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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

You have no idea what you are talking about. These people were burned alive. There are pictures all over the news and the internet. Eye witness reports

Its not my problem if your nato propaganda media keeps you stupid..and yes you are a paid stooge. 3000+ anti Russian posts in less than a year. You are clearly a propagandist. And yes NATO employs thousands of your filth for exactly these purposes. You will all burn in hell for what you have done. Godless devil worshippers.
word, flamer should be banned for supporting nazism
You have no idea what you are talking about. These people were burned alive. There are pictures all over the news and the internet. Eye witness reports

Its not my problem if your nato propaganda media keeps you stupid..and yes you are a paid stooge. 3000+ anti Russian posts in less than a year. You are clearly a propagandist. And yes NATO employs thousands of your filth for exactly these purposes. You will all burn in hell for what you have done. Godless devil worshippers.

Russia is the champion when it comes to Genocide.Biggest killers in Humanity's history.Peace will only be achieved when that country is gone.Check my posting history,it's not all about that nation of killers,invaders or thieves and I had family affected by russian imperialism you moron! Don't come here to speak to me about godless rapists invading other peoples land....those are the russians...mindless brutes hell bent on raping.So yeah,i ain't going to cry when some of these animals get barbequed...good riddance!
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Russia is the champion when it comes to Genocide.Biggest killers in Humanity's history.Peace will only be achieved when that country is gone.Check my posting history,it's not all about that nation of killers,invaders or thieves and i've lived through it moron and had family affected by russian imperialism you moron! Don't come here to speak to me about godless rapists invading other peoples land....those are the russians...mindless brutes hell bent on raping.So yeah,i ain't going to cry when some of these animals get barbequed...good riddance!

Trust me, God and the civilized world won't shed a tear when you are roasting in hell you deranged devil worshipper .

And who are you kidding. NATO has killed more humans than any other empire in existence.

The only country in the world to use nuclear weapons. They have bombed and invaded more countries than any other empire. Ever.

These are truthful things easily verified. That's the difference between truth and your cheap propaganda.

word, flamer should be banned for supporting nazism

This is a pro nato website. They will never ban their own. They will make it difficult for people like you to post the truth though. And if you go too far they will find whatever excuse they can and ban you.

Why do you think some of the most insane rabid lunatic anti russian and anti Syrian posters never get banned?

Its no coincidence. The internet is a battleground. This is where the western worlds perceptions are formed. They want to be able to control it and mold it and delete any inconvenient facts that go against their narrative.

People like that flamer troll are just their useful idiots. Do not give the quarter, do not give them an inch. They are trying to make mass murder of their political opponents acceptable to the world. They do the devils work. Not one inch.
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Lmao.. did the western leaders ask the ukrainians to protest against the russian stoooooge who went to russia for exile?

This makes no sense. The western leaders such as nuland, Kerry, Bidden, MCcaine, and the CIA director all visited Ukraine and encouraged the violence.

did they send troops to annex ukrainian territory?

No, but NATO and the EU tried to annex all of Ukraine, this included taking control of Ukraine's banks, setting their policies and making them operate under their rule, effectively making Ukraine an occupied country.

did they arm people to kill ukranians aswell?

Actually, yes. The west has invested billions of dollars in trying to install a western friendly government, we know this because of bugged calls. Take not that righter after Biden and the CIA director visited Ukraine the Ukrainian government launched military operations in the east.
This makes no sense. The western leaders such as nuland, Kerry, Bidden, MCcaine, and the CIA director all visited Ukraine and encouraged the violence.

And the people got violent coz of the visits n "encouragement" ? more like ukrainians wanted to be part of EU.. = no more buffer zone for russia?

No, but NATO and the EU tried to annex all of Ukraine, this included taking control of Ukraine's banks, setting their policies and making them operate under their rule, effectively making Ukraine an occupied country.


Actually, yes. The west has invested billions of dollars in trying to install a western friendly government, we know this because of bugged calls. Take not that righter after Biden and the CIA director visited Ukraine the Ukrainian government launched military operations in the east.
When did Ukranine launch military operations? heck they were so pathetic that their troops just surrendered n marched back to kiev singing their national anthem.. which russians sent troops to crimea n now ....
The crowd that got shot at it with AK's,that,seeing their people dead went into berserk mode.Maybe it would be a good ideea for Russians/pro Russian ukrainians not to shoot at unarmed civilians with AK's,kidnapp pro Ukrainian MP's,torture and killing them (see the case last week) ??

The pro Kiev rioters attacked a "pro Russian" camp. The "innocent" pro Kiev protesters were shooting at people trying to escape the flames and smoke. Western propaganda is working in overdrive. The "pro Russians" are more anti government then they are pro Russian.

