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Unrest in Turkey

You wouldnt write those lines if you knew it better, they arent any better than pkk or isis.

so I just see this:
hüdar par smaller, low acceptence, so its better to fight against them.. PKK has more death on their side.. I see PKK in more dangarous way because of acceptance ant tolarance of kurds for them.. the main fault on these worldwide attacks are from PKK its not only Turkey they do it everywhere more or less.. that is why I priorisize PKK higher and hold them as worser..


Silopi, Şırnak

View attachment 121389

Dargeçit, Mardin

1 PKK killed.
I do not know why they are sending troops there.. why is there no permission to shoot.. if they cannot shoot than don't end them there thats waste of money
Tezkereye hayir diyen iki partinin mensuplari, isid tecavüz edince niye conbanliya müdahele etmiyorsunuz diyorlar.
Biri asshead'in partisi sanki, digerin ne pokk oldugu zaten belli. CHP busefer gizliden HDP aciktan serseri itlerini sokaga dökmeye calisiyor. Geberecek it camii duvarina isermis.

Selahattin Demirtas ne demis:
Halkımız 24 saat uyumadan IŞİD'in terörüne dikkat çekmeye çalışıyor. Katliama sessiz kalmayalım diye çağrı yapıyoruz. Hükümetle defalarca temas kurduk, çözüm zeminini güçlendirmeye çalıştık. Kobani çözüm sürecini doğrudan etkileyen bir meseledir. IŞİD'e karşı birlikte mücadele edelim. Geleceğimizi birlikte inşa edelim.

KeMal Klicdaroglu ne demis bugün:
CHP tezkereye hükümetin IŞİD’le mücadele yerine hedef kaydırması ve ülkeyi büyük bir savaşa taşıma niyeti nedeniyle karşı çıkmıştır. Hükümeti tekrar aklı selime davet ediyor, gelin askerinizin kara harekatınızı Kobani’nin kurtarılması IŞİD’in buradan püskürtülmesiyle sınırlandıralım. Tezkereyi Meclis’e getirelim.

Onların eve salimen dönmelerini bizzat biz gerçekleştirelim. Bu hedefin gerçekleştirilmesiyle askerimizi derhal geri çekeceğimizi taahhüt edelim. Yabancı asker maddesini tezkereden çıkaralım, hava operasyonlarına destek maddesi ekleyelim."

Devlet Bahceliyi yine tebrik etmek gerek, hainlerin oyununa gelmedi:
"Milliyetçi-Ülkücü Hareket’in her mensubu uyanık ve dikkatli olacak, muhtemel kavga ve çatışmalardan kesinlikle uzak kalacaktır.
Türkiye sevdalısı aziz dava arkadaşlarım, çakılan etnik kıvılcımın nelere mal olacağını, pusuya yatmış bölücülerin bin yıllık kardeşlik ve kader ortaklığına darbe vurmak için nasıl kuyruğa girdiğini bilmek ve görmek zorundadır.

Kardeş kavgası çıkartmak ve son yurdumuzu baştan ayağa cehenneme çevirmek için iştahlı olan şiddetseverlere koz verilmeyecektir" dedi.
Patnos, Agri Municipality Building (Before and After)

View attachment 119934

View attachment 119929

Karabaglar, Izmir. A Supermarket was burned

View attachment 119935

ehehehheehhe.... when you play with fire, it will one day burn you as well. I said it before on here, and some turk was thinking im hating on his country. The support Turkey has provided the rebels/jihadists in Syria and trying to topple the government there will defintely come back to hunt Turkey. You can expect to foster instability in a neighbouring country(we can since we are far away from the region) and expect to remain immune from it. Of course its impossible. So i will advice Erdogan to stop all support to the 'moderate rebels' or whatever he calls them.lol If not as time goes by the situation will only get worse and create instability/headache for Turkey. Turkey should take a cue from Pakistan.

I really wouldn't like Turkey to suffer just because of some foolish decision their government/leader made, since Turkey is still one of the advanced/forward looking country in the region. It will be a shame to see it become unstable, and scare off tourists/foreigners(a simple news of intsability scares people away, even if the news is exaggerated by the media), perceptions count alot, Turkey shouldn't have a negative perception, else it will affect the country as a whole.

Anyway, im watching this news on France 24 and BBC at the moment, will be interesting to see how events will unfold there in coming days.:pop:
In Dargecit, Mardin. 1 PKK killed, 6 wounded.
In Nusaybin, Mardin. 4 PKK wounded.

