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United we stand, divided we fall

Sorry to dash your silly little wet dream but the only people that will be splitting up will be the indians............allah willing into little states that pakistan can have peace with.

Salim how you wish there was a punjabi/sindhi/baluchi/pahtaan split.
Sorry to dash your silly little wet dream but the only people that will be splitting up will be the indians............allah willing into little states that pakistan can have peace with.

I doubt if allah wills that.....because it is certainly not happening!
Salim how you wish there was a punjabi/sindhi/baluchi/pahtaan split.
Sorry to dash your silly little wet dream but the only people that will be splitting up will be the indians............allah willing into little states that pakistan can have peace with.

Sorry, only an prized IDIOT will wish it so!

The fact that you thought about the same speaks volumes!
Sorry, only an prized IDIOT will wish it so!

The fact that you thought about the same speaks volumes!

Sorry mate but its china,pakistan,sri lanka and b/desh that want peace in the region, but its the union of india that is stopping it.
To get peace we need to break india into into independent countries so we can all have peace in the sub continent.
Please do not forget for one moment i see and always will see india as the no1 enemy.

You must be the "prized idiot" if you think india is a friend of pakistan or any other country in region.
The pakistanis dont like you..
The chinese dont like you..
The sri lankans dont like you..
The b/deshis dont like you,......and that takes some doing considering you helped them in 71.

Just think for one moment think not a single neighbour likes you or gets on with you.
Allah willed before when we ruled the place for under a thousand years.
& history repeats it self, dosen't it?

Allah willed before when we ruled the place for under a thousand years.

I totally love you guys' idea of "collective history"

The Mughals weren't even from the subcontinent. They were from Central Asia.

The Islamic rulers of Pakistan were hardly indigenous. They were from Iran, Afghanistan, anywhere but Pakistan.
They ruled not because they happened to have a particularly brilliant general.

The whole notion of you being proud on the behalf of Islam is bunk. Junk. Total nonsense.

Did YOU rule India or Pakistan? Did YOU do anything to make Pakistan better.
I doubt it.

Don't get your pride from a bunch of central asians who ruled a thousand years ago. Get it from your own actions. If Pakistan wants to progress, it has to stop living in romanticized history and start thinking about practicality and the modern world.

I don't expect you to get my drift, but I do hope that you understand.
& history repeats it self, dosen't it?


Hardly. Its just an overused cliche. I have never seen history "repeating itself" in the fashion that you suggest.

Sure, Empires rise and fall, in pretty much similar fashion. But you can't call that repitition.

Don't have such a fatalistic view of the world. Its not healthy. Muslims aren't "destined" to rule the subcontinent. Pakistan wasn't destined to exist, and Musharraf wasn't destined to come to power. The tribals weren't destined to revolt.

Some general succeded in defeating the incumbent army, and he happened to be muslim.
Jinnah didn't trust the INC, wanted power, and feared imaginary Hindu domination. So Pakistan was formed.
Pakistani leaders failed to establish law and order in tribal regions. Hence the current situation.
These secular politicians and generals have been running the country not the mullahs.

Get rid of the people that have been running the country for the past 60 years....all the ones you support,and maybe we might progress to a better future.

I agree with you lets have a revolution and usher in a true islamic welfare state and get rid of those people that have given no education/healthcare to the people...the army,PML,PPP.:pakistan:

The secular generals and leaders have at least done some development - rather than plant bombs in schools and businesses. I agree with you in part though - lets get rid of all those generals and officers with the ideology of Zia-ul Haq, and "leaders" such as Baitullah Mehsud, Bugti and the LM bradran, who committed violence, nurtured extremism, and have made life hell for people.

I support you in supporting those people who will terminate extremists and terrorists like the ones above - so far only Mushy and the Secularist leaders come to mind. Do you have any one else?

Also, I would support Musharraf and the military in spreading "enlightened moderation", but who is going to campaign for and establish your "Islamic Welfare State"?

One must have a party, group or movement to advance ones manifesto - whats yours?
Sorry mate but its china,pakistan,sri lanka and b/desh that want peace in the region, but its the union of india that is stopping it.
To get peace we need to break india into into independent countries so we can all have peace in the sub continent.
Please do not forget for one moment i see and always will see india as the no1 enemy.

You must be the "prized idiot" if you think india is a friend of pakistan or any other country in region.
The pakistanis dont like you..
The chinese dont like you..
The sri lankans dont like you..
The b/deshis dont like you,......and that takes some doing considering you helped them in 71.

Just think for one moment think not a single neighbour likes you or gets on with you.


It is so hilarious to find daydreams is your staple.

Dismembering of India is what you daydream?

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
Right! I have deleted all the purile namecalling. \to those of you who did not engage in it sorry but thats life. \I had to clean up this thread..... thread reopened
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