Are you familiar with the saying "play stupid games,win stupid prizes" ? Because it's spot on for what happened in Odessa yesterday.

Is that an EU saying or metaphor? Because EU countries have won the "stupid prize".
Trust me, God and the civilized world won't shed a tear when you are roasting in hell you deranged devil worshipper .

And who are you kidding. NATO has killed more humans than any other empire in existence.

The only country in the world to use nuclear weapons. They have bombed and invaded more countries than any other empire. Ever.

These are truthful things easily verified. That's the difference between truth and your cheap propaganda.

This is a pro nato website. They will never ban their own. They will make it difficult for people like you to post the truth though. And if you go too far they will find whatever excuse they can and ban you.

Why do you think some of the most insane rabid lunatic anti russian and anti Syrian posters never get banned?

Its no coincidence. The internet is a battleground. This is where the western worlds perceptions are formed. They want to be able to control it and mold it and delete any inconvenient facts that go against their narrative.

People like that flamer troll are just their useful idiots. Do not give the quarter, do not give them an inch. They are trying to make mass murder of their political opponents acceptable to the world. They do the devils work. Not one inch.

Russia has genocided the muslims in the Norther Caucasus,Romanians in Moldova,Budjak and Northern Bukovina,Poles,Balts,etc.Why do you think Russia is hated by everyone of its neighbours?

NATO NEVER genocided a nation and took its land as its own.Russia just occupied a country and stole territory from it,Crimea was never russian,that's a fairy tale,it was a Khanate of the Tatars up until 230 years ago.

Now,i won't excuse the US,US is a superpower,superpowers are not without sins but Russia can't throw any stones.When it comes to killers and thieves they're the biggest ones out there.Russia is a threat to peace and civilisation.Hope this threat will be removed.
And the people got violent coz of the visits n "encouragement" ?

Western leaders gave the protesters the blessing to continue their violent ways, not to mention the propaganda that was spread to encourage more protests against the government.

more like ukrainians wanted to be part of EU.. = no more buffer zone for russia?

When was there ever a vote on that? Most of Ukraine's population resides in the east and most of the people do not want to be a part of the EU.

When did Ukranine launch military operations? heck they were so pathetic that their troops just surrendered n marched back to kiev singing their national anthem.. which russians sent troops to crimea n now ....

When ukraine's own troops surrender or refuse to fight what does that tell you? They do not support the puppet government, who would die for a puppet government that they didn't support?

Lets also not deviate from the subject, Ukraine did launch at least two military operations the days after meeting with Joe Bidden and the CIA director. It does not matter the outcome, what matters is that it appears that Washington was pushing for the operations. Can you imagine if Russian politicians and the FSB did the same thing? Ordering a puppet government that was installed with their help to attack American civilians.

Russia has genocided the muslims in the Norther Caucasus,Romanians in Moldova,Budjak and Northern Bukovina,Poles,Balts,etc.Why do you think Russia is hated by everyone of its neighbours?

NATO NEVER genocided a nation and took its land as its own.Russia just occupied a country and stole territory from it,Crimea was never russian,that's a fairy tale,it was a Khanate of the Tatars up until 230 years ago.

Now,i won't excuse the US,US is a superpower,superpowers are not without sins but Russia can't throw any stones.When it comes to killers and thieves they're the biggest ones out there.Russia is a threat to peace and civilisation.Hope this threat will be removed.

Iraq 1 millions deaths. You have no room or moral authority to argue.
Iraq 1 millions deaths. You have no room or moral authority to argue.

I've always said Irak was a blatant agression and a mistake.Stop talking to me like i'\m an american or a westerner and not a citizen of that tiny Eastern European nation who endured so much from Russia in the last 200 years.(its people killed,russified,land grabs,theft,etc)
I've always said Irak was a blatant agression and a mistake.Stop talking to me like i'\m an american or a westerner and not a citizen of that tiny Eastern European nation who endured so much from Russia in the last 200 years.(its people killed,russified,land grabs,theft,etc)

But it's not only Iraq, NATO has been involved in dozens of conflicts. Interesting that you distance yourself from the Iraq invasion but at the same time blame Russia and use derogatory terms towards Russia and its people.

Lets me ask you this, how many Russians today are responsible for the mistakes of the past? How many Russians actually have control of what the government does? Russians are always evil and oppressive, always invading but people forget Russia was attacked by Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Turkey, ect. Funny how quickly people forget their dirty past but are quick to point fingers at others.
But it's not only Iraq, NATO has been involved in dozens of conflicts. Interesting that you distance yourself from the Iraq invasion but at the same time blame Russia and use derogatory terms towards Russia and its people.

