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Untold Story of East Pakistan 1971

1st part of My signature......

Individual believers may be brothers, but we can't consider countries to be individuals. As for me, I'm not a religious person - so I and other secular-minded people in BD have no obligation to consider other muslims brothers.
Individual believers may be brothers, but we can't consider countries to be individuals. As for me, I'm not a religious person - so I and other secular-minded people in BD have no obligation to consider other muslims brothers.

still islam is the state religion .
lakin bangal ka bhi qasoor nahi,they were brainwashed by india.pray to allah,now they get some brain.

ahh ....so as per your logic, to be branded as a intelligent bengali, you have to be frothing at your mouth ,cursing India?
u are true ,very true...but changing the meaning of bismillah what is this.all the muslims are brother.and all the muslim nations also.when u can change quranic meaning of bismillah,what can i xplain you ab8 muslim brotherhood.
and remember onething all of we take birth from one country,it was un divided india.our culture,history is same.so pakistany people are our brother from the ancient time.our relation is not just built,it is from very long.and where it is written,for some you say all wrong.. u cant say against innocent pakistany.
love can bring love,hatred can only bring hatred.
u say " still here islam is the state language "...theb why dont u make the nation an islamic republic? Islamic republicism is the
only solution for muslims.

---------- Post added at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 AM ----------

ahh ....so as per your logic, to be branded as a intelligent bengali, you have to be frothing at your mouth ,cursing India?
first of all i've no enmity with your innocent people,but yes your country,govt,army did a lots of wrong and still doing.i'm against this.
Again, we are not brothers. Thank your Indian brothers for saving 90,000 of your soldiers from an otherwise certain massacre.

Our relation in the future will be limited to trade. We don't need support from ISI to destabilize BD; our politicians are doing the job. :P

let me know when you start formulating bangladeshi foreign policy then I will start taking notice of you. There are also pakistanis who dont like bangladeshis so what we all have mr angries. Take it easy man you will bust a gut for nothing over a computer.
let me know when you start formulating bangladeshi foreign policy then I will start taking notice of you. There are also pakistanis who dont like bangladeshis so what we all have mr angries. Take it easy man you will bust a gut for nothing over a computer.
moreover ,truth is a truth.u guys may be angry,even dont want to accept but the truth is ,yes you did wrong by taking help from enemies,going against pakistan completely is a crime,foolishness.u all are saying,you were majorities,so if you are majority,so pakistany people means you mainly ,as in bangladesh period people who are from plain land and bengaly speaker ,muslim are bangladeshi,coz they are majority,but tribals not.so tell me,what is the duty of majority ? deviding own nation by taking help from enemy !! very strange !!
none can go against country.so going against pakistan was completely,absolutely wrong.country who gave you a indipendent nation,language......honor and you just go against it !! you can go against martial law,adminastration,if thr was realy something wrong.but against pakistan ...absolutely it is wrong.
bangalis did wrong there is no doubt.

---------- Post added at 02:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 AM ----------

let me know when you start formulating bangladeshi foreign policy then I will start taking notice of you. There are also pakistanis who dont like bangladeshis so what we all have mr angries. Take it easy man you will bust a gut for nothing over a computer.
moreover ,truth is a truth.u guys may be angry,even dont want to accept but the truth is ,yes you did wrong by taking help from enemies,going against pakistan completely is a crime,foolishness.u all are saying,you were majorities,so if you are majority,so pakistany people means you mainly ,as in bangladesh period people who are from plain land and bengaly speaker ,muslim are bangladeshi,coz they are majority,but tribals not.so tell me,what is the duty of majority ? deviding own nation by taking help from enemy !! very strange !!
none can go against country.so going against pakistan was completely,absolutely wrong.country who gave you a indipendent nation,language......honor and you just go against it !! you can go against martial law,adminastration,if thr was realy something wrong.but against pakistan ...absolutely it is wrong.
bangalis did wrong there is no doubt.
let me know when you start formulating bangladeshi foreign policy then I will start taking notice of you. There are also pakistanis who dont like bangladeshis so what we all have mr angries. Take it easy man you will bust a gut for nothing over a computer.