Mardin Dargeçit ve Nusaybin'de olay: 1 ölü, 10 yaralı - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

What should I call them?
- Protester?
- Terrorists?
- Militants?
- PKK?

ehehehheehhe.... when you play with fire, it will one day burn you as well. I said it before on here, and some turk was thinking im hating on his country. The support Turkey has provided the rebels/jihadists in Syria and trying to topple the government there will defintely come back to hunt Turkey. You can expect to foster instability in a neighbouring country(we can since we are far away from the region) and expect to remain immune from it. Of course its impossible. So i will advice Erdogan to stop all support to the 'moderate rebels' or whatever he calls them.lol If not as time goes by the situation will only get worse and create instability/headache for Turkey. Turkey should take a cue from Pakistan.

I really wouldn't like Turkey to suffer just because of some foolish decision their government/leader made, since Turkey is still one of the advanced/forward looking country in the region. It will be a shame to see it become unstable, and scare off tourists/foreigners(a simple news of intsability scares people away, even if the news is exaggerated by the media), perceptions count alot, Turkey shouldn't have a negative perception, else it will affect the country as a whole.

Anyway, im watching this news on France 24 and BBC at the moment, will be interesting to see how events will unfold there in coming days.:pop:

This has nothing to do with Syria. Same problem we face off for 100 years.
no differences between PKK/CHP/MHP/ESAD/HEZBOLLAH/ISIL

CHP said everybody must go to streets with PKK terrorists, also MHP ordered fighting against protestors for making caos and starting civil war. So they are all working with USA orders it is obiously.

loool so now you are blaming PAPA U.S bro?:o:
remember the U.S is still Turkey largest security partner and Turkey has even been asking the U.S to invade Syria and topple the regime there or at least launch a ground offensive instead of just air strikes for a while now. So why are you blaming the U.S for internal riots/rebelion in turkey? The U.S has nothing to do with all this. :disagree:

In Dargecit, Mardin. 1 PKK killed, 6 wounded.
In Nusaybin, Mardin. 4 PKK wounded.

Mardin Dargeçit ve Nusaybin'de olay: 1 ölü, 10 yaralı - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

What should I call them?
- Protester?
- Terrorists?
- Militants?
- PKK?

This has nothing to do with Syria. Same problem we face off for 100 years.

It does bro. The Kurd protests of Turkey inaction in Kobane was a great catalyst to this as well. Moreover as i said before, the more the crisis in syria goes on the more it will be harder for turkey, since the PKK gains no matter the outcome. They are being supplied arms by our governments/few countriees in the region as well. So they will make good use of all this plus battle experience fighting ISIS. Turkey has everything to lose in prolonging this conflict. In fcat i dont see any other country who is a bigger loser in all this than Turkey. Saudi Arabia and the gulf states are stable and kind of distant from this, so no threat for them supporting their favorite Jihadists in syria/Iraq to topple/ reduce Iranian influence there or better still replace the government there will a more islamist/wahabist one to their liking. they have nothing to lose really. Im still to see what Turkey interests is in creating instability therer by removing assad only for the coutry to become a fail state(like libya is becoming) with no central government and a country fill/ruled by militias/islamists.
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It does bro. The Kurd protests of Turkey inaction in Kobane was a great catalyst to this as well. Moreover as i said before, the more the crisis in syria goes on the more it will be harder for turkey, since the PKK gains no matter the outcome. They are being supplied arms by our governments/few countriees in the region as well. So they will make good use of all this plus battle experience fighting ISIS. Turkey has everything to lose in prolonging this conflict. In fcat i dont see any other country who is a bigger loser in all this than Turkey. Saudi Arabia and the gulf states are stable and kind of distant from this, so no threat for them supporting their favorite Jihadists in syria/Iraq to topple/ reduce Iranian influence there or better still replace the government there will a more islamist/wahabist one to their liking. they have nothing to lose really. Im still to see what Turkey interests is in creating instability therer by removing assad only for the coutry to become a fail state(like libya is becoming) with central government and fill/ruled by militias/islamists.

We were expecting this to happen for 100 years. Sooner, better. As I said, nothing to do with Syria.
. . . .
ehehehheehhe.... when you play with fire, it will one day burn you as well. I said it before on here, and some turk was thinking im hating on his country. The support Turkey has provided the rebels/jihadists in Syria and trying to topple the government there will defintely come back to hunt Turkey. You can expect to foster instability in a neighbouring country(we can since we are far away from the region) and expect to remain immune from it. Of course its impossible. So i will advice Erdogan to stop all support to the 'moderate rebels' or whatever he calls them.lol If not as time goes by the situation will only get worse and create instability/headache for Turkey. Turkey should take a cue from Pakistan.

I really wouldn't like Turkey to suffer just because of some foolish decision their government/leader made, since Turkey is still one of the advanced/forward looking country in the region. It will be a shame to see it become unstable, and scare off tourists/foreigners(a simple news of intsability scares people away, even if the news is exaggerated by the media), perceptions count alot, Turkey shouldn't have a negative perception, else it will affect the country as a whole.

