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Umayyad invasion of Sindh and the arrival of Islam

not at this point. but hindus and indians never talk about world domination or spread of hinudism or calipha etc.

and on MM, he is just a frustrated man, and he knows fully well that LKY was thrown out by Malaya and Singapore today does far far better than Malaysia. I can give you authentic info on singapore because i ahve lived there for a looong time and studied there too.

so you are telling me indian hindus have NO CURRENT "quality men" according to you and then why are you ranting??? as for world domination i guess you are spending billions and have an army and ICBM for the alien invasion?

& i chose to ignore you rant on Mathir Mohammed when the world knwos him as a true champion behind the rise of malaysia!

you are a true TROLL but hell i am having fun!! :lol:
so you are telling me indian hindus have NO CURRENT "quality men" according to you and then why are you ranting??? as for world domination i guess you are spending billions and have an army and ICBM for the alien invasion?

& i chose to ignore you rant on Mathir Mohammed when the world knwos him as a true champion behind the rise of malaysia!

you are a true TROLL but hell i am having fun!! :lol:
Im not ranting.. in the history of the world for any country the direction and momentum is always important. today india is moving up and the stage is set ofr fresh ideas, secularism , freedom and India will produce great influential men like Gandhi very soon.
Muslim world is going down with their narow view of islam and there is no fement in their society to produce anyone 'great' it will happen , but not in the near term (a few hundred years). only when muslims, reinvent and moderate Islam can anything be hope of the muslims.

MM was a joker. and Malysia has not risen. it has not met its potential and is stunted. unlike singapore
Im not ranting.. in the history of the world for any country the direction and momentum is always important. today india is moving up and the stage is set ofr fresh ideas, secularism , freedom and India will produce great influential men like Gandhi very soon.
Muslim world is going down with their narow view of islam and there is no fement in their society to produce anyone 'great' it will happen , but not in the near term (a few hundred years). only when muslims, reinvent and moderate Islam can anything be hope of the muslims.

MM was a joker. and Malysia has not risen. it has not met its potential and is stunted. unlike singapore

:hitwall: ok now you are getting silly here! india has NO current "quality men" according to you! and nuclear sciencetists are not quality men for you neither are nations like malaysia,indonesia good enough for you. neither are DP world type of companies good enough for you.

yet according to you muslims are going downhill and india is going uphill how?????
yes tipu sultan might have been barbaric BUT DEFINETLY not as great a barbarian as your IDOL ASHOKA

Comparison of Tipu & Asoka ? Tipu is regarded as hero but what makes you compare him with Asoka ?

Do you know what are you are talking about ?

Samrat Asoka was cunning & did bloodshed for thrown like most people did at his time. but he is regarded as the one of the best ruler world has seen ! His empire & efforts changed the Asia! he embraced buddhism & helped it reach to known lands of his era.. the only emperor who didnt spread religion by sword or blood shedding !

do u know what the heck buddhism which you left due to MSQ's invasions?

those invasion was not your choice ...even if you converted due to it is acceptable....but that doesn't mean you are gonna bark about tolerant & Great personalites Asoka or Akbar of world history !

he was not a barbarian invader who got killed by Caliphe for deflowering virgin royal princess from sindh!!

Reading sh*t things in school text books doesnt make you reasonable & wise ! Grow up & Check out your knowledge before you bark !!
definetly didn't put down his weapons as easily as some of your rajputs of the time.

Many Rajpoots fought with invaders & died with pride. They didnt surrended to fear & are still having strong presence in HINDUSTAN ! Brave people dont surrender sumthing that flows in their blood like blood of great ancestors & culture !

