfortunate death of soldier serves the Pakistani Army the right way. They denied having killed two Indian soldiers and beheading one for a trophy only a month back. Now the shoe is in the other foot. An intruding Pakistani soldier is dead. This death could have been prevented if the death and beheading of Indian soldier had been strongly dealt with by the Pakistani Army. Instead they chose to deny it and called it an Indian plot.

India could not sit idle by. A strong message had to be sent to the Pakistani Army. This has been done. Let us see that some sense has been knocked into ****** General's head in Pakistan.
this poor chap paid the price of Jan 8 intrusion and ambush by Pakistani soldiers. Had that not happened, this could have been just an arrest and return, but I guess after that episode, the trigger fingers would have been very itchy... Sad...

you nailed it, bro. Something did not ring true in the story that was reported.
Isn't is true in 1971 ,indian army was training mukti bhani?
Isn't that true in 1965 ur tank commanders were telling ur nation that they will do their breakfast in lahore?
Isn't that true, that ur defence minster made huge money from the dead soilders cofins in kargill war?
Cause deaths were so high, that special wood was finished to make more cofins?
Your defence minster imported that wood, & made huge money as the commision?
Isn't that that true,kashmir is a disputed land?
Isn't that true you just hve killed a kashmiri with out a fair trail in one of your dam jails, with out proves???
Isn't that true you hate pakistan?

Sonny boy, this is not about what India does. This is about how Pakistani Army is never honest to anyone including their own political masters. They have consistently lied about everything.

1. They explicitly lied about Kargil to their public that Kargil operation did not involve Pakistan Army.
2. They explicitly lied about Kargil to their own god damn Prime Minister and Govt.
3. They are not accountable to their own political masters.
4. They lied about celebrating defence day. Pakistan started the freaking war itself by starting an invasion. They never told this to their public or acknowledged it.
5. They have consistently found to be double faced - fraternizing with terrorists.

Ergo my point that they lie to everyone when it suits them.
Are you honestly going to present history in 'black and white'. If the IA did not offer full POW rights according to the Geneva Convention, PA in the East were going to fight it out till the last men because they knew that they were going to get slaughtered by MB. Also, you had two super powers that were breathing down your neck and were forcing you to end the hostilities. So lets it end with this attitude of 'holier than thou', and accept the real facts on the ground. You didn't really grant full rights to the POW out of the goodness of your heart but due to circumstances on the ground.
You know mate, IA could have easily handed over the PoW's to the newly formed Government of Bangladesh as crimes were committed on their soil. There were strident calls for it. No one in the world barring USA would have objected and frankly, we did not give 1 hoot to USA or USSR at that point of time. We had not crossed USA's redline on diverting forces to West Pakistan. All else was acceptable. As it is, Indira Gandhi had shown the middle finger to US quite literally even with US sending the 7th Fleet off BoB.

The GoB would have conducted a kangaroo trial for crime against humanity and sentenced them all to death & they would have shot all the officers in anycase in a fake breakout or something. You have no idea of their blood thirst at that time.

As i said, be honest to yourself atleast. If GoI wanted, they would have more than easily made a mockery of geneva conventions. Give credit where its due.

Ah please, always hiding under the same excuse. Due to the uneven terrain and the nasty fog, there are regular occurrences of strayed soldiers of both sides ending up on the wrong side, after all the average Jawan does not carry a GPS system with him and is not exactly a rocket scientist. There have been no reports of the so called infiltrators using PA uniforms, and IA in the past have always returned strayed PA soldiers except for periods when their was a general 'red alert'. Tensions were running high due to the last skirmish, if the average educated Indian on this forum is celebrating the death of PA Jawan, its natural the IA Jawans were much less forgiving.

Indeed, as i said IA was well within her rights to shoot the PA Jawan. But in this case, other reports are suggesting that PA Jawan was shot after questioning. Anyways, it does not matter how he was shot or not, you are absolutely right in stating that IA was in her rights to kill the PA Jawan. The only person whom is at fault is the platoon commander, and not the IA.

No one here is celebrating the Pakistani's death. Almost every Indian has said that while bad, it was more than expected considering the circumstances.

IA has shot 1 terrorist 1 day before on trying to jump the LoC. Few got away.
Couple this with the general tensions on the border and it was more than expected that IA would be shooting first and asking questions later.

The Pakistani reports that say the Pakistani soldier was interrogated before being shot are not credible and based on nothing but hearsay from 'some villagers'. As i said, while ISPR maybe credible for you, we have witnessed Pakistani Army lying straight faced to its whole nation.

A soldier unarmed at LOC, that seems highly unlikely. Of the incidents that i am aware of, they were always armed with AK47 or a G3.

There is nothing to talk about, i don't even know why we are arguing for 20 pages. IA was within her rights to kill this PA Jawan. The question that arises is, will PA return a strayed IA Jawan in a body bag or unharmed? I don't believe it was reported in the media but i am aware of 1 incident in the past year where IA Jawans strayed into AK, arrested and returned. One only needs to visit the LOC especially in some specific sectors to realize that despite the Indian fencing, the LOC is still largely unmarked and a person can easily get confused.

It has happened. Rangers at times. These dont always get published in newspapers. Its generally handled at the local level quite fast.

Indeed, and the IA PR Department is the poster child for truth and integrity. Those fake encounters, ketchups, ISI spreading aids among IA servicemen and the arrest of donkeys/pigeons were just hoax created by the ISI.
Let me point out the difference. The fake encounters, ketchups etc are individuals in IA doing these illegal acts to get benefits. No different from corruption in IA that takes place. IA itself found these individuals and trialed them.