Anyway, im watching this news on France 24 and BBC at the moment, will be interesting to see how events will unfold there in coming days.:pop:
sometimes you write correct things, sometimes you go ahead of yourself, like now. not surprised since you are not in the ME and follow mostly/only western media or dont spend much time reading. what is now happening in Turkey is not related to Turkey's support for fsa. when things were going well for pkk/pyd, they even made a peace treaty with isis in Syria and even moved in to claim more ground when the Iraqi army retreated. Nobody of the Kurds, nor their supporters in teh west, criticized these dubious moves. Now that the snake is biting them, suddenly those rioting pkk/pyd go haywire and it is supposedly Turkey's responsibility to save their kin and the interests of pkk/pyd :D
ehehehheehhe.... when you play with fire, it will one day burn you as well. I said it before on here, and some turk was thinking im hating on his country. The support Turkey has provided the rebels/jihadists in Syria and trying to topple the government there will defintely come back to hunt Turkey. You can expect to foster instability in a neighbouring country(we can since we are far away from the region) and expect to remain immune from it. Of course its impossible. So i will advice Erdogan to stop all support to the 'moderate rebels' or whatever he calls them.lol If not as time goes by the situation will only get worse and create instability/headache for Turkey. Turkey should take a cue from Pakistan.

I really wouldn't like Turkey to suffer just because of some foolish decision their government/leader made, since Turkey is still one of the advanced/forward looking country in the region. It will be a shame to see it become unstable, and scare off tourists/foreigners(a simple news of intsability scares people away, even if the news is exaggerated by the media), perceptions count alot, Turkey shouldn't have a negative perception, else it will affect the country as a whole.

Anyway, im watching this news on France 24 and BBC at the moment, will be interesting to see how events will unfold there in coming days.:pop:

Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes your words portray you so clueless.

The ones that are trying to mess with Turkey right now, are the same ones that are getting their as* kicked in kobani by the İSİL. Yet you still claim that we should take action to protect the same ones that are messing with Turkey right now.

İ say f them. They once again showed why it's wise not to interfere in Kobani.
. . .
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A bit off-topic:

İranda anti-türk kürdlər Türkiyə əleyhinə hücuma keçib - FOTO
Cümə, 09.10.2014 00:35
GünAz TV: Türkiyənin Kobani siyasətini bəhanə edərək PKK və Pjak kimi terror təşkilatıarının yanlıları İran və Güney Azərbaycanın bir neçə şəhərində etiraz aksiyası keçiriblər.
Kürdlər 2-ci gün (seşənbə günü) Tehranda Türkiyə Səfirliyi qarşısında, 3-cü gün (çaharşənbə günü) Sənəndəcdə Azadi meydanında, Mahabadda ardıcıl olaraq 2-ci və 3-cü İslami meydanda, Sərdəştdə Vəhdət meydanında, Bukanda Bimaristan Bulvarında və Mərivan şəhərində etiraz aksiyaları keçiriblər. Mərivanda təhlükəsizlik qüvvələri aksiyaya müdaxilə etməli olub və ən azı 10 nəfər polis tərəfindən yaxalanıb.

Etirazçılar əllərində plakat daşıyaraq İŞİD (İraq və Şam İslam Dövləti) və Türkiyə əleyhinə şüarlar səsləndiriblər.

Kürdlər bundan öncə Urmiyə şəhərində də etiraz keçirəcəklərini bildirmişdilər, lakin Urmiyə əhalisi və Azərbaycan Milli Hərəkatı fəallarının önləyici tədbirləri sayəsində bu baş tutmayıb və Urmiyənin təhlükəsizliyi təmin olunub.

Başqa bir məlumata görə, kürd öyrənciləri Təbriz universitetində də etiraz yığıncağı keçiriblər. Universitetin türk öyrənciləri etiraz prosesini ciddi diqqətdə saxlayıb və bunun təxribat vasitəsinə çevrilməsinə imkan verilməyiblər.

Qeyd edək ki, hazırda Suriya ərazisində yerləşən lakin əhalisi kürdlərdən olan Kubani şəhərinin bəzi məntəqələri və onun ətrafında kürdlər PKK üyələri ilə birlikdə İŞİD (İraq və Şam İslam Dövləti) terrorçuları ilə döyüşürlər. Kürd qüvvələri və PKK keçmişdə olanlar kimi bu savaşda da Türkiyə və onun iqtidarını suçlu hesab edir və Türkiyənin Kobani siyasətinə qarşı kütləvi hücuma keçiblər. Bütün bunlar o halda baş verir ki, hazırda İŞİD (İraq və Şam İslam Dövləti) terrorçuları ilə PKK terrorçuları və kürdlərin savaşdığı Kobani əhalisi Türkiyəyə pənah aparıb. Türk dövləti təxminən 170000 kürdə qucaq açıb.



Butthurt Moron:
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