While other cowards rajpoots put down their weapons & surrended to fear !! They embraced Islam too ...you know what ...they form good count in Pakistan ...
Even Mohd Ali Jinnah was one of them !! :D
Well no one cares about "arrival" of Islam. Invaders didn't come to "spread Islam" ... They came for their own purposes. Islam spreaded in India due to peaceful Sufi Saints... Islam taught Indians how to see each and every human as "equal" , not on the basis of some stupid caste system of them...Indians who were peaceful , dignified people (our ancestors) converted to Islam and started seeing everyone as equal. Gave women their rights and didn't burn them alive due to the death of their husband etc ... Elite hindus , that exploited the society and divided them into "lower caste" remain hindus (your ancestors) and kept exploiting Hindus uptil recently. Even now there are "untouchables" in your country , isn't it? :azn:

haha you clarify my point for me. If there are still Dalits in India then why didn't they convert if they were really oppressed.

And probably majority of Indians were not fond of marrying their cousins, stoning everybody to death who talk against a book and many other practices. See two sides of a coin?

Peaceful and dignified people converted? loooool Why do you think ONLY Punjabis/Sindhis and Bengalis converted and not all other Indians. Don't you it's about where did the invaders come first and who were helpless and were oppressed for the longest time? Because historically speaking Punjabi people have traditionally been warriors like Jats/Rajputs/Gujjars so that peaceful people don't really make sense. does it? Quite contradicting. Don't you think?

And the other side to look at this argument is the cowards converted and real men stood their ground. :P Glass half full/half empty. :D Because I don't think real Rajputs (my ancestor) would ever leave their Dharma whether be it Hindus/Sikhs and accept Abraham religion.

But at least you accepted majority of Pakistanis (Punjabis, Sindhis and Mohajirs) have Indian roots because most of the Pakistani on this forum seems to think they're Persian/Afghan/Central Asian/Arabs. Want some irony? Children born on the east banks of Indus grow up thinking they're not Indians or don't have Indian roots. loool Sorry for laughing. I just find it funny :D

Pakistani people should really think about all the points I just made with open mind and rationally. Oh boy! Am I smashing another nail Pakistani psyche's identity crisis?
And the "sending of Kasab" is just fantasies of your delusional mind. so no point going there.

I hope you learned something, let me know if you need more lessons, I will be more then happy to teach you :D


So hundred of innocent peoples were killed on 26/11 just because of Indian Fantasies ... right?
Srilanka team attack must again be a Srilankan fantasy... right?
and killing OBL in Attobabad must again be american fantasy ..right?

Oh goodness....how Brilliant of you ! no wonder why your country is having so low gdp & no surprises why people are getting killed on your soil by secterian terror !

Thanks for offer ...but we dont need more schooling.... we are happy with our drone free country to live in !
Many Rajpoots fought with invaders & died with pride. They didnt surrended to fear & are still having strong presence in HINDUSTAN ! Brave people dont surrender sumthing that flows in their blood like blood of great ancestors & culture !

While other cowards rajpoots put down their weapons & surrended to fear !! They embraced Islam too ...you know what ...they form good count in Pakistan ...
Even Mohd Ali Jinnah was one of them !! :D

Plenty of jingoism and false history is on both sides of this debate.

Indian subcontinent has two major valleys. Sindh river valley and Ganga valley.

These two valleys have different cultures and different religious notions.

Then each valley is further divided into sub-cultures and sub-religions.

Change of religions or evolution of religions also took different paths in the two valleys.

So lumping them together as one region, and using it score points is terrible thing to do intellectually.

And I hope my dear India posters would ignore flame-baits from Pakistani posters and
similarly Pakistani posters would ignore the Indian flame baits.

Just think about religions in the subcontinent and see how they evolved. Was birth of Sikhism result of foreign invasion?

Heck no! Bab Guru Nanak Sahib was just one of the humanist and thinkers that were born in the Sindh valley. His quest for truth led to new religion and new thinking.

The reason I gave the example of Sikhism that it is one of the most recent local origin idea. But you should all think about other religions not in terms of wars but in terms of human quest for finding truth.

Sometimes we are successful and sometimes we are not.

Muhammad bin Qasim himself was put to death by the Caliph, by suffocation in oxen hides. The reason was that the Caliph wanted to be the first to rape the daughters of Raja Dahir, but bin Qasim had actually raped them before the Caliph. This disobedience of bin Qasim filled the Caliph with rage.

