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Unironically: Could declaring Sharia Law in Pakistan solve it's insurgency problem?

And, only a Pakistani mind assumes Indian mind is a monolith?? Sharia is based on the Quran and Sunnah which unequivocally reject racism - there is no difference of opinion on that. However, racism driven by nationalism is a daily staple here.
you misunderstood my dog-whistle, I was merely trying to put it out there that this particular poster is actually an indian from the UK and is always offering solutions for Pakistan's problems from declaring wars on Afghans, Persians, Americans (never indians) to establishing shariat
Unironically, "They" were not supposed to have the power to "choke a nation, to coerce in in various ways due to Pakistan's leverage of nukes".
Nukes aren't the solution to everything. Are you going to threaten a nuclear response to a non-convential non-kinetic threat?
Can they remove this barbaric blasphemy law and build a city centre with a few bars and live music. Or resorts with a beach bar. Then I will return :enjoy:

I don't understand Dubai can have it all but Pakistan which is not even an Arab country is more strict.
Nukes aren't the solution to everything. Are you going to threaten a nuclear response to a non-convential non-kinetic threat?
Very true. But many otherwise intelligent people here believed 'nukes' to be an amulet against all problems, financial and security.
Nah, they just only people that see the system definition not Arabic and see it as un Islamic. For instant, Syura in Caliphate system is basically parliamentary systems with tribes as their political parties.

That is the basic as Democracy in substance is the same like Syura in Islam (Consultation), but of course in the old time the system is still very basic and not developed yet. The system will follow the complexity of the problem, modern nation complexity is different with Madinah with few people inside it during 7 centuries, but the substance is the same. System needs to follow the complexity. Democracy system in USA for example is the example of the system that is difficult to be reformed, so we can see their voting system still reflect their 18 centuries system.

Most people only see the name but dont see the substence

Just like Islamic economic system is basically Capitalist in its substance.

The anti tesis of Capitalism is Communism.
Islamic economic system bans Interest, which is at the heart of Capitalism and promotes business and trade. It promotes alms giving and says the economy is better because of it due to circulation and help of the poor. It can be likened to the Scandinavian countries social benefits system.
Islamic economic system bans Interest, which is at the heart of Capitalism and promotes business and trade. It promotes alms giving and says the economy is better because of it due to circulation and help of the poor. It can be likened to the Scandinavian countries social benefits system.
do you know the difference between usury and interest? or the effects of inflation on qarz e husna when you get your money back after a few years?

obviously not

you make a net loss, only the borrower profits

even depositing money in banks even when they pay you interest causes you a loss
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do you know the difference between usury and interest? or the effects of inflation on qarz e husna when you get your money back after a few years?

obviously not

you make a net loss, only the borrower profits

even depositing money in banks even when they pay you interest causes you a loss
If the currency is gold or silver, there is minimum inflation.
you misunderstood my dog-whistle, I was merely trying to put it out there that this particular poster is actually an indian from the UK and is always offering solutions for Pakistan's problems from declaring wars on Afghans, Persians, Americans (never indians) to establishing shariat
Because literally everyone knows India is an enemy while they don't realise the other lesser known threats. I've never mentioned war with Persians or Americans unless you took a joke I made seriously.

Why keep mentioning well known Indian threat?? That too when they've shifted the battleground to insurgency proxies and Afghanistan.

If you can't see the above then that just proves my point even more
Yes, in some respects, Islam has attributes that people may call liberal. For example, Islam has rules on how the economy should work, and one of those rules is that people (men, women, Muslim, non-Muslim) be allowed to set up businesses. The state cannot tax those businesses, it cannot impose minimum wage (it's up to the market to decide pay), there's no tax on imports OR exports, etc.

Yet, at the same time, Islam doesn't allow the private sector to own water, minerals, natural resources (like large oil and gas deposits, etc). So, in this sense, someone might say Islam has a socialist mindset. But even this is incorrect. The minerals and natural resources are the right of the Community (i.e., neither state nor private businesses), and the Community decides how to spend that money.

