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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

What happened in Odessa yesterday is much worse than what the initial reports had indicated: it was truly a deliberate and blood-curling massacre. To summarize:
In Odessa the pro-Russian demonstrators had never seized a building, all they did was erecting a small tent city and hanging out there. Hardly any violence had taken place. Yesterday, the neo-Nazis finally made their move:
1) They bussed in large numbers of Right Sector thugs.
2) They then got the local football hooligans (paid by oligarchs according to some reports) to begin a nationalist demonstration.
3) The Right Sector thugs then joined the hooligans and together they viciously attacked the pro-Russian tent city: the tents were torn down and the anti-regime demonstrators viciously beat up to a pulp. The local cops stood by and watched.
4) The anti-regime demonstrators ran literally for their lives towards the building of Unions which had been their normal rallying point at which point they were surrounded and the building set ablaze.
5) Those attempting to leave the building were severely beat up and many murdered. Many were shot while standing in the windows to flee from the flames.
6) The neo-Nazis did not let the firefighters through.
7) With each jumping demonstrator or each person shot in the windows the crowd would scream "Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to he heroes!" Many took souvenir videos. For them, this was a joyful, liberating event.
8) The Ukrainian social networks flooded with joyful messages congratulation the "heroes" in Odessa and promising more of the same to the accursed Moskals.
9) The Western and Ukie press reported the events as a "clash" with "casualties" but with no reference to any one party causing this massacre.
10) The last fatalities figure was at 46. But with many dying from smoke inhalation and, especially, burns, it will probably go up.

Except that i just posted a video (and can find more yourself on the net) showing your "peaceful russians" wielding AK's and shooting at pro Ukrainians.Myth busted :wave:
Georgia acted against russian protected terrorists on its own territory.It is clear to me that you have no ideea of what you're talking about.Good will triumph in the end,Russia will fall.God willing.Amin.

Are you insane. What terrorist are you talking about?
Georgia attacked Tskhinvali with Grad rockets, which in itself is a war crime.
Are you so stupid that you will defend that blatant massacre of civilians, just because Sakashvili was supported by NATO.
They will pay brother. All these devil worshippers will feel gods judgment one day. Their lies won't protect them forever.

What happened in Odessa yesterday is much worse than what the initial reports had indicated: it was truly a deliberate and blood-curling massacre. To summarize:
In Odessa the pro-Russian demonstrators had never seized a building, all they did was erecting a small tent city and hanging out there. Hardly any violence had taken place. Yesterday, the neo-Nazis finally made their move:
1) They bussed in large numbers of Right Sector thugs.
2) They then got the local football hooligans (paid by oligarchs according to some reports) to begin a nationalist demonstration.
3) The Right Sector thugs then joined the hooligans and together they viciously attacked the pro-Russian tent city: the tents were torn down and the anti-regime demonstrators viciously beat up to a pulp. The local cops stood by and watched.
4) The anti-regime demonstrators ran literally for their lives towards the building of Unions which had been their normal rallying point at which point they were surrounded and the building set ablaze.
5) Those attempting to leave the building were severely beat up and many murdered. Many were shot while standing in the windows to flee from the flames.
6) The neo-Nazis did not let the firefighters through.
7) With each jumping demonstrator or each person shot in the windows the crowd would scream "Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to he heroes!" Many took souvenir videos. For them, this was a joyful, liberating event.
8) The Ukrainian social networks flooded with joyful messages congratulation the "heroes" in Odessa and promising more of the same to the accursed Moskals.
9) The Western and Ukie press reported the events as a "clash" with "casualties" but with no reference to any one party causing this massacre.
10) The last fatalities figure was at 46. But with many dying from smoke inhalation and, especially, burns, it will probably go up.
Except that i just posted a video (and can find more yourself on the net) showing your "peaceful russians" wielding AK's and shooting at pro Ukrainians.Myth busted :wave:

Ooh so the Odessans were wielding AKs and shooting, yet still there were burnt alive by the Junta thugs who were only wielding flowers, right?
[qoute="flamer84, post: 5612641, member: 145300"]Except that i just posted a video (and can find more yourself on the net) showing your "peaceful russians" wielding AK's and shooting at pro Ukrainians.Myth busted :wave:[/quote]

They were ukrainians. Many names have already been released. You can the russian to try and dehumanize them. This is a despicable tactic. Worthy of a nato propagandist.

And you keep mentioning guns and so forth. If any of this is true. How come out of the close to 50 dead over 40 are prorussian protestors. If they had aks as you say how did they let themselves get burned alive?

