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Why blame there not being a Khalifat on the military? The military has no say in this, neither does Pakistan government. On the subject of fairness, I would say Musharraf has been the only one trying to achieve that whilst being surrounded by a bunch of illiterate grass munching baboons. Sure, we all know who introduces Hudood, who removed this unfair law? Bhutto? NS? OR perhaps Musharraf?

What about those who blow themselves up and kill innocent people? Are they also not the enemies of Islam? What about the Al Q statements to turn a progressing country into a warzone? are they not enemies of Islam?

The reality is that at no point in Pakistan's history have the courts been more free. That was clear when Musharraf lost the case against the CJ. That's never happened before in Pakistan's history. Neither have a bunch of semi literate reporters been given so much of a free hand by a "dictator". There is more freedom in Pakistani press than even the West. But it is of poor quality since education needs to improve more. Noone will agree with you that Pakistan does not have freedom of the courts, and freedom of the press. These all came under Musharraf's tenure.

As for democracy, it's coming, but Pakistan isn't ready for it. You cannot jump straight into democracy else corrupt politicians like Bhutto and NS will be elected. You need to educate the people so they hold these greedy schmucks accountable in the next election. Until Pakistan has 100% literacy, democracy will not work well. It will take a bit longer. Why listen to the West on this issue? Democracy is not always the best form of rule for a country. It depends at what stage it is in.

Why is Democracy so important in Pakistan ?

WHy not have Islamic Khalifia state since paksiatan is Mulsim state Hence it was created on that bases why not have one instead of demcracy
Y'know there is more to life then having democracy .
Why is Democracy so important in Pakistan ?

WHy not have Islamic Khalifia state since paksiatan is Mulsim state Hence it was created on that bases why not have one instead of demcracy
Y'know there is more to life then having democracy .

Right. You implement the Khalifa, select a head that everyone is happy with including Arabs, Europeans, Indians, Chinese, and get all the Muslim countries to take down their borders. It's not going to happen. And out of having the choice of a Mullah in power or democracy, I'll take democracy, even dictatorship by someone sensible.
Right. You implement the Khalifa, select a head that everyone is happy with including Arabs, Europeans, Indians, Chinese, and get all the Muslim countries to take down their borders. It's not going to happen. And out of having the choice of a Mullah in power or democracy, I'll take democracy, even dictatorship by someone sensible.

I'm trying to fingure out where did I say that wanted to include Arabs, Europeans, Indians, Chinese and to take down the boarder

My question was directly at Pakistan since it was based on Islam
Democracy is secular state created in Rome used in the West
It is very contradictional if pakistan has a democracy
Whats so great about demcracy roadrunner ?

they are many people in the west that never got what they wanted .
I'm trying to fingure out where did I say that wanted to include Arabs, Europeans, Indians, Chinese and to take down the boarder

What is your defintion of "khalifat"?

My question was directly at Pakistan since it was based on Islam
Democracy is secular state created in Rome used in the West
It is very contradictional if pakistan has a democracy

Why is democracy anti-islamic? Can you not visualize a democratic, Islamic state?

Whats so great about demcracy roadrunner ?

I dont think i ever mentioned democracy was the be all and end all. Democracy is one form of governance. I would prefer Musharraf ruling as a dictator for longer, and then democracy coming in when the resources for democracy are there. Demoncracy only works well when some conditions are in place. When those condtions are in place, I will prefer democracy to dictatorship (which presumably is your definition of "Khalifat").

they are many people in the west that never got what they wanted .

I don't understand why should we keep people spreading false information about our forum around? This is in fact the ONLY forum where the Admins don't endorse any of the following viewpoints and bigotry and racism are strongly frowned upon by many of our members here as well. However freedom of speech is granted to all, with exceptions. None of the exceptions are based on nationalistic or religious grounds.