Never mind the Indian hiding under Bd flag. This guy support giving corridor to India when whole nation against it and he called Bangladeshis "settler" in their own land. This bigot can nether be a Bangladeshi nor Muslim. I would ignore the false flag-er.
Ungratefull to who??? We gave you the country called Pakistan and started taking panga with us??? Who was ungratefull here. Bengali should had been the only national language of Pakistan (being the majority) and Urdu should had been banned in United Pakistan as it was the language of slaves of Moghul and was a disgrace to the whole Pakistan.

I would not say that. Historically Bengal was ruled by Asrafi Muslims and they spoke Arabic/Farsi/Urdu. They never accepted Bangla as their language because they consider Bangla was the language of Hindus and servants class. Last nawab of Bengal, Siraz was also Farsi/Urdu speakers.

So, can you discredit the contributions of those foreign Muslims out of Bangladesh because they weren't Bangla speaker.
I would not say that. Historically Bengal was ruled by Asrafi Muslims and they spoke Arabic/Farsi/Urdu. They never accepted Bangla as their language because they consider Bangla was the language of Hindus and servants class. Last nawab of Bengal, Siraz was also Farsi/Urdu speakers.

So, can you discredit the contributions of those foreign Muslims out of Bangladesh because they weren't Bangla speaker.

You dont know history. Its only Alibardi who used Farsi to some extent. But Bengal and Arakan sultanate used Bengali extensivlely and were biggest patron of Bengali literature. Poet like Alaol, Magoan Thakur flourished under sultans patronage.

Notes on the development of Bengali language during the Sultanate period .

The Sultanate period was an age of the development of regional languages and literatures in different parts of the country. In this process Bengali received an impetus for growth by the patronage of the sultans of Bengal.

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries a number of poets composed verses eulogizing the local deities of Bengal collectively known as the 'Manga'-Kavya'. A number of poets are said to have composed the Manasa-mangal such as: Vijaya Gupta,Vipradas, Haridatta, etc.

The rule of Uiyas Shahi Sultans of Bengal is particularly remembered for the development of Bengali language and literature. Under the patronage of Barbak Shah, Maladhar Basu composed the famous book 'Srikrishna-Vijaya' in 1473. This is virtually a translation of the Mahabhcirata.

Sultan Barbak Shah conferred the title of 'Gunraj Khan' on Maladhar Basu in recognition of his merit. Sultan Hussain Shah's two generals. Paragal Khan and his son, Chuti Khan, also patronized Bengali literature. They employed one Srikar Nandi to translate the Mahabharata into Bengali. Later on, in the sixteenth century, a host of literature was composed in Bengali on the life and teachings of Sri Chaitanya.

Alaol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the british learned Bengali first to get into Bengal. Yes Alibardi did use Farsi extensively as he was a Persian, that does not mean Bengali was ignored. It was a turbulant period and exact details had been lost.
Iliyas Shahi Period The dynasty founded by iliyas shah ruled Bengal for nearly one hundred and fifty years (1342-1487 AD) with an interruption of about twenty-three years (1412-1435/36 AD). The period of Iliyas Shahi rule is important and significant for various reasons. The Independent Sultanate, inaugurated by Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah, was consolidated and witnessed widespread expansion. The Muslim administration was given a distinct shape in this period. Arts and literature, particularly Bangla literature, flourished. The Muslim rulers were obliged to take the local people into confidence and opened the door for their participation in the administration of the country. Thus the process of transformation of alien Muslim rule into Bengali Muslim rule was started during this period. Above all, the whole territory, which was hitherto known not by any unitary name but by its different regional names such as Vanga, Gauda etc, came to be designated as Bangalah.

Arts and literature The Iliyas Shahi sultans were great patrons of the arts and literature. After consolidation of his authority over Bengal, Iliyas Shah rightly realised the necessity of winning the support of the local people. Hence, Iliyas Shah initiated a policy of patronising local culture, art and literature.

