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UN 'failed Sri Lanka civilians', says internal probe

No.IKPF wanted to end the military capacity of LTTE and wanted it to integrate into a political platform. But the SL president played a double game, supplied LTTE with weapons against IKPF.
But it seemed, RAW had trained LTTE very well.

LTTE was our people. So our president can give them anything to fight off an invasion force. Those are called covert ops.

BTW it is pity to note that mighty Indian Army cannot fight with an small terra squad with bunch of SLG supplied AKs

(I have been in the same car few times that suicide bomber used..)

Are u related to someone?
Sri Lanka was non-align country in 70s. There fore it cannot refuse a call from a South Asian neighbor. Besides Bangladesh was not a country then. There fore it was a Pakistan's internal matter. How SL decide what is best for them?

:woot: Moral support? Dude India didn't gave any moral support. The only thing they said was sort the matter out politically.

But China, Russia and Pakistan was willing to give anything to help Sri Lanka. There may have been some political gimmicks behind those decisions but those things help SL a lot in the military campaign. There we should not forget how Russia and China saved Sri Lanka by the veto power.

By stating Rajapaksha had excellent relationships with MMS and congress in implies Rajapaksha handled MMS and congress to suite his needs. Which in turn reflects the capabilities of this man. There fore he single handedly out maneuvered TN politicos.

Your people have historical relationship with Sinhalese too. So we are your blood brothers too. Why your people keep forgetting that?

:woot: By how? completely erasing your culture? Dude Don't spill BS here.

Simply, SL would have progressed to end of war without Indian Support. Indian support was mattered most, whatever ur opinions say.

Non aligned country means, u are supposed to be neutral, got that? I am tired of telling that again and again.
Yes, but not the same language.

LTTE was our people. So our president can give them anything to fight off an invasion force. Those are called covert ops.

BTW it is pity to note that mighty Indian Army cannot fight with an small terra squad with bunch of SLG supplied AKs

Are u related to someone?

Then ur president should not have agreed to IPKF at the first place. a blatant double game.
As i said earlier, RAW had trained them well.

There is an incident regarding supplying arms, it's not clear who send that army truck but blame has gone to at that President. LTTE killed that president by a suicide bomber later. (I have been in the same car few times that suicide bomber used..)

Well i dont know to respond to that. I was not born that time mabe.
Simply, SL would have progressed to end of war without Indian Support. Indian support was mattered most, whatever ur opinions say.

Indian support mattered when keeping US/EU at bay. Nothing else. What else can India do if we rejected India? Invade SL. LOL Pakistan would love that.

Non aligned country means, u are supposed to be neutral, got that? I am tired of telling that again and again.
Yes, but not the same language.

It's you that don't want to understand. If we didn't allow Pakistan to land in SL it would have meant SL was with India.

Then ur president should not have agreed to IPKF at the first place. a blatant double game.
As i said earlier, RAW had trained them well.

It was different president that signed the agreement.
Indian support mattered when keeping US/EU at bay. Nothing else. What else can India do if we rejected India? Invade SL. LOL Pakistan would love that.

It's you that don't want to understand. If we didn't allow Pakistan to land in SL it would have meant SL was with India.

It was different president that signed the agreement.

International agreements cannot change with change in presidents.
U r really dumb for question on neutrality. Read meaning from net.
LTTE and SL government are two parties responsible for this genocide.

India having interceded on behalf of the SL government in the war kept quiet when the SL tamils were slaughtered in the last stages of the war. TN tamil leaders for all their claims of emotional bonding are traitors.

And not to mention this report, UN had failed these people.

In short, SL tamils were deserted by everyone.

There was never a genocide in SL
There was patrolling by the IN but Indian military assets were used in tracking the LTTE overseas floating arms inventories(floating ships holding arms in high seas which will be offloaded to LTTE high speed boats and the boats will transport the arms into SL waters to LTTE sea bases). One of the main reasons why LTTE lost the war is denial of vital arms like motars etc.

I do not give a damn that LTTE lost the war. In fact, they were dangerous to Indian security.

But my grouse is India just kept quiet(while Rajapaksa's brother Gotabaya kept Delhi of the happenings in SL) and I am inclined to agree with what you stated.

I am angry that about 30,000(upto 40,000 if the leaked report is to be believed) innocent lives were lost and no one has taken moral responsibility for these killings.

Update - I am watching BBC and it says BBC has seen the draft report.