Your propaganda doesnt even hold up to light scrutiny. Back to disinformation school for you. I hope they dock your pay for such shoddy propaganda.
This is most definitely a pro nato site. And yes MILLIONS were killed in Iraq. Depleted uranium, bombs and sanctions that is how nato kills. This is what you call civilized? I think you are the lunatic.

Yugoslavia broke apart because nato bombed the hell out of it and fomented civil war. Just like the are doing in ukraine. Not only are you a bloodthirsty lunatic, but you're also a blatant liar.

Georgia attacked Russia. Nato had to finally admit this or didn't you know? Then they started killing osettians. Russia defended itself and its people. Now south Ossetia and Abkhazia are peaceful countries .

Juxtapose that with Iraq Afghanistan Libya ukraine. Your lies simply don't hold up to the light of day. Under historical scrutiny they fall apart.

The only thing that's clear is you're not even a good propagandist. Very poorly educated. Nato funded education no doubt.

And yes, good will win out in the end. Weren't you just celebrating t fact that 40 human beings were burned alive by right sector neo Nazis?

Do not mention God in your posts. God does not condone the burning alive of human beings, only Nazis and devil worshippers condone that. Your god is a false god. If that is what he tells you is good.

You and yours will pay for what you are doing to the free peoples of the world. Nothing lasts forever.

When the wolves are at your walls. You will know god.

NATO bombed what ?.By 1999 Slovenia,Croatia,Macedonia,Bosnia allready broke off with Yougoslavia and NATO didn't come into the picture.By 1999 Yougoslavia was just Serbia (with Kos) +Montenegro.Now i know for sure you're pulling stuff put of your ***.

Afghanistan=harbor the no1 terrorist ? oh well.....plus,i hope you remember Russia in A'stan,burning villages with women and children and all,never compare NATO soldiers with those muscovite rapists.

Libya=ruled by a mad man who was raping 15 year old girls at will...yeah,let's cry for that fool.
[quote="nangyale, post: 5612670, member: 281]Ooh so the Odessans were wielding AKs and shooting, yet still there were burnt alive by the Junta thugs who were only wielding flowers, right?[/quote]

Exactly.they must have forgotten they had aks when Molotov cocktails were burning them alive.

What shoddy propaganda. This little nato propagandist needs to go back to school.
Ooh so the Odessans were wielding AKs and shooting, yet still there were burnt alive by the Junta thugs who were only wielding flowers, right?

Nope...they were wielding superior numbers, as i've said "play stupid games............
I saw the video and the Russian separatists clearly opened fire first with the crowd retaliating.

Hence the loss of life. A terrible way to die.

I just hope more do not die. I can understand the feelings of both sides.
Are you insane. What terrorist are you talking about?
Georgia attacked Tskhinvali with Grad rockets, which in itself is a war crime.
Are you so stupid that you will defend that blatant massacre of civilians, just because Sakashvili was supported by NATO.

Georgia has a terrorist problem in which terrorists are sponsored/backed by Moscow.Just like Moldova,Azerbaijan.Am i suppose to feel bad for russian backed terrorists who are trying to break a country up ?
Nope...they were wielding superior numbers, as i've said "play stupid games............

Give me a crowd of 100 and to oppose give me 2 trained soldiers with a machine gun, you will see what wins.
Don't throw your BS propaganda here.
Give me a crowd of 100 and to oppose give me 2 trained soldiers with a machine gun, you will see what wins.
Don't throw your BS propaganda here.

Except that unlike your retarded stories there are actual VIDEOS about it and denying it's pointless.:devil:

Go peddle your fish elsewhere.
Georgia has a terrorist problem in which terrorists are sponsored/backed by Moscow.Just like Moldova,Azerbaijan.Am i suppose to feel bad for russian backed terrorists who are trying to break a country up ?
What Georgia did was to attack civilian population center with unguided rockets.
This is considered as a war crime under international law.
I not here to convince you of anything, I am just stating the facts.
What Georgia did was to attack civilian population center with unguided rockets.
This is considered as a war crime under international law.
I not here to convince you of anything, I am just stating the facts.

Georgia tried to gain control of its national territory.Russia flattened Grozi in a much more savage way.War crime right there from the genocidal russians.
Except that unlike your retarded stories there are actual VIDEOS about it and denying it's pointless.:devil:

Go peddle your fish elsewhere.

Your the one peddling fairy tales here. People are not as stupid as you think. The pro-Junta thugs were armed and ready and they were inserted into Odessa for this very purpose, i-e to kill and maim.

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