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UK likely to cut 1 billion pound aid to india

Its not always bribe. The UK aid has helped in many projects in rural India.

EG: DFID - Battling malaria in India
DFID - Changing attitudes in rural India
DFID - A safe arrival for IndiaDFID - India

Department of International aid deals with state governments and it has benefitted people atleast on some smaller scale. After all its free money , so people shouldnt complain without having any idea on how this is working.

In a totally hypothetical scenario since its the Government of UK that made the payment, what stops them from asking India in the next round of talks, "Hey we saved millions from malaria, how about you return the favor and vote against Iran for xyz sanctions?"

Free Money? Such a thing does not exist.
its fine if foreigners want to donate money for welfare and upliftment of poor and disadvantaged people India, it is a noble work. It's also fine if they don't want give it. But all that should be transparent and properly regulated. It must be mandatory for all the NGOs to make their balance sheets public and make it available online. They should come under RTI act in some form.
with india having 600 million living below the poverty line they will be hit the hardest. my heart goes out to them. this is a terrible move by U.K. and i hope the U.K. reconsiders this.

Bcoz India isn't Pak which goes round the globe begging for donations to repay installments for its military spending while its civilians r being targeted by drones...:guns:
Acutally, there was quite strong rumor that this money was being used to grease the hands of defence officials for the MMRCA, our politicians did not even burp I guess.. too less a grease to give it a thought :lol:

Oh my gosh...you evil, evil little people :angry:

i wish everyone would do the same favor to us, we could get some good and pure politicians who are really interested in doing something for our country,

Good leaders and politicians in our country? Maybe in the next century :lol:

Just noticed your signature bhai....ononto jolil..lol:rofl: pom gana,.......:rofl::rofl:

Yep, just couldn't get enough of that :D
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