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unconfirmed reports F-16 sufa shot down in gaza

F-16 defensive suit is very good i don't know how its shot down maybe technical fault or whatever the case is wait for the confirmation, if its really shot down then they are buying time for search and rescue operation.
Maybe interrogation is taking time, the information which can be obtained is also very critical? will give them benefit of a doubt.
Actually if they had been captured , it would be big deal by now. They once released 1200 Palestinian terrorists for 1 Israeli soldier.

Israel assembled a large force, many times larger than 2008!
Iron dome effectiveness (or lack of it):

out of 460 rockets, Iron dome intercepted just 130. Its only 28%! Now imagine what would happen against actually potent missiles in much greater numbers if Israel attacks Iran? Not a pretty picture.

"Israel's Iron Dome missile interception system continued to fire away on Friday, destroying more than 130 rockets. But Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] said more than 330 rockets from Gaza have landed in Israel since Wednesday. Israel also has been massing tanks along the border with Gaza." Israel, Gaza Continue Rocket Exchanges as Israel Readies Ground Forces

From what I understand the Iron Dome is only supposed to intercept certain rockets... Particularly the ones heading for densely populated areas of Israel. Rockets landing in unpopulated areas are ignored. Each battery costs about $50 mil and only holds 20 rockets at about $40k per rocket. They only have I think 8 or so IDI's deployed right now.

So only 28% of the missiles were intercepted... But how many of those 500 something they fired actually landed in a spot that could cause casualties? I'm not sure, but I know only 3 Israeli's are dead from those, and that rocket landed in a town not a big city.

The Iron Dome is performing flawlessly... Expect nothing less from the Israeli's!

And by the way, you just compared a war with Palestine to a war with a country roughly 40 times bigger. I think they might use just a FEW more Intercepters in a war with Iran don't you think..?
Not to mention they wanted more Iron Domes. They haven't completed purchasing the amount they want to cover all areas.
its just a propaganda by hamas guys......source is not credible enough to believe....find some better source or it's just a propaganda by hamas.
Why shouldnt palestinians fight for their land? When isrealis can travel all over the world and come back to isreal saying "Look, My great grand pas book is saying that it is your promised land. You should travel all over the world and live in isreal"

Why shouldnt palestinians fight for their land where they were expelled very recently from their home land. Where they used to live for years.

There is no use of discussing Hamas and Isreal force proportion. Point here is isreal is created illegally.

Another Point,
They are expanding their settlement in Palestinian lands. US just cryies and scolds Isreal. But doesnt allow to take any action. Gazans have every right to expell these setlers.

UN is being used illegally. Any resolution against Isreal is vetoed. And same UN will pass the resolution against sactioning muslim countries. If you support Hamas then you are state sponsors of terrorists.

If you give weapons to Hamas you are terrorists. If you give weapons to Isreal you are patriotic.
If Isreal has nukes region is balanced. If others try only sanctions.
Yes, UN is being used ilegally.
Since the source is Press TV it won't be accepted here, i guess the only acceptable "reliable" news source here is CNN, BBC or at times even FOX. :S

Its not that only CNN,BBC, or Fox are only accepted here, but Press TV has proven itself to be a mixed bag of reliable and unreliable news (mostly the latter) when it comes to reporting on the US and Israel. This is of course expected due to its state controlled nature.

More notably though is that the only sources they give is Hamas, who have good reason to spin propaganda.

Press TV alone won't cut it, and more importantly Hamas sources alone won't cut it, unless they actually show explicit video of the israeli pilots and/or f-16 wreckage (though its understandable if it is just not recognizably intact.)

Also should note there has been no follow-up to that allvoices article and no more talk of 'israeli sources'.

still looking though.
Why shouldnt palestinians fight for their land? When isrealis can travel all over the world and come back to isreal saying "Look, My great grand pas book is saying that it is your promised land. You should travel all over the world and live in isreal"

Why shouldnt palestinians fight for their land where they were expelled very recently from their home land. Where they used to live for years.

There is no use of discussing Hamas and Isreal force proportion. Point here is isreal is created illegally.

Another Point,
They are expanding their settlement in Palestinian lands. US just cryies and scolds Isreal. But doesnt allow to take any action. Gazans have every right to expell these setlers.

UN is being used illegally. Any resolution against Isreal is vetoed. And same UN will pass the resolution against sactioning muslim countries. If you support Hamas then you are state sponsors of terrorists.

If you give weapons to Hamas you are terrorists. If you give weapons to Isreal you are patriotic.
If Isreal has nukes region is balanced. If others try only sanctions.
Yes, UN is being used ilegally.

Unfortunately that is just how the UN is when it comes to UNSC powers, Russia and China do just the same.

The legality of Israel's creation at this time is irrelevant, Israel is there, it has been for 60 years, there is just as much use arguing that as arguing the legality of the creation of China or the US. At this point there are many Israeli's who have lived in Israel their whole lives, and so it is 'their land in their mind', and they feel they have just as much a right to fight over it. In their minds it is their homeland, and they have nowhere else to go.

A 2 state solution would be most optimal, but first and foremost Hamas must revise its charter to accept the existence of the state of Israel.
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