30000 deaths is a bogus claim by many media. If u track how the figure of 30000 came into being you can understand that. a UN official published a book saying 3000-30000 died in SL war. Just see the range it is doubtful wthr this is a true figure. Then Tamilnet got the upper limit value from it and spread it in propaganda. Only then it started appearing in UN records. UN cannot have any idea abt the number of deaths since they have absolutely no evidence to back it up with.
That shouldn't come as surprise to anyone as during the later stages of war SL forces were administered collective punishment by bombarding strafing civilians thats where india sat quietly.And i'm not wondered Why GOI sat silently one due to elections secondly coz GoI itself apt at committing such a large scale genocides .So it was not a big deal for netas sitting in delhi and chennai.
As for SL it was just taking revenge on Tamils for what LTTE did with Sinhalese.
While IN was patrolling aggressively it almost sealed off the sea route for LTTE both for weapons and for escaping.
So question still stands where is the 13th amendment as was promised before the war.It like India was again lead down the garden path by GoSL as usual as rajiv too was lead on the same path by the President Jayawardene.Seems GoI and congress never learns from its mistakes and keeps on repeating the same.

SL never did indiscriminate bombarding. SL is not a rich country to waste bombs on civilians. It was the LTTE the army targeted. The LTTE went inside civilian populations and fired at the army thus making the SLA fire back. LTTE is mostly responsible for the civilian deaths.
The list would be complete if you add some SL army officers. As for the highlighted portion, my position is the slaughter happened and we will leave it at that.

I think we discussed before and you are not in a position to judge my knowledge about the SL constitution. As for the 13th amendment, it was promised by SL and where has that promise gone?

Isnt war about who slaughter first? if u are a member of a defence forum you would realize that. If u want to add every part responsible for the bloody war, im afraid even indian gov would be a part of it. Had not for india SL war would have been less bloody. It is difficult to reduce casualty in a war. Even with superior tech still US strike civilian targets. How many times have we heard abt US drone killing ppl in pakistan- afgan border? So how can any1 expect that from SLA?

1. there was NO genocide in SL
2. there was NO warcrime in SL.
3. We hear many far worse crimes done by US and its allies in asia but no one seems to target it.

So this is a clear case of bullying and revenge from Tiger sympathisers.

yep, I have already added that. under #5

13th amendment means our governing system, it does not effect to one ethnic. it effects to all sri lankan citizens. One specific group of people cannot take the decision of Sri Lanka. Once again Im asking from you let me know what are the special rights Tamils got by 13th amendment?? :P

We do need a power devolution.
We discussed that before - it is too little too late - You guys eternally discriminated against SL tamils since the independence and much damage has happened - the 13th amendment is the compensation to be made by SL - federal divulgence of powers should happen. The basic tenet of the Srilankan accord signed by Rajiv is the 13th amendment. where has it disappeared,huh?

Mate - you can deny that and no one is going to force you considering the today's geopolitical situation where everyone has deserted the SL tamils. But the promise made/promise reneged by SL will be noted in history.

P.S - A partition happened in 1947 on the basic disagreement of the division of powers between center and the provinces - that is the India Pakistan partiton.

If that can happen, with all the discriminations shown by SL govt since independence, it can't be trusted and the division of powers need to happen. period.

Beyond that, you can argue that all groups have equal rights etc but your argument will go nowhere.

13th amend does not have a federal set up. It is true idiotic extremist sinhala politicians reject it but MR would bring it if he wants to. Just like many in SL i too hope SL gov would bring proper power devolution and solve this. Many have questn gov's inability to bring a devolution package, but i think gov has reasons for that.

1. The tigers in SL are defeated but they have a voicein overseas. They do not talk about reconciliation. They havent still leave seperatism. In such cases, it would make difficult to SL gov to give devolution.

2. Since the day 1 the talk has revolved around imaginery war crime and not around devoltuion which is the prime case. The tigers overseas are buying media and human rights groups in west for their goal.

In such a scenario it is difficult for SL gov to bring a devolution, because they tigers are not for devolution.
They want continuance of the probs in SL.

The 13th amendment was drawn by SL to have provincial councils and the Rajiv accord was to have the North and East ruled as a single province on the ethnic lines. Whether it works or not is a different story but it was agreed upon by SL.

Mate - You can come up with the 19th amendment or whatever but the future will say whether SL continue to discriminate or not against the SL tamils.

As for Indians not getting actual 100% freedom, that is a B.S.(I grew up in India and now I am an American - so I have two systems to compare with)

Actually Both the muslims and sinhalese living in eastern province didnt want to merge north with east. That is the biggest reason it was not a success.
That is true - no system is 100% but I wish for a better SL as I do not carry animosity for the people and it is in the best interest of South Asian countries, that SL becomes prosperous.

There are no different rules when one goes outside of a state in India but I would always suggest following the local culture. There are issues in Mumbai where people from UP and Bihar face difficulties due to them following certain practices of their own.

As for the people facing issues in Tamilnadu, it is more to do with the language barrier. Hindi does not work in Tamilnadu. It should be tamil for the most part and some english. The same is the case for tamilians - they have to learn hindi to survive outside or learn the local language(I picked up basic kannada to make my life comfortable when I was in Bangalore though there are significant tamil population)

Good night mate - always it is a sane discussion with you.

Of course SL being stable and posperous is good for the region and india as well. But what is happening clearly is bullying of SL by claiming false allgations. In today's worls when a lie is repeated thousand of times, it becomes truth.

i dont care what the 13th amendment will bring into SL... It was promised, and yet was cheaten....
I really want the congress to fall now... What the fcuk is dmk doing........

What Sri Lankans are trying to imply here is Sinhalese are innocent and never did any atrocities on tamils.
They are embarrased by the fact they pushed tamils into terrorism by petty politics..

u have an amazing ability to read what is not written...:blah:
We discussed at length the history of Sinhalese people and it was fascinating. I respect your views but at the sametime I am not convinced yet.

Having stated that, these Tamilians were there for more than 1000 years - A person need to stay in a country for atmost 10-15 years to get a citizenship and at that point, he enjoys equal rights as others. So I do not understand this BS that Tamilians' homeland is not SL. These people are born, raised in SL and ofcourse SL treats them that way. Even the estate tamilians were accepted as citizens in 2004 if I am not mistaken by SL government.

This is not politics to make a promise and break it. This is a treaty signed between nations. Look at Pakistan - they signed the Simla agreement under pressure from India to treat all issues as bilateral ones. Have they reneged on the treaty? no.

The partition happened on religious grounds but the basic disagreement is due to division of powers - Read up what Jinnah wanted. Having stated that, India is divided into states based on languages. Have Indian central government lost anything? no. So your argument does not cut ice.

My biggest grouse. It was a non-violent movement till 1970s. India used LTTE and other militant groups which were fringe elements and made them a significant force in 1980s.
There was more than 30 years for you guys to solve the issue but there was consistent discrimination. So there no question of whether trusting the tamilians or not. Tamilians were at the receiving end but LTTE hijacked the whole cause.

The SL government agreed upon division of powers and you may go back as no one is there to fix things for SL tamilians. But history will state that SL reneged on the promise/treaty.

Mate - are you still trusting the fu***** DMK and the as***e Karunanidhi? SL tamil issue is going nowhere. It saddens me that these people are ditched by everyone.

i am with u on that 1. It is sad that some in my country reject the need for devolution. It is lack of knowlegde on devolution and fear created by demogauge like politicians especially Wimal weerawansa (i wonder wthr u know, he is an idiot). Otherwise there is no harm in devolution.
We do need a power devolution.

I do agree with you, as I mentioned above we need a system which move Sri Lanka to next level of development and the power devolution should not happened based on ethnic groups or religion.
i am with u on that 1. It is sad that some in my country reject the need for devolution. It is lack of knowlegde on devolution and fear created by demogauge like politicians especially Wimal weerawansa (i wonder wthr u know, he is an idiot). Otherwise there is no harm in devolution.

Oh for god's sake kid shut up! :tdown:

You know nothing about 13th amendment or power sharing or about the war. :rolleyes:

Please don't ruin SL reputation. Go to a place like Elakiri. Please!

I do agree with you, as I mentioned above we need a system which move Sri Lanka to next level of development and the power devolution should not happened based on ethnic groups or religion.

Power devolution should go to prasdesha sabha or grama sabha level. Nothing above district.
You have got it all wrong. Tamilian history in Sri Lanka goes as further as Sinhalese history. No one can deny that. But the issue here is that Tamils did not had a continuous political presence in Sri Lanka until 13th century when Tamils finally were able to create a kingdom in and around Jaffna peninsula. Even that was ended with the arrival of Portuguese.

It is not about Tamils having a separate Kingdom. It is about them living there for ages.

If Sri Lanka agreed to a federal solution. It implies that Tamils have a continuous political presence in Sri Lankan North and East as they claim. No Tamil can prove that Tamilians originally inhabited the Sri Lankan North or East. It has archeologically proven that the credit should go to Sinhalese and the Hela people who were forefathers of Sinhalese.

It does not matter who was there earliest. It is about people living there for so many centuries. Again mate - we are spinning the wheels here. Lets agree to to disagree on this.

Indian government lost nothing because of this.

The 16th amendment to the Indian constitution.

List of amendments of the Constitution of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sri Lanka do not have an amendment as such. There fore it is compulsory to amend such into Sri Lankan constitution.

Divulsion of powers but SL tamils should swear allegiance to SL and its constitution. So there is no difference here.

Tell me one. No one answered so far.

I can point one for discussions sake - 1956 Sinhala only Act replacing English as the official language ignoring more than 25% population's interests(SL tamils, Moors, Estate Tamils) is one example.

LTTE hijacked it yes. But look what they got. Only heart brakes. Tamils (I mean Tamil politicians who represent Tamils) cannot gain anything if they continue this kind of behavior of threat. They need to understand the reality and should come to agreeable terms with SLG. Then we can have a lasting peace.

I think the 13th amendment would bring in peace and stop all this tussle. That is the reality both SL govt, people and SL tamils need to understand.

u r right. But who is the alternative? Admk? No. MDMK? Chance eh illa. Definitely not PMK. Who then we have/?

None at this moment. I do not trust Vaiko or his cohorts as they cause more damage to SL tamils for his political interests.
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