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UK likely to cut 1 billion pound aid to india

Thank god, we do not need our money.. its has been said by our ex Fin Min too..
you can't take care of your own selfs. the world isn't fooled. look at all the commericals here in the u.s. highlighting poverty in india and asking for donations.

is this the reason your PM and President gone for official visit for collection of aid?

Is this the reason your army run by US aid?
average indian here who i interact with say that conditions are bad in india. too much corruption, poverty and all you indian on the internet just spread propganda which is only heard in thethe virtual world. but the reality is the other way around.
India could have utilized this aid for poor improvement programs but they denounce this aid, their policy I can't complain but I see lack of effective management in India.
India could have utilized this aid for poor improvement programs but they denounce this aid, their police I can't complain but I see lack of effective management in India.

Seeing the size of Indian population, 200 million aid is not of any help, British need it more than us. They have increased the aid for your country, be happy with that.
is this the reason your PM and President gone for official visit for collection of aid?

Is this the reason your army run by US aid?

I doubt you seniority here with such crap that you Indians always have to say blindly, grow up try to argue instead making statements which are just made to satisfy your ego.
average indian here who i interact with say that conditions are bad in india. too much corruption, poverty and all you indian on the internet just spread propganda which is only heard in thethe virtual world. but the reality is the other way around.

In exchange wat are things did you shared about your country and its current situation?

I am awaiting to hear that details:azn:
with india having 600 million living below the poverty line they will be hit the hardest. my heart goes out to them. this is a terrible move by U.K. and i hope the U.K. reconsiders this.

I heard GOI is considering allowing UK to bomb and kill Indians civilians to get the UK to continue the aid. UK has agreed the price is cheap for playing the online game.
Good, at last. They probably need the money but oh well. We can't force it upon them.
Better off being invested in the UK.
Seeing the size of Indian population, 200 million aid is not of any help, British need it more than us. They have increased the aid for your country, be happy with that.

but taking figures into real grounds, this small aid still could have help few if not large part of effected people as you say. still the point is this could be used this was not harming anything, yes we lack funds and we take aid to compensate that deficit to 'IMPROVE' the life style needy people because they deserve it , our egos never come in between.
but taking figures into real grounds, this small aid still could have help few if not large part of effected people as you say. still the point is this could be used this was not harming anything, yes we lack funds and we take aid to compensate that deficit to 'IMPROVE' the life style needy people because they deserve it , our egos never come in between.

You people do anything for aid everybody knows about it ,sorry India is not in that league.
but taking figures into real grounds, this small aid still could have help few if not large part of effected people as you say. still the point is this could be used this was not harming anything, yes we lack funds and we take aid to compensate that deficit to 'IMPROVE' the life style needy people because they deserve it , our egos never come in between.

We are not dying for this aid. We can generate enough funds in India. British need that money more than us, that's why every time they make more complains on this aid money.
You people do anything for aid everybody knows about it ,sorry India is not in that league.

so you are trying to say, you yourself get all basic necessities of life, hell with the poor if they die who cares?, my image should not be effected around. shame on such low ethical standards.
200 million won't really be of any help to an economy as big as ours. It's basically 0.02% of our GDP. :lol:
We are not dying for this aid. We can generate enough funds in India. British need that money more than us, that's why every time they make more complains on this aid money.

IF you can, then why you have largest proportion of needy people in world? why there is no solid improvements there? ask needy people of your country they will tell you what this small aid worth to them if utilized.
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