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Ultra Far Right Nationalism on the rise in Europe and Russia

@Desert Fox

Great thread -- it's interesting that none of the Islam mongers on our forum have commented on the thread - is it any wonder those poor Europeans are threatened?

They won't.

They will avoid it like the plague and pretend the issues don't exist. Even a grudging "acceptance" will be perfunctory, to be made and done with, to move on to familiar pasture of victim hood.

Mentioning these facts is "Islamophobia", "racism" and worse.

So much easier to blame it all on the "other".
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The posts are long and I couldn't find the time to read every word. but here are a few comments.

off topic:
* I am not sure, desert fox, that you understand what Zionism means. It is the belief that Jews are entitled to return to Israel and build their land there (Zion=Jerusalem). Not every Jew is a Zionist. Bolsheviks are not equal to Zionists, this is amazingly easy to show. USSR armed and supported the enemies of Israel in wars and has sided with them diplomatically, USSR has denied it's Jews to migrate to Israel, that's the reason for the large waves of Jews leaving former USSR countries in the early 90's.

* Israel is also limited by "human right" movements. in effect Israel has only deported about 2k illegal immigrants exactly because of those groups and European pressure (that is out of an estimated 100k).
* The so called violence against immigrants in Israel is summed up to a total of 1 arson in an apartment, 1 incident of a glass bomb, a couple of shoves here and there that didn't lead to serious injuries and a busted window. not one serious injury incident iirc.
* As opposed to many immigrants in the EU practically every non Jewish African immigrant to Israel is an illegal immigrant. How can you deny the right of Israel to turn them down and send them back to their original countries?

on topic:

here's an Israeli's show take on Radical Islam elements in Europe:
things to keep in mind while watching:
- This is a TV show, not a study. So naturally they are focusing on the radical elements, it doesn't try to state that most EU Muslims are like that (actually states to the contrary sometimes).
- for the same reason there is sometimes over dramatization via music and shooting angles, try to ignore this.

the Caucasus and among Caucasians (in Russia and Europe)
is also growing ultra-right-wing views. secretly. secretly. or on the streets or stands. but this is rare ..

ahahaa))) neo-Nazi Slavs - believe us - Aryans-Caucasians "=" "Untermensch")) ahaha)) lol!))

we are the Aryans, we Caucasus.
and 3 Reich believed the Slavs - Untermensch))) it is a fact (the words of Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels and others))

Chechens / Slavs.

Dagestani. fans of "Anji - Makhachkala."

Ultra-right of the Palestinians.

Haj Amin al-Husseini! friend of Adolf Hitler! Yasser Arafat's uncle!

we will see 4 Reich ;-) :ashamed:
@WhiteMansBurden @flamer84

Sadly, since the Caliphate thread has been closed due to moderation and the trolling of certain members, i would like for you guys to continue your discussion here on this thread regarding European/Western civilization and the impact of non-European immigrants on the age old civilization.
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What part of most Turks are not White did you not understand? The irony is that you have the arrogance to say I said something that is not true, even though you've already conceded that your English is bad enough that you might miss what I was getting at.

Man, i don't see why you getting angry. I said "If the majority of the Turk's were white, you wouldn't object them to enter in EU, right" That would be irony indeed IMO.

]The overwhelmingly majority of Turks are West Asians, and not White. There may be some Turks, especially in the Northwestern regions, which cluster with Europeans. If they do so, then regardless of whether you "care" or not, they're genetically White. Then again, I've seen no evidence of this.

Again i'm not discussing if the Turk's are white or black or pink. I think you get me with my comment above.
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Quoting AUz from the Caliphate thread:

There is no "Western Civilization" and no one "Western Culture" ....

You are an idiot!

So what if Turkey is a Muslim? Islam has already entered mainland Europe, Mashallah...Why afraid of it?

Turks ruled/dominated European lands for CENTURIES! They are very European..

Elaborate what you mean by "there is no Western civilization, or Western culture"??

Secondly, please refrain from using derogatory remarks and name calling when addressing another member.

If you disagree then refute the argument in a civilized manner.

By resorting to name calling you are putting up a bad image of yourself and as well as the views you represent.
@WhiteMansBurden @flamer84

Sadly, since the Caliphate thread has been closed due to moderation and the trolling of certain members, i would like for you guys to continue your discussion here on this thread regarding European/Western civilization and the impact of non-European immigrants on the age old civilization.

As i've stated on the previous thread i'm not against immigration per say based on skin colour or religious beliefs,if people actually come here to work and don't want want to impose their beliefs on me then it's ok.
Unfortunately we have have problems today because we tolerate radicals or because we've let in scores of unneducated immigrants who can't find jobs and are now turning against us,in short we've let unchecked immigration run amok.My theory is that they want to use these immigrants as scapegoats in order to impose tighter goverment control policies on us in the name of fighting radicals and disorder.

I can't agree with the far right,one thing i've learned in history is that after they're done with minorities they'll turn against every voice of dissent and it so happens that i like my freedoms and right to disagree with authority when they do something wrong in my perception and don't fancy the ideea of beeing shipped to some camp just because i've stated my opinion.