Lets me ask you this, how many Russians today are responsible for the mistakes of the past? How many Russians actually have control of what the government does? Russians are always evil and oppressive, always invading but people forget Russia was attacked by Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Turkey, ect. Funny how quickly people forget their dirty past but are quick to point fingers at others.

I also consider the bombing of Serbia and Kosovo independence big mistakes but Iraq and Kosovo weren't annexed to NATO.

Dude,please stop it with the "Romania attacked us in '41".You're one the few rational Russian posters in here you know damn well the circumstances,the land grab Russia (SU) did just a few months before,the murders that returning Romanian troops found upon return,etc.Let's not go there.Unlike Russian members i even admitted that Romanian troops commited horrible war crimes,like in Odessa.Even the fact that they don't teach you in Russia the reasons we've joined Germany in '41 or that you just don't want to admit it that you had it coming and ours was a just war (up to the Dniester) is a sign that Russia doesn't take responsability for past crimes.

I don't hold Russians of today responsible for the past ,i hold you responsible for the present and the present tells us that Russia can't reform,it still has that agressive gene.Your country single handedly brought war back in Europe in 2014,your country is a danger to this region to the Baltics,Poland,Romania.Yes,it's becoming an "us vs them" situation,and believe,it pains me to think in these terms in this day and age.
You're a nato propagandist and apologist. Killing thousands of Serbians and Yugoslavians is a " mistake according to you ". Breaking Yugoslavia up into tiny little countries, just a " mistake ". Effectively annexing Kosovo from Serbia, just a mistake. Killing MILLIONS YES MILLIONS through depleted uranium sanctions and bombs. Effectively destroying Iraq and turning it into an alqeada hellhole, sorry mistake. Illegally bombing Libya and turning it into a feudal cantonized all qeada breeding ground. Just a little mistake guys.

What planet do you live on? These countries were all annexed at least their economies and resources. They don't want to add them to the EU. That's why they weren't " annexed " but everything of value was taken millions were killed and the countries decimated.

All this was just in the past decade. I'm not even touching the 80s. These were all mistakes. And since you say they are mistakes you want to pretend that makes you an honest broker? Ha. Only you and your nato lackey buy that rotten fish.

On the other hand. Russian protected crimeans, who are over 80% ethnic Russian, against nato funded fascists. They did the same when Georgia invaded russia. Then Russia took these people in. Gave them a safe haven, security, anew beginning. In Crimea nobody died. In Kiev natosnipers killed close to a hundred people. In easter ukraine we are close to the same figure and since russia won't act, many more will die

You see to care more about a piece of land than human life. You fit right in with those lying devil worshippers whose only real thirst is blood and death.

Your lies are dead. And bankrupt. You will no longer be allowed to twist history for your own personal gain you dirty devil worshippers. Hide behind these Pakistanis to post your propaganda all you want. We will be here to shine light on your propaganda.

I also consider the bombing of Serbia and Kosovo independence big mistakes but Iraq and Kosovo weren't annexed to NATO.

Dude,please stop it with the "Romania attacked us in '41".You're one the few rational Russian posters in here you know damn well the circumstances,the land grab Russia (SU) did just a few months before,the murders that returning Romanian troops found upon return,etc.Let's not go there.Unlike Russian members i even admitted that Romanian troops commited horrible war crimes,like in Odessa.Even the fact that they don't teach you in Russia the reasons we've joined Germany in '41 or that you just don't want to admit it that you had it coming and ours was a just war (up to the Dniester) is a sign that Russia doesn't take responsability for past crimes.

I don't hold Russians of today responsible for the past ,i hold you responsible for the present and the present tells us that Russia can't reform,it still has that agressive gene.Your country single handedly brought war back in Europe in 2014,your country is a danger to this region to the Baltics,Poland,Romania.Yes,it's becoming an "us vs them" situation,and believe,it pains me to think in these terms in this day and age.
You're a nato propagandist and apologist. Killing thousands of Serbians and Yugoslavians is a " mistake according to you ". Breaking Yugoslavia up into tiny little countries, just a " mistake ". Effectively annexing Kosovo from Serbia, just a mistake. Killing MILLIONS YES MILLIONS through depleted uranium sanctions and bombs. Effectively destroying Iraq and turning it into an alqeada hellhole, sorry mistake. Illegally bombing Libya and turning it into a feudal cantonized all qeada breeding ground. Just a little mistake guys.