India is an evil Hindu country where muslims, dalits [somehow they are not hindu] and kashmiri's are oppressed, raped and massacred endlessly. India also has 800 million people with no toilets and earning less than 2$ a day. Indian democracy and secularism is a sham and a ploy by hindus to fool the world. Pakistanis are a martial race and have ruled over short dark hindus for a 1000 years. Indians cannot make anything on their own, just look at LCA and Arjun.
If you are accusing us of bigotry and racism why on Earth are you shamelessly coming back here?
I totally endorse Asim's views.

It is far tolerant than many.

And many viewpoints are allowed to be aired without any reservation.

A good forum indeed!

I find the wide range of views very useful to understand people and build bridges.

I have it from one of my American friends. who is not a member, that the BB bomb blast discussion is where he has learnt much about the issue beyond the media coverage.
I don't understand why should we keep people spreading false information about our forum around? This is in fact the ONLY forum where the Admins don't endorse any of the following viewpoints and bigotry and racism are strongly frowned upon by many of our members here as well. However freedom of speech is granted to all, with exceptions. None of the exceptions are based on nationalistic or religious grounds.
Well said Asim, thats exactly what this forum is about. :tup:
India is an evil Hindu country where muslims, dalits [somehow they are not hindu] and kashmiri's are oppressed, raped and massacred endlessly. India also has 800 million people with no toilets and earning less than 2$ a day. Indian democracy and secularism is a sham and a ploy by hindus to fool the world. Pakistanis are a martial race and have ruled over short dark hindus for a 1000 years. Indians cannot make anything on their own, just look at LCA and Arjun.

Asim who had posted this garbage and why on earth he was allowed to stay on the forum?????
I don't understand why should we keep people spreading false information about our forum around? This is in fact the ONLY forum where the Admins don't endorse any of the following viewpoints and bigotry and racism are strongly frowned upon by many of our members here as well. However freedom of speech is granted to all, with exceptions. None of the exceptions are based on nationalistic or religious grounds.

If you are accusing us of bigotry and racism why on Earth are you shamelessly coming back here?

Each one of those points in the post which you have quoted has been mentioned by atleast one pakistani member of this forum at some point of time in some or the other threads.I have seen them with my own eyes. I chose to ignore those comments because I understood that the person making those comments was obviously :crazy: . Looks like somebody else came up with another idea and decided to collect all of them in one post so that the abovementioned :crazy: fellows could extract some more sadistic happiness.
Each one of those points in the post which you have quoted has been mentioned by atleast one pakistani member of this forum at some point of time in some or the other threads.I have seen them with my own eyes. I chose to ignore those comments because I understood that the person making those comments was obviously :crazy: . Looks like somebody else came up with another idea and decided to collect all of them in one post so that the abovementioned :crazy: fellows could extract some more sadistic happiness.

Mig we do try to keep control of such things.......I would however like to mention the fact that we get a lot of criticism (for our moderation) from Pakistanis as well as Indians. Which to me shows that we at least TRY to be even (we annoy both sides!)
Why is Democracy so important in Pakistan ?

WHy not have Islamic Khalifia state since paksiatan is Mulsim state Hence it was created on that bases why not have one instead of demcracy
Y'know there is more to life then having democracy .
ISLAM orders democracy.
ISLAM orders democracy.

Not true. Iqbal's 'Spiritual Democracy' is what Islam orders, as per a popular view in Pakistan not the Democracy you are talking about.

Besides Nationalism is unislamic. Forget about democracy or forms of government. ;)
I'm trying to fingure out where did I say that wanted to include Arabs, Europeans, Indians, Chinese and to take down the boarder

My question was directly at Pakistan since it was based on Islam
Democracy is secular state created in Rome used in the West
It is very contradictional if pakistan has a democracy
Whats so great about demcracy roadrunner ?

they are many people in the west that never got what they wanted .
please read history of khilafat and then come.Deocracy started from Islam what I believe.right?
khalifat period of ist 4 khalifat(caliphs).Islamic state was working on people's choice.
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