It can literally have a nationwide vote on whether to make oil and gas free, or to grant bonuses based on oil/gas revenue, or build hospitals and schools, etc. The State has the oblige by the Shura, even if the Community's decision is questionable (we know in Pakistan the people would 100% want free gas and a bonus and a free hospital).

The concept of "Community" as an agent is unique to Islam. In liberal democracies, you have the individual and the state, which is synonymous with the public. However, in Islam, you have the Individual, the Community, and the State. There's an implicit division of power because, without the Community, the State cannot do much and, without the Individual, there's no Community.
Abu Bakar R.A on becoming Caliph said keep my wage as much as the average laborer and if I cannot survive on it then raise the wage of the average laborer. So, you have minimum wage which is equal to cost of living.
can you please explain what is sharia law?? is there any book about sharia law???
For an understanding of Islamic political system there are books by Taqiuddin An Nabhani The system of Islam, The economic system in Islam and the Social system. The Islamic Constitution is given in the System of Islam.
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We feel the same way about Kashmir issue. You haven't done anything for your occupied part in last 75 years and only using religious brotherhood to recruit people to do jihad against India.
If you feel that Kashmir is the same issue, then you've fallen for your state's propaganda.

Kashmir's resources are a matter of survival for Pakistan, namely water access.

Also, Pakistan's side of Kashmir is quite developed compared to the rest of Pakistan, and they also have the right to free movement and protest which India does not give to Kashmiris.

The groups operating in Kashmir has no other criminal enterprises, they have no links to drug smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, gambling...etc, most of which the TTP is linked to. So your feelings are irrelevant compared to reality.
I would like to add here that it is also possible to have two systems in one country like in China, One Country Two Systems for China Mainland and Hongkong. Secondly, there is the example of Indonesia with Sharia System in the island of Aceh.

Implement Islamic Sharia and economic system with zero interest first in the Tribal Areas and have elections for National Assembly and Tribal Assembly. Then if there is demand for Sharia in other areas of Pakistan, following the example of FATA, hold plebiscite in those divisions.

This will remove the need for fighting between the different sections of the country for supremacy of one thought or the other.

It can be a multi party state with each political party promoting its thoughts.

Abu Bakar R.A on becoming Caliph said keep my wage as much as the average laborer and if I cannot survive on it then raise the wage of the average laborer. So, you have minimum wage which is equal to cost of living.
Can you provide the full narration? Not disputing, just find that interesting. Is the average wage something the state determines, or rather, is it the market sets based on the value of the work and supply/demand of available labour?

BTW, one thing we Pakistanis need to get over... We don't have to hand the reins over to maulvis. The point of Islam is for Muslims to use Allah (SWT) as their reference point. So, in the context of economics, political systems, governance, etc, we can tell our actual economic experts, foreign policy experts, etc, to use a different rule-set (i.e., Islam) instead of neo-liberalism. The point is to get the best ideas in the hands of the best people.

Hence the point I keep returning to... Our leadership establishment aren't the best people. They don't have good character, they lack sincerity, and they're basically tied to foreign interests, either openly or indirectly (e.g., investing overseas).
One person says that keeping women inside the boundary of home is compliant with sharia and another person says that Lakum deenekum walia deen is sharia. In short, who will define what sharia is and what is not? We have seen this starting from our constitution and the problems that came with it and you will see that orthodox muslims were slaughtered by terrorist because they believed that these people were apostate.

The only thing that can work in Pakistan or any country for that matter is equality, transparency and rule of law same for all sections of society. Otherwise no matter what ideological system implement, it would fail.

Can you provide the full narration? Not disputing, just find that interesting. Is the average wage something the state determines, or rather, is it the market sets based on the value of the work and supply/demand of available labour?
In Liberal economy/free markets, state has no intervention in deciding the average wage. It is always the supply and demand that determines the average wage. At least all the economists of liberal economy say the same.

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