The Iliyas Shahi sultans accorded recognition and status to Bengali language and literature. They extended liberal patronage to the Bengali poets and men of letters. As a result of their patronage, Bengali language and literature developed rapidly. Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah was famed for his learning and enlightenment and also for appreciating the literary and intellectual attainments of others. He contributed a good deal to the development of Bengali language and literature. Under his patronage shah muhammad sagir wrote his famous poetical work yusuf-zulekha. It effected a revolution in Bengali literature, which was greatly enriched with the addition of the religious stories of Islam and the introduction of the romantic tale as a new theme for Bengali poets.

Probably Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah asked krittivas to write the Ramayana in Bengali. Ruknuddin Barbak Shah extended his patronage to Muslim and Hindu scholars alike. During his reign Zaynuddin composed the rasulbijay and Ibrahim Qayum Faruqi composed the Safarnamah. From the Safarnamah we get the names of a few scholars and poets of the time. They are-Amir Zaynuddin Harwi, Amir Shihabuddin Hakim Kirmani, Mansur Shirazi, Malik Yusuf bin Hamid, Sayyid Jalal, Sayyid Muhammad Rukn, Syyid Hasan and Shaikh Wahedi. Barbak Shah equally extended his patronage to Hindu scholars and poets. During his reign Raimukuta Brhaspati acquired fame and glory. Barbak Shah honoured maladhar basu, the compiler of the srikrishnavijay, with the title of 'Gunaraj Khan'. The son of Maladhar Basu was also honoured with the title of 'Satyaraj Khan'. It is to be mentioned here that the courtiers and nobles of Barbak Shah evinced similar interest in arts and letters. An officer of Barbak Shah named Kuladhara patronised a Brahmin named Govardhana who composed a Sanskrit work titled Puransarvaswa. Shamsuddin Yusuf Shah and Jalaluddin Fath Shah also extended their patronage to the development of Bengali literature and some poets flourished during their periods.

@Al-Zakir, those rulers were great people and did not bear the conspiscuous mind like yours. Thats why they became the ruler and you are nothing but a electrical engineer in a alien country.

You dont know history. Its only Alibardi who used Farsi to some extent. But Bengal and Arakan sultanate used Bengali extensivlely and were biggest patron of Bengali literature. Poet like Alaol, Magoan Thakur flourished under sultans patronage.

Alaol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the british learned Bengali first to get into Bengal. Yes Alibardi did use Farsi extensively as he was a Persian, that does not mean Bengali was ignored. It was a turbulant period and exact details had been lost.

As I born in to strong islamic rooted family, I know my(Islamic)history well. The present day tagorized Bangla wasn't spoken by Asrafi Muslims. None from Khilji to Nawab of Dacca spoke Bangla. In older days, they used to use a informal languge called "musalmani Bangla" in order to communicate with troops from different backgrounds. The 'Musalmani Bangla" was heavily influenced by Farsi, even more than Urdu, however "Musalmi Bangla" couldn't have replaced more formal language like Farsi/Urdu. Hence, it has been lost over the time. The "Musalmani Bangla" has nothing to do with present day Tagorized Hindu Bangla.

Nawab Siraz was direct decended to Persian, so he could not have been a Bangla speaker and Murshidabad was Farsi/Urdu dominate establishment. Even Nawab of Dhaka, Nawab Abdul latif and Bogra family of present day Bogura spoke Farsi/Urdu instead of Bangla.
@Al-Zakir, those rulers were great people and did not bear the conspiscuous mind like yours. Thats why they became the ruler and you are nothing but a electrical engineer in a alien country.

So you agree that they weren't Bangla speakers and without them Bangladesh doesn't exist. I have brought my earlier point because your blind hate against Urdu. A language that has been spoken and developed by Muslims for the Muslims. Also, how can any Muslim forget the contribution of Farsi/Urdu to spread the message of Islam among common man in SA.
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