However there is a difference in that IA is not lying to the GoI. Do you understand what would happen here if IA lied to the GoI or undertook operations without GoI's sanction?
Hell would break lose on them.
While PA does exactly that - lies strait faced to its own Government and public. The public part is even understandable to some extent, but PA does to to the political masters.

So lets not even begin to compare about these things.
You know mate, IA could have easily handed over the PoW's to the newly formed Government of Bangladesh as crimes were committed on their soil. There were strident calls for it. No one in the world barring USA would have objected and frankly, we did not give 1 hoot to USA or USSR at that point of time. We had not crossed USA's redline on diverting forces to West Pakistan. All else was acceptable. As it is, Indira Gandhi had shown the middle finger to US quite literally even with US sending the 7th Fleet off BoB.

You should read the surrent document, if i remember correctly it explicitly states that the Indian Army will take personal charge of Pakistani troops and would provide the necessary provisions for their accomodations which they indeed did and i commend them for it. This is the reason why PA surrendered, if they hadn't than they were willing to fight till the last man because they knew that it was going to be death anyways under MB. Both USSR and USA forced India to accept this clause, and the IA was also forthcoming about it because she did not want to continue the hostilities. And as far as IG showing the middle finger to US, lets be realistic here for one second. The US had almost 15 carrier attack groups in 1970's, each carrier group containing more fire power than the entire Indian Army combined, do you honestly think if it came to blows who would have won? The US Navy could have destroyed your entire fleet, fire a couple of missiles at your C&C and there was nothing IG could do about it. The only nation that could have helped you was USSR, but i have my doubts if they would as they were getting ready to blast China out of the face of the Earth in 1971.

The GoB would have conducted a kangaroo trial for crime against humanity and sentenced them all to death & they would have shot all the officers in anycase in a fake breakout or something. You have no idea of their blood thirst at that time.

I exactly know of the blood thirst at the time, and that is why i am telling you that PA would never have surrendered if the IA refused to take them into custody.

As i said, be honest to yourself atleast. If GoI wanted, they would have more than easily made a mockery of geneva conventions. Give credit where its due.

They couldn't, they signed a document and than if India would have allowed a massacre, you had the entire world watching at you. And indeed i do give them credit for providing very comfy facilities, my phopha who was a POW told me that in some cases they were provided better rations than their Indian counterparts. IA officers would extend their counterpart full professional courtesy, invite them to dinner and balls etc. But sorry to say, those days are long gone. There is hardly any comradarie that exists among the soldiers near the LOC anymore.

No one here is celebrating the Pakistani's death. Almost every Indian has said that while bad, it was more than expected considering the circumstances.

Well than you should read the thread again, i moderated a lot of the comments from your Indian brethren which were outright disgusting against the martyred soldier.

IA has shot 1 terrorist 1 day before on trying to jump the LoC. Few got away.
Couple this with the general tensions on the border and it was more than expected that IA would be shooting first and asking questions later.

The soldier in this case was wearing a uniform so that should distinguish him but either way, it does not matter what the tangents are. You are perfectly right in stating that IA was well with in her rights to shoot first and ask questions later, after all the PA Jawan was on the wrong side of the border and not the other way around.

The Pakistani reports that say the Pakistani soldier was interrogated before being shot are not credible and based on nothing but hearsay from 'some villagers'. As i said, while ISPR maybe credible for you, we have witnessed Pakistani Army lying straight faced to its whole nation.

We will never know the real truth unless their is an investigation, we can only make educated guesses.

It has happened. Rangers at times. These dont always get published in newspapers. Its generally handled at the local level quite fast.

I know it has, it has been an unwritten rule for the past 60 years to return strayed soldiers with full professional courtesies. I know for sure that there was one incident in 2006 where a small platoon lead by 2nd Lt was lost and ended up on the Indian side of the border. The IA took them to their local camps, served them tea, biscuits and brought whatever sweets they had, they did not even disarm them. What i fear is that this action has set a very bad precedant because you can be damn sure that PA won't be that forgiving when they get in their hands on a strayed IA Jawan, but i pray to God they are because no point in killing a bread winner for petty revenge.

Let me point out the difference. The fake encounters, ketchups etc are individuals in IA doing these illegal acts to get benefits. No different from corruption in IA that takes place. IA itself found these individuals and trialed them.

However there is a difference in that IA is not lying to the GoI. Do you understand what would happen here if IA lied to the GoI or undertook operations without GoI's sanction?
Hell would break lose on them.
While PA does exactly that - lies strait faced to its own Government and public. The public part is even understandable to some extent, but PA does to to the political masters.

So lets not even begin to compare about these things.

Are you seriousaly going to lie straight to my face? Those investigations were conducted when this whole hoopla was uncovered by the Indian media, it left the IA red faced. Whether the IA lies to their political masters or not, it does not matter. Lets stop it with this attitude of 'Doodh say Dhula Huwa', IA has had her hand in the glove of some pretty nasty things just like PA. They are not angels as you are making them out to be.
EzioAltaïr;3926145 said:
As far as trustworthiness goes, India is a million places above Pakistan.

As far as what's concerned? I think you guys are on the same level if not worse. Look inside India ......killings of Christians, Muslims ongoing for years in hundreds at a time???...abusive treatment of hundreds of thousands of people in many states.....the military gang rapes and killings in Kashmir of women and children???? The supermen status of terrorists organizations in India who belong to Hindu elite groups like Shiv Sena, BJP, RSS????
What more would you like to compare to, in order for calling India better than any other country? So my man, both India and Pakistan are in the same boat. Terrorism and intolerance exists equally. But it takes more press for Pakistan as it's not as big of an economy as India's and its lobby ain't paying as many $$ as much bigger and money throwing Indian lobby does.

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