Muhammad bin Qasim's successors were smashed by the Rajputs in the battle of Rajasthan. (Battle of Rajasthan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). In the words of the Arab chronicler Suleiman, “a place of refuge to which the Muslims might flee was not to be found.”

Finally, it was the invasions of the Turks from the North 300 years later, which succeeded in converting the ancestors of the Pakistanis.
That's not true.
Muhammad bin Qasim himself was put to death by the Caliph, by suffocation in oxen hides. The reason was that the Caliph wanted to be the first to rape the daughters of Raja Dahir, but bin Qasim had actually raped them before the Caliph. This disobedience of bin Qasim filled the Caliph with rage

Hindu quality pure BS; fresh from the cow-mata :coffee:
Im not ranting.. in the history of the world for any country the direction and momentum is always important. today india is moving up and the stage is set ofr fresh ideas, secularism , freedom and India will produce great influential men like Gandhi very soon.
Muslim world is going down
with their narow view of islam and there is no fement in their society to produce anyone 'great' it will happen , but not in the near term (a few hundred years). only when muslims, reinvent and moderate Islam can anything be hope of the muslims.

MM was a joker. and Malysia has not risen. it has not met its potential and is stunted. unlike singapore

Muslim world is going down? :lol::lol: Do you even know jack about general civilization history? What was the last political science class you took and what "minor" did you take with it? (Like history of civilization , Pre-Modern history , History of India blah blah?) ... I can bet that you don't even know what I am talking about.

Just to put things clearly-- Islam/Muslims remained dominant force of planet for 1000+ years or so (Abbasyid Empire , Persian Empire , Mughal Empire , Ottomon Empire , Ruling of Spain etc etc) ..All these empires had military and/or economic dominance of the world. You yourself know the contribution of Mughal Empire (India) in global GDP. Do I even need to mention Military prowess of the Ottoman Empire? So from 7th century to 18thish century , the "Muslim world" (as you call it) remained on top. It is the last 3 centuries or so that Muslim world is in decline..but is that special? No , 70% of TOTAL Muslim history is the era of THEIR 'glory' ( a bit loaded word , I accept). NO and absolutely NO other 'civilization' has enjoyed this much ratio of success.

Now today , what is happening? Yes , the revival of global Islam , which now comprises quarter of whole humanity!!!! Now OBVIOUSLY Muslim civilization has aloootttttt of problems but Muslim are working to improve them. Just Google the stats of 1950 regarding Muslim world...and now google the stats of today. It is a MASSIVE improvement. Muslim world's economy , literacy , science and technology , military , diplomacy , global influence , global presence , global relevancy , etc etc have INCREASED greatly in last 60 years ... Now offcourse , it is wayyyyyyy behind than China and Europe doesn't even come in the sight but the things are going in right directions. Islamic fundamentalism will decline in coming decades too. Arab Spring already swept away many monarchies and democracy is coming. Islamic civilization is headed towards the right path.

But since you don't know ANYTHING regarding civilizations and the parameters that model a civilization as a whole , you can't see whats happening. You are deluded with your bhartimata rising bullsh!t and that is what you care for. Even TODAY , the combined economic , political , strategic , and military power of 1.1 billion Muslims is WAY,WAY more than your bhartimata the great with 1.1 billion people...and remember ....India is going through is best phase while Muslim world is in trouble. Just imagine when the Muslim world sees its "best" phase , with more moderate Islam and decline of radical Islam :azn:

By the way , you are foreseeing you Indian leaders to be influential .... There is already one Islamic leader rising as one of the most influential leaders today. Rajab Tayib Erodgan , under which Turkey has become a rising regional power in one of THE MOST strategically important region (Euro-Asian plate)...

Sweety , aisay hi wila wajah nahi boltay rehtay. Jis cheez ka pata na ho , us mein hath b nahi daltay. That is the reason you'd never find me arguing on Aerospace stuff with Gambit (American professional on PDF , Ex fighter-Pilot of the US Air Force) :lol:

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