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Unrest in Turkey

US is pushing Turkey to fight ISIS for only one reason. They would love to see Turkey destabilized and Turkey knows it.

But these events, this unrest creates sympathy for ISIS amongst the Turkish people. With the recent events, Kurds lost legitimate ground for Turkish assistance.
There is a discussion going on about who is behind it. USA? or Iran? Appearantly somebody is furious with the things that happening against his interests.
Actually, Martians are behind it.
3 terrorists caught, 1 of them female in Kagizman, Kars. 3 Kg C4 explosives captured.


New Recruits of YPG.
cariye olarak pazarlikta satilirlar....:-)

this is nothing but propaganda, where are the men?
I sense these are critical times for Turkiye.

A fine balance will need to be made between maintaining anti-ISIS stance but also ensuring that peshmerga/PKK elements do not slip inside Turkiye to create terrorism - otherwise it would be a 2 front war between those 2 groups and the Turkish military fighting ALL of them at same time

I think Turks should seal the border SHUT!!

I hope the trouble makers are arrested. Burning down supermarket is stupid.

PKK are stupid....they've always screwed over Turkiye but also the Kurds. Kind of like what BLA does - they harm Pakistan but cause most harm to Baloch people of Pakistan

Follow the news related to Esenyurt, Istanbul.

Esenyurt Haber (@EsenyurtHaber) on Twitter

Clashes are going between Turkish Nationalists and PKK Members

the animals burned a building of the MHP a week ago

turn the terrorists into sabun...

But these events, this unrest creates sympathy for ISIS amongst the Turkish people. With the recent events, Kurds lost legitimate ground for Turkish assistance.

neither ISIS nor PKK deserve sympathy.....there is enough law & order problem that military should be given responsibility, not the belediye....impose martial law and ban public gatherings after 22:00

thats what i would do
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cariye olarak pazarlikta satilirlar....:-)

this is nothing but propaganda, where are the men?

Seems like all of their men and women dead. Only these teenage girls left....
There is a discussion going on about who is behind it. USA? or Iran? Appearantly somebody is furious with the things that happening against his interests.
Maybe Kurds from Turkey are behind it?
- 6 PKK/PYD members caught at the border in Urfa.

- 110 pieces of infantry rifles and related ammunition recovered in Reyhanli, Hatay.

- Protests and Attacks on the properties continue as usual in the southeastern provinces.

Sınırdaki hendekte 110 tüfek bulundu - Milliyet.com.tr
fösik dövlet
bize bahmiyy

Fatih Altayli published a letter sent to him by anonymous teacher in Mardin. Teacher tells the ethnic hostility between Arabs and Kurds in Mardin. (Note that Mardin has 55-60% Kurd and 35-40% Arab population, rest of % are Turk, Assyrian etc...) Arabs started arming themselves against Kurds.

"Sizin ülke meselelerine olan duyarlılığınız ve siyasi değil insan odaklı olarak olaylara bakmanız nedeniyle Mardin'deki gözlemlerimi sizinle paylaşmak istiyorum.
Son 3-5 gündür yaşanan olaylar Mardin'i çok gerdi. Malumunuz Mardin birçok etnik yapının beraber yaşadığı bir yer. Bu nedenle Diyarbakır, Van gibi illere benzememekte. Yerli insanlarla görüştüğünüzde Mardin hiç böyle sokak olayları yaşamamış. 1990'lı yıllarda bile sakin bir kentmiş. Son olaylar üzerine Arap nüfus ve aşiretler çok tedirgin. Malum belediyeyi de BDP aldı. Araplar, 'Devlet bizi yalnız bırakıyor, güvenliği sağlayamıyor, çeteler dükkânlara ve kamu binalarına saldırıyor, belediye de onlardan' diyerek kendi başlarının çaresine bakmaya başladı. Buraya kadar olanlar gözlemlerim. İnsanların anlattığına göre Arap aşiretleri bir araya gelip çözüm arıyor. Hatta yavaş yavaş silahlanıyor.
Öğretmen olarak çalıştığım okulda öğrencilerin % 70'i okula gelmiyor. Gelenlerle bu konular açıldığında lise çağındaki öğrenciler bile çok keskin. Hemen Arap-Kürt tartışması çıkıyor.
1980 öncesi Maraş, Çorum gibi şehirlerde karışık etnik yapıya sahipti ve çok kanlı olaylar oldu buralarda. Maalesef Mardin'de de böyle bir potansiyel var. Sizin bu konuya eğilmenizi bekliyorum, duyarlı biri olarak bildirmek istedim.

Yeni Türkiye'nin ne olduğunu galiba anladım - Haberturk.com
Huge amount of explosives ‘that could destroy a city’ seized in southeast Turkey

Turkish police are on high security alert after a large amount of explosives were seized in the southeastern province of Gaziantep.

Police seized 150 kilograms of C4 explosives, 20 vests for suicide attacks, and a number of guns and bullets in the operation, daily Habertürk has reported.

The amount of explosives could destroy a middle-sized city, the report stated.

Gaziantep Police Department head Ali Gezer previously said people "would be terrified" if he announced the amount of weapons and ammunition seized by police in the recent operation.

Police are considering the possibility that the ammunition could belong to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), after initial suspicion had focused on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

They are reportedly considering that the seized explosives could be part of ammunition that was allegedly deployed by ISIL in big cities, the report added.

Red alerts have been issued in many cities, including Istanbul and Ankara.

Huge amount of explosives ‘that could destroy a city’ seized in southeast Turkey - CRIME
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