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UK will maintain contested £1 billion India aid

Are you living on ****ing Mars? America has started more wars than any other country in the past 6 decades.

Well that is the job of 'WORLD POLICE' or 'WORLD POWER' if you may!! To protect the world!!

And dude you're American yourself??!! Or patriotism of being "Asian American" overtakes the feeling of American nationalism??!!
Some times i really hope, that these "Chinese Americans" and "Pakistani Americans" who sit in America and spew against America are being monitored by some intelligence authority.
And for those who are harping on about China being a et donor of aid, here's an interesting paper about Chinese "Aid"

Generally China avoids giving or lending cash up front to the recipient countries. Rather,most deals are quasi barter. Chinese construction and engineering companies, employing a large phalanx of skilled Chinese workers and some local workers, receive funding directly from, say, the China Export-Import Bank. Then over several years the host country agrees to repay the bank in commodity terms—oil or, say, iron ore, whose production and marketing may be facilitated by the construction project itself. To increase leverage in assuring repayment, China may also provide follow-on maintenance crews for the railway, port, or power plant—as well as
dangling the possibility of complementary projects in the future.​

http://www.stanford.edu/~johntayl/McKinnon Review 2 _2_.pdf

But Niu Jun, a professor in the School of International Relations at Peking University, said China also gives aid in situations where it does not expect anything in return, such as disaster relief.
No way. :rofl:

DEVELOPMENT: China Moves from Aid Recipient to Aid Donor - IPS ipsnews.net
Some times i really hope, that these "Chinese Americans" and "Pakistani Americans" who sit in America and spew against America are being monitored by some intelligence authority.


if india doesn't spend enormous amounts of money on "defense military equipment" they wouldn't need to beg other countries for aid.
if india doesn't spend enormous amounts of money on "defense military equipment" they wouldn't need to beg other countries for aid.

look who's talking about BEGGING??!! haha What about $1.5billion aid from US for war on terror, Billions of dollars from UK, £2billion from IMF to help nearly BANKRUPT economy? World bank aid? and zero percent loans from Asian bank??!!

Need I say more?!

And btw I'm british indian and I don't mind my parents' [tax payers] money [tax] go to India!!
if india doesn't spend enormous amounts of money on "defense military equipment" they wouldn't need to beg other countries for aid.

Well let me explain begging. When a country says our survival is at risk if we do not get aid that is called begging.
Coalition Support Fund payments: Pakistan unhappy over donor inaction – The Express Tribune

The aid that India gets, it has never asked for it. Even China gets aid. This the big difference and mind your language, atleast when Pakistan is in such a state asking money all over the world, you should be using the language like begging for India.

India also donated 10 billion to IMF what did you do?
Some times i really hope, that these "Chinese Americans" and "Pakistani Americans" who sit in America and spew against America are being monitored by some intelligence authority.

You know what we call them?? ungrateful people!!
You know what we call them?? ungrateful people!!

1. China has hurt the US? No.
2. China has not helped the US? 1865~1869, US Pacific Railway built by the Chinese people.
3. How many Chinese scientists working for the USA? How much money China lends the U.S?
USA military embargo on China, USA to contain China through the construction of island chain, USA even bombing of our embassies. Who is ungrateful people?
I serious do not like those people who live in US, earn in US and still crticize USA. I think US government should throw them out.

How can the US government throw out its own citizens for criticizing the USA?

How about if their family has lived in the USA for generations?

Or are we just talking about immigrants here...
How can the US government throw out its own citizens for criticizing the USA?

How about if their family has lived in the USA for generations?

Or are we just talking about immigrants here...

I am talking about migrants that only criticize USA. There are people who will never utter one good word about USA but also stay in USA. If you look around you will find such people. Sometimes criticizing is ok, but if everytime you find USA to be wrong, why stay there come back.

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