Basically,we're not destroying ourselves from letting other cultures in,we're destroying orselves because we let radicals and illiterates from other cultures in.
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@WhiteMansBurden @flamer84

Sadly, since the Caliphate thread has been closed due to moderation and the trolling of certain members, i would like for you guys to continue your discussion here on this thread regarding European/Western civilization and the impact of non-European immigrants on the age old civilization.


What's there to discuss? Some intellectual midget by the name of "Tony" (seriously.... Tony?) kept posting links to Eastern European criminals and Sikh cricket players.
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@WhiteMansBurden @flamer84

Sadly, since the Caliphate thread has been closed due to moderation and the trolling of certain members, i would like for you guys to continue your discussion here on this thread regarding European/Western civilization and the impact of non-European immigrants on the age old civilization.

If you want a discussion, you should invite some guys from the opposing camp or there won't be any discussion at all.
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Man, i don't see why you getting angry. I said "If the majority of the Turk's were white, you wouldn't object them to enter in EU, right" That would be irony indeed IMO.

If the Turks were White, then I don't know... They are culturally not Western, and that matters to me as well.

Again, I have no problems with Turks, so don't take it as a personal insult.

I have the greatest admiration and respect for the Japanese people, yet I wouldn't want them living in my country, or joining the EU.
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As i've stated on the previous thread i'm not against immigration per say based on skin colour or religious beliefs,if people actually come here to work and don't want want to impose their beliefs on me then it's ok.
Unfortunately we have have problems today because we tolerate radicals or because we've let in scores of unneducated immigrants who can't find jobs and are now turning against us,in short we've let unchecked immigration run amok.My theory is that they want to use these immigrants as scapegoats in order to impose tighter goverment control policies on us in the name of fighting radicals and disorder.

Skilled immigrants in limited numbers is one thing, but allowing hordes of illiterate asylum seekers into your country and giving them special privileges over the native population is suicide of a Nation.

As a result, you have European natives who dare not raise voice against immigrants due to the fear of being labeled "racist, Nazi, Fascist, etc".

But what's wrong with being pro-country, or Nationalist?

I can't agree with the far right,one thing i've learned in history is that after they're done with minorities they'll turn against every voice of dissent and it so happens that i like my freedoms and right to disagree with authority when they do something wrong in my perception and don't fancy the ideea of beeing shipped to some camp just because i've stated my opinion.

Are you referring to National Socialism of Hitler's Germany and the Fascism of her Allies in WW2?

Because AFAIK Eastern European native population suffered the shipping to labor camps and clamping down on political dissent during the Communist occupation from 1945 to 1989.


What's there to discuss? Some intellectual midget by the name of "Tony" (seriously.... Tony?) kept posting links to Eastern European criminals and Sikh cricket players.

No, other members who were also arguing in a civil manner.
If you want a discussion, you should invite some guys from the opposing camp or there won't be any discussion at all.

Maybe this should wake them up a little.

Many Indians like to see themselves as equal competitors to China, and are encouraged in their endeavor by gushing Western editorials and Tom Friedman drones who praise their few islands of programming prowess – in reality, much of which is actually pretty low-level stuff – and widespread knowledge of the English language (which makes India a good destination for call centers but not much else), while ignoring the various aspects of Indian life – the caste system, malnutrition, stupendously bad schools – that are holding them back. The low quality of Indians human capital reveals the “demographic dividend” that India is supposed to enjoy in the coming decades as the wild fantasies of what Sailer rightly calls ”Davos Man craziness at its craziest.” A large cohort of young people is worse than useless when most of them are functionally illiterate and innumerate; instead of fostering well-compensated jobs that drive productivity forwards, they will form reservoirs of poverty and potential instability.

Instead of buying into their own rhetoric of a “India shining”, Indians would be better served by focusing on the nitty gritty of bringing childhood malnutrition DOWN to Sub-Saharan African levels, achieving the life expectancy of late Maoist China, and moving up at least to the level of a Mexico or Moldova in numeracy and science skills.
If you want a discussion, you should invite some guys from the opposing camp or there won't be any discussion at all.

I'm trying to get them all here but sometimes this mention thing doesn't work properly. :hitwall:


Fell free to join this thread and continue a civil conversation here.
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Skilled immigrants in limited numbers is one thing, but allowing hordes of illiterate asylum seekers into your country and giving them special privileges over the native population is suicide of a Nation.

As a result, you have European natives who dare not raise voice against immigrants due to the fear of being labeled "racist, Nazi, Fascist, etc".

But what's wrong with being pro-country, or Nationalist?

Are you referring to National Socialism of Hitler's Germany and the Fascism of her Allies in WW2?

Because AFAIK Eastern European native population suffered the shipping to labor camps and clamping down on political dissent during the Communist occupation from 1945 to 1989.

Well,i'm not one of those guys,with the risk of beeing called a racist i will speak my mind and i don't buy this "unhappy youth" the media is throwing whenever we see riots in Europe.Btw,tonight some "unhappy youths" are "protesting"(full riots) in Paris because the police tried to enforce the "no veil" law.Yes,unchecked immigration is murder and will result in ethnic conflict.

Just because the communists were bad that doesn't make the nazis any better,they tried to murder the poles,the slavs in general and they were white.Also,a "final solution" is NOT a solution.
@Desert Fox

How are you bro? Its been a long time since I last visited Defence.pk, but I am back now.
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