What planet do you live on? These countries were all annexed at least their economies and resources. They don't want to add them to the EU. That's why they weren't " annexed " but everything of value was taken millions were killed and the countries decimated.

All this was just in the past decade. I'm not even touching the 80s. These were all mistakes. And since you say they are mistakes you want to pretend that makes you an honest broker? Ha. Only you and your nato lackey buy that rotten fish.

On the other hand. Russian protected crimeans, who are over 80% ethnic Russian, against nato funded fascists. They did the same when Georgia invaded russia. Then Russia took these people in. Gave them a safe haven, security, anew beginning. In Crimea nobody died. In Kiev natosnipers killed close to a hundred people. In easter ukraine we are close to the same figure and since russia won't act, many more will die

You see to care more about a piece of land than human life. You fit right in with those lying devil worshippers whose only real thirst is blood and death.

Your lies are dead. And bankrupt. You will no longer be allowed to twist history for your own personal gain you dirty devil worshippers. Hide behind these Pakistanis to post your propaganda all you want. We will be here to shine light on your propaganda.

You're a loonatic and this is not a pro NATO site.In the end NATO is far more civilised than Russia and there are no "millions of victims in Yougoslavia-NATO bombing of '99"

Yougoslavia broke apart because everyone wanted out not because of NATO,seriously take your pills troll.

Georgia acted against russian protected terrorists on its own territory.It is clear to me that you have no ideea of what you're talking about.Good will triumph in the end,Russia will fall.God willing.Amin.
What happened in Odessa yesterday is much worse than what the initial reports had indicated: it was truly a deliberate and blood-curling massacre. To summarize:
In Odessa the pro-Russian demonstrators had never seized a building, all they did was erecting a small tent city and hanging out there. Hardly any violence had taken place. Yesterday, the neo-Nazis finally made their move:
1) They bussed in large numbers of Right Sector thugs.
2) They then got the local football hooligans (paid by oligarchs according to some reports) to begin a nationalist demonstration.
3) The Right Sector thugs then joined the hooligans and together they viciously attacked the pro-Russian tent city: the tents were torn down and the anti-regime demonstrators viciously beat up to a pulp. The local cops stood by and watched.
4) The anti-regime demonstrators ran literally for their lives towards the building of Unions which had been their normal rallying point at which point they were surrounded and the building set ablaze.
5) Those attempting to leave the building were severely beat up and many murdered. Many were shot while standing in the windows to flee from the flames.
6) The neo-Nazis did not let the firefighters through.
7) With each jumping demonstrator or each person shot in the windows the crowd would scream "Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to he heroes!" Many took souvenir videos. For them, this was a joyful, liberating event.
8) The Ukrainian social networks flooded with joyful messages congratulation the "heroes" in Odessa and promising more of the same to the accursed Moskals.
9) The Western and Ukie press reported the events as a "clash" with "casualties" but with no reference to any one party causing this massacre.
10) The last fatalities figure was at 46. But with many dying from smoke inhalation and, especially, burns, it will probably go up.
This is most definitely a pro nato site. And yes MILLIONS were killed in Iraq. Depleted uranium, bombs and sanctions that is how nato kills. This is what you call civilized? I think you are the lunatic.

Yugoslavia broke apart because nato bombed the hell out of it and fomented civil war. Just like the are doing in ukraine. Not only are you a bloodthirsty lunatic, but you're also a blatant liar.

Georgia attacked Russia. Nato had to finally admit this or didn't you know? Then they started killing osettians. Russia defended itself and its people. Now south Ossetia and Abkhazia are peaceful countries .

Juxtapose that with Iraq Afghanistan Libya ukraine. Your lies simply don't hold up to the light of day. Under historical scrutiny they fall apart.

The only thing that's clear is you're not even a good propagandist. Very poorly educated. Nato funded education no doubt.

And yes, good will win out in the end. Weren't you just celebrating t fact that 40 human beings were burned alive by right sector neo Nazis?

Do not mention God in your posts. God does not condone the burning alive of human beings, only Nazis and devil worshippers condone that. Your god is a false god. If that is what he tells you is good.

You and yours will pay for what you are doing to the free peoples of the world. Nothing lasts forever.

When the wolves are at your walls. You will know god.

You're a loonatic and this is not a pro NATO site.In the end NATO is far more civilised than Russia and there are no "millions of victims in Yougoslavia"

Yougoslavia broke apart because everyone wanted out not because of NATO,seriously take your pills troll.

Georgia acted against russian protected terrorists on its own territory.It is clear to me that you have no ideea of what you're talking about.Good will triumph in the end,Russia will fall.God